Falling pics 11/25/09

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if the cuts match and wood is holding where it needs to be holding, you are in buisness!

Getting things level just takes time, I still have a hard time sometimes. I have nocitec that a longer bar makes it easier to keep it level.

This is driving me nuts. There's no bend in the bar anywhere that I can see. No uneven rails. No bad drive links.

I'm puttin' on a new rim sprocket and a new chain and we'll see what tomorrow brings if the rain ain't dumping.
Probably a chain issue, spend some time making all the teeth look alike & see what you get. Or if a regular fileing makes it worse..
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I would replace everything at the same time, bar included. You could jack up the fuel cap and slide a new chainsaw under it. 346XP?
Getting cuts even takes work, lots of practice, it looks to me that you are on the right track. Bar length will make a difference in perception and balance, use of a spotter can help you get the "picture" of what level looks like.
This is driving me nuts. There's no bend in the bar anywhere that I can see. No uneven rails. No bad drive links.

I'm puttin' on a new rim sprocket and a new chain and we'll see what tomorrow brings if the rain ain't dumping.

I'm thinking the rails are wore out- widened. And I've never had rails mashed back in to form last more than half a day. But, flip the bar and it might get you by.

Have fun tomorrow, I hope the cutting is smoother, sure makes it better!
This is driving me nuts. There's no bend in the bar anywhere that I can see. No uneven rails. No bad drive links.

I'm puttin' on a new rim sprocket and a new chain and we'll see what tomorrow brings if the rain ain't dumping.

If you're feeling brave you might take some video, post it on here, and let everybody critique it. Sometimes not hitting your cuts is as simple as just standing wrong or getting in a little too much of a hurry. And, for what it's worth, nobody makes a perfect cut every time...I know this first hand. In smaller wood like you're cutting, where your cuts aren't huge, a slightly tweaked bar probably wouldn't matter much.

Stay after it.
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Are you comin' up short? Or missing long on the cut?


Sometimes both. It binds up bad once I'm full bar width in. Backing it up or facing it up, it sweeps up or down... those last 5 snags it was a pain in the ass to keep things square and level.

I would replace everything at the same time, bar included.

That's my plan. The State is springing for a new bar and chain.

I'm thinking the rails are wore out- widened. And I've never had rails mashed back in to form last more than half a day. But, flip the bar and it might get you by.

I think they may be. The chain seems to be riding really low on the rails.

Have fun tomorrow, I hope the cutting is smoother, sure makes it better!

Thank ya sir.
today was crappy stump day.

i think my bar got tweaked ever so slightly.

5 out of 10 stumps would make you guys wince.

I'll get a pic of one or two tomorrow. Now it's time to go find out why this thing is binding up bad and cuttin' like a snake.

. You may have a burr on one side of the bar rails . . or a very wore out bar . which can happen sometimes way faster than others . . the other 2 options are one side of the cutters is a bit dull or one side of the riders is lower than the other. .. Bar burrs is and or a shot bar are the most common causes of cutting crooked ....... Do you have a rail closer / roller??
Crouching down to keep a low stump height will throw you off, that is why I left waist high stumps.

My mileage has been exactly the opposite. I find that if I'm down on one knee, it's easier and more natural to keep an eye on the top of the tree, and also easier to launch myself in the direction of escape if need be. Plus, I can use the length of my legs to push my body around to look around the tree rather than walking around it. Mind you, I have never cut for scale, so there's no compelling reason for me not to leave a high stump. I just like my posture better when I'm crouched and ready to move.
Crouching down to keep a low stump height will throw you off, that is why I left waist high stumps. I might kneel before God, but not a tree.

. AWESOME !!!!!!!!..
. I have the same problem with real low stumps ... The old saying , " fall em where its comfortable " makes it the easiest to hit a lay every time ......
One reason it is alot of work learning how to use spring boards right ... Getting them at the right height and the right level is a real skill .....
Did some standing on the bar and bending and cussing in the kitchen this morning. Got it as straight as I can. Cutting went smooth today.

Put in a new rim sprocket and a different chain.

Got 10 snags down today no sweat. My folks came up to visit and my dad got some pics of me cutting. I will post those here in a bit.

Before pic posting, I wanted to say thanks to you guys :clap: The knowledge base here is quietly monumental.

And Bob, just saw your post. I think that is a good idea. I could use a few applauses and a few tomatoes thrown at me :laugh:

Me and my brother standing by the second largest shortleaf pine in OK. 4ft. in diameter.

First tree of the day


This was the first time my dad had seen what I do as far as my volunteer work goes. He enjoyed it and got a little exercise out of it. Not bad for a pharmacist using a camera phone :laugh:
I think he forgot to save a few pics though.
One of three roadside hazards we did today. The road
is off to the right of the pic about 20ft.


You are doing good, run a little further away though. Did the butt hit that rock? There are ways to get the butt to roll off rocks and stumps.
Who ever took the pics did a great job.
You are doing good, run a little further away though. Did the butt hit that rock? There are ways to get the butt to roll off rocks and stumps.
Who ever took the pics did a great job.

the butt hit the rock and slid straight ahead into the lay before rolling a few feet down the hill to the next few trees. i had two escape routes for that tree, uphill and downhill. i went downhill and away behind a tree.

although in hindsight i could have cut on the uphill side just as well, but there were more rocks to scramble over.

thanks for your words.