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Feb 7, 2004
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Suffolk Uk
I have heard recently about a fungus that can live in your diesel fuel tank,it can block up your pump,injectors,filters etc etc and give you all types of expensive agro.

The first I heard about the fungus was through a friend who puts a fungicidle additive in the fuel tank of his boat..I also read [on here] about a guy who had the fungus growing in his skid-steer fuel tank aparently it cost him plenty in time and money...

I'm a little curios and concerned as I have the odd bit of machinery that can sit about idle for a few weeks to a month at a time.Have any of you guys experienced any problems with the diesel loving fungus,and are any of you out there adding fungacide to your diesel feul ??
the only one i know off is gypsy nickitoffus...a bit rampant around additive available just big dogs.....this strain seems to love either white or red desiel and when tested denies it was ever there...even with infection very evident...shooting might be the only cure....
One of our excavators at work had a problem with some kind of fungus in the tank, its not a problem any more so im assuming they did something to fix it. I'll ask about it next time i see the boss. Now we just have a problem with the paint or whatever it is inside the tank comming off and plugging up one of the fuel screens, you oughta see the ???? that i clean out of that little screen on a nearly daily bassis, i dont see how it even runs.
I have experienced it with jet fuel, which is a higher grade of diesel. There is an additive called "prist" which is added by the fuel company. Large quantities we also supposed to be ciruculated and filtered if stored for long periods to prevent fungus accumulation. You might want to check with the place you purchase your fuel about the additives. Also, might not hurt to find someone who has a high volume of diesel fuel sales. The more they sale, the shorter period of time the fuel sits in storage. Food for thought.

Contaminant build up resulting from excessive microbial growth and bio-degradation of diesel fuel can cause fuel filter plugging. Micro-organisms, bacteria and enzyme activity, fungus, yeast and mold cause diesel fuel degradation and the formation of waste products. The process is similar to milk turning into cottage cheese, a different form of milk. Of all the microbial debris and waste products in the diesel fuel tank only about .01% is bugs. Even though microbes may cause and accelerate the process of fuel degradation, it should be clear that the waste products clogging your filter are not the microbes but fuel components which have formed solids.

Frequently, the application of a biocide aggravates the situation and turns bio-film into solids, creating a real fuel filter nightmare. Bio film develops through out the entire diesel fuel system. It grows in the water fuel interface and on the walls, baffles, and bottoms of fuel storage tanks. An unlucky end user may be filling up his fuel tank and getting this debris delivered as a part of his diesel fuel, for the same price as the diesel fuel.

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