Got wood left?

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I wish I could but with a bad back I don't want to lift heavier pieces than I have to. Also, it would probably take twice as long (4 yrs) for the big stuff to dry out. During the winter, with the size the wood is cut now we still only had to fill up 2 times a day.

Take care!!
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I see

Yeah, I guess that a bad back would require the smaller splits. You have a nice jump on next Winter. I've got almost 6 cords done for Winter 09-10. I plan on 10-12 more before mid June and 8 more in the Fall.:cheers:
I split about half of what I cut to that size for the Missus...she tends the boiler in the mornings before she goes to work...I'm thankful that she does that, not many do....and, I met her in person for the first time today, 8 years ago...blind date.
Lots-o-wood left, cutting for 2012, had many tops left down the road and been cutting on them since last year,oak, and hickory. I always have a mess of soft maple on hand for early and this time of year to keep good stuff for winter. the heatmor usually goes till mid to late may.:greenchainsaw:

have tons of wood left im good tell 2013 :) and i still have more trees to take down around the house. guess im going to have to sell some of it :greenchainsaw:
In a previous thread I stated I had @7 cord left well I've been working on rebuilding my wood shed and I measured the rows...Almost 9 cord left :clap: Thats just a bit less than I've used this season.I've got @3 waiting to be split and picking up what looks to be another cord today on the way home.

I havent even tapped my regular reliable source yet,and I'm almost good for 09/10.
You all are referred to as my "woody friends" by my wife. She doesn't understand the excitement of finding a new wood source or the satisfaction of watching the woodpile grow after each weekend's work. She does appreciate the crackling fire in the fireplace though.;)

My wife says something close, LOL.

Last year, I found an awesome place for firewood. I went as much as I could. After the second load, wife was going......"We have enough".....I just said This winter the stove never really stopped for a month.

This is the first year she told me......Have you found wood sources yet....LOL!
now that's funny

There's still +/- 3 cords under the roof of the barn for the remainder of this year and the start of next. It takes me longer this time of year to gather up a toteful because I pick around the select stuff I want to keep for next year. No sense in burning some good solid red oak when a punky piece of maple will do when outside temps are up to 40°.

Here's the remainder of my 2009-10 supply, as well as the start of the 2010-11 season. Lots of fresh split birch, red maple, and red oak (split since Dec). The rounds in the foreground are white oak. There's a separate pile about a 1/2 cord strong of split white oak. That'll get burnt in 2011 - no need to rush the seasoning.


Maul's eye view:

PS, my wife hollered acrosst the yard to me as I was clicking these pics: "Why are you taking pictures of the woodpile? It's for those firewood geeks you hang out with on the Internet, isn't it?" :laugh:

Anyone else's significant other bust his chops for taking pics of woodpiles? LOL

everybody's firewood within a 20mi. radius, including my two piles, are gone.

the wildfire got 'em.

I am still burning, although not every day or night.
I still have a small pile
I ran out a couple times and won't let that happen again
About 20 cords, good for the 09/10--11/12 heating season. Will probably put up at least that much more this summer the back off a little bit...

Sorry to here about your loss Foresty
Left, right, here, there, its all over the darn place.:cheers:

Many cords in the pic, but not enough for one winter.


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We have a full cord of split white and red oak left. Not going to touch it until next Jan/Feb. Been getting a trailer load of junk wood once a week to get us through the cold spells. I can haul around a half face cord on the little trailer. Hauled around forty loads to get through last winter...

First year with the OWB, and burning wood. Hopefully I can get a year ahead on my wood supply this spring, summer, and fall. All the hard work is worth it considering I haven't seen the propane truck all winter.
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got two left




about three cord left (behind and under cover) and 3 cord stacked for 10/11 with another two+ in logs that i need to process in the coming week
We had a cold snap and I had to dip into my next's years pile..still trying hard not to burn alot but there's no point in having a fire unless your produce some heat!!

Forestryworks. I saw you pictures in another thread, Thats pretty intense.

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