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Feb 27, 2002
Reaction score
se washington
Been going stir crazy locked in the hosue due to the heat wave, not able to cut due to fire danger.

Opened e-mail and family friend askign if I wouild be willing to remove a city tree that had fallen on her lot. Wentdown an looked at it:


That canopy would bury my house! It just brused on corner of hers taking down a bit of rain gutter. She says she won't even turn it in to insurance as the dedcutible would be far more than cost of repair. She didn't figure int he cost to rebuild the the end sectionof the dog run I don't think - that is pretty well wrecked.

I checked it out - easy access, no wires, no hazards and they will do all the brush haulign and dragging it out of my way as I work! A dream come true. I have NEVER been able to work up a tree without taking care of the brush - all I have to do is keep it kicked out of my way while I'm working.

Poor show of the butt end - I haven't been up to get a good look at it - they say about 2' dieameter - I am gussing about 20".


Looks like it is free of the roots and pretty well clear of the ground - makes working on the top end ticklish as I can't see through the brush well enouigh yet to figure just how and when it will want to move. Had to warn the friend (female, 70ish) to stay well clear of it while working on the brush.

Using my usual technique - start on top and cut and clear everything as I go leaving nothing behind me except empty space.

I'm figuring 2 more days, perhaps 3. Can't start before 9am (city ordinance) and have to be back at the house 11:30-12 to fix my disabled wife breakfast. Nice that she sleeps till almost noon - gives me the morning free to do things.

Then to top off the day the farmer that I have left 3 messages on the machine and one with his wife asking if he wanted me to remove a tree that is half down hanging over his field (farmed around it this year). When I started on the grove he stipulated that I could have "Anything that is down". I figured he would want the problem removed but I wasn't going to cut it until he said OK.

So, I'm back in action again and it sure does feel good after a month and a half.

Harry K
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Using my usual technique - start on top and cut and clear everything as I go leaving nothing behind me except empty space.

Different strokes for different folks! I like to start limbing from the butt up, figure the weight and spread of the crown will help keep it stable and off the ground. Good score, no matter which direction it's cut from :) Looks to be almost a cord in it?
Day 2 and quite after 2 1/2 hours of steady work. Made good progress but well short of what I thought I would have done:


Have just the one limb still hanging over the dog run and the big one pointing straight at the camera to remove and will be back to the main trunk and limb stems. My guess of 2 maybe three days needs revision. Probably another 3 days still to do at a couple hours a day.

Figure tomorrow to do a bit more brushing and then make a run to Potlatch with the 310.

Busted my MS310. Cut one of the overhanging limbs, tip hit ground, the spring kept it held on the stub. "I'll just push it over with my hand"...oops should have looked first. That cut end worked jsut like a guillotine - hit the hantdle right above the throttle. I'm hoping it is just the pieces that hold the throttle parts to be replaced.


First real damage I've ever done to a saw. Had I looked Icould have jsut kicked both saws out of the way.

Harry K
Good fun score! Sorry about the busted saw.

I have noticed the saw gawds like to have fun with us.....just for their sport I matter where you put a saw down, it is in the way..
Free wood is always the best, At least you don't have to deal with all that brush because there is a lot of it.
Day 3. Late start. 30 mile run to Potlatch to drop off the saw and winch at 8 only to find they don't open on Sat until 9. Finally got started cutting a 10 - rremoved all the stuff overhanging the dog run, trim here there, remove prop on right side and cut big limb back. Diddled around with the big limb stretching out and up towards the house. Removed some of it and decided it would hit the house unless I pulled it. Didn't have the PU with the cabling stuff so quit at 11.


Lousy picture but in bright sun not much shows on the view screen.

I have two props on the right side remaining - tried to convince myself that it would roll that way if I cut them is better. Back tomorrow with PU, cable, comalong and pull it to be sure it will go that way.

Got newss last night that my older brother died about noon. We found out he had cancer and didn't want anyone to know. Saw him last a few years ago and didn't look good then. With my disabled wife I will not be attending.

Harry K
Day 3. Late start. 30 mile run to Potlatch to drop off the saw and winch at 8 only to find they don't open on Sat until 9. Finally got started cutting a 10 - rremoved all the stuff overhanging the dog run, trim here there, remove prop on right side and cut big limb back. Diddled around with the big limb stretching out and up towards the house. Removed some of it and decided it would hit the house unless I pulled it. Didn't have the PU with the cabling stuff so quit at 11.


Lousy picture but in bright sun not much shows on the view screen.

I have two props on the right side remaining - tried to convince myself that it would roll that way if I cut them is better. Back tomorrow with PU, cable, comalong and pull it to be sure it will go that way.

Got newss last night that my older brother died about noon. We found out he had cancer and didn't want anyone to know. Saw him last a few years ago and didn't look good then. With my disabled wife I will not be attending.

Harry K

Sorry about your bro, man.....and he would understand with your wife and all no travelling far.

Your pics are fine, better than mine.
Lousy picture but in bright sun not much shows on the view screen.

Got newss last night that my older brother died about noon. We found out he had cancer and didn't want anyone to know. Saw him last a few years ago and didn't look good then. With my disabled wife I will not be attending.

Harry K

Great pics Harry. My condolences regarding your brother. I commend him for not wanting to burden others.
You're making good progress on that tree. Sorry to hear about your brother, it sounds like he did it on his own terms which is probably the best any of us can ask for.
Sorry to hear that, Harry. You're a real gentleman here, and you're carrying a heavy load -- I hope there are people around there who are helping you.
I've totally forgotten to get an ID on the the tree. The couple say it looks like an elderberry by what they found on hte 'net. I have neveer seen a true 'tree' elderberry and for sure none anywhere near this size. Wood is white, shows almost no grain, smooth, thin bark. Cuts very easy with big chips, density I would say is going to be on the light side when dry. I'll take some closeups tomorrow.

Tie that mother off tomorrow and see if I can get it to flop over to the right. Just two 'props' holding it now if I read it right.

I was way off on the size. That one cutoff white stub on the right is about 18" and it is still some 20' short of the butt. From what I can see it will go well over 2'.

Harry K
Day 4. Put PU up by the dog fence, cabled over and used a cable grabber to connect teh come-along. Nice people included that cable grabber with the winch! Hadn't been for that I dunno what I could have done - no way to get the truck in position ot pull with it.

Tightned the come-along up to the 'grunt stage', cut the front prop and cranked some more - it laid over about half way but more than enough to allow cutting those brushy branches with no danger to the house. Rest of the 3 1/2 hours was just scut work, cut a limb, chop it up in small pieces, cut anohter etc. then let the 361 eat big wood. Got about 15' of the log remianing ot cut. Where I stopped is a good 24". Gotta touch up the saw this afternoon and finish up tomorrow.

Here is a round, any idea as to species? Can't even see growth rings in it.


Harry K
Day 4. Put PU up by the dog fence, cabled over and used a cable grabber to connect teh come-along. Nice people included that cable grabber with the winch! Hadn't been for that I dunno what I could have done - no way to get the truck in position ot pull with it.

Tightned the come-along up to the 'grunt stage', cut the front prop and cranked some more - it laid over about half way but more than enough to allow cutting those brushy branches with no danger to the house. Rest of the 3 1/2 hours was just scut work, cut a limb, chop it up in small pieces, cut anohter etc. then let the 361 eat big wood. Got about 15' of the log remianing ot cut. Where I stopped is a good 24". Gotta touch up the saw this afternoon and finish up tomorrow.

Here is a round, any idea as to species? Can't even see growth rings in it.

Harry K

Leaf pics might help.

You a working dude, tell ya whut! I was going to cut today but decided to fix my generator instead (done).
Here is a round, any idea as to species? Can't even see growth rings in it.


Harry K

I have no clue, but it looks like good firewood to me. You're getting a lot of work done there, Harry.

You a working dude, tell ya whut! I was going to cut today but decided to fix my generator instead (done).

Yea, I've got 4 or 5 walnuts and a standing dead cherry I need to drop. Too hot for me. I mowed the yard instead.
Leaf pics might help.

You a working dude, tell ya whut! I was going to cut today but decided to fix my generator instead (done).

doubt if the leaf pic would help but will get one tomorrow. They are all dead and dry

The "work" is what I am getting out of it. Need the exersize. I have enough Black Locusst in the stockpile to last me the rest of my time here. Doesn't stop me from still looking and cutting though :)

Harry K
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