Help starting and old cranky engine...tricks?

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Nov 3, 2005
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Shop has an old General posthole digger i'm trying to get running. Was told it ran well a couple months ago (employee borrowed it). Ran it a little last weekend, drille a few 4" holes, but it wouldn't run right (would only run half choked) and the throttle cable broke. Fixed the throttle cable, put fresh gas in it, checked/cleaned the plug, won't run. Couple pops with WD-40, not much else. Is there a setting on the carb screws I can use to start from? Don't have a manual.... thanx!

Gonna go mess with it more and wait for a reply :p
I am not familiar with General, but when a small engine wont run right after sitting awhile its probably in the carb. Fuel turns bad and makes the moving parts stick together.
You can try spraying some carb cleaner into the carb and fuel line. You might get lucky and that will free the needle if it is sticking. If that doesnt work you will probably have to take it apart and clean it out. If you take it apart you might as well get a rebuild kit for it. They are usually pretty cheap.
While you have it apart make sure all the tiny passages are clean and free of debris. Dont stick a wire in them to clean them out. That can damage the hole. Use compressed air if you can or spray somthing through it to clean it out. If you cant get a rebuild kit examine the diaphrams real closely. If there are any holes, no matter how small,you will have to replace it.
All apart, all clean, all back together. I've played with a few carbs before, but all automotive. That thing is awful small n simple. Won't run at all now. Think maybe the diaphram for the needle needs replaced, thought I saw some gas coming out the bottom of the plate that covers the diaphram, probably like a weep hole. Darn. Guess I'll hunt for a kit/shop tomorrow.
Dont let looks decieve you.Small and simple will still make you think dirty thoughts with a ball peen hammer. Its real easy to to install something upside down or backwards. good luck.
WOOT! I got it! was about to give up and go home 'fore the wife started calling, but decided to try carb cleaner for starting fluid. That ran it a few seconds a few times til it was warm enough to run on it's own gas and I could tune it. Thanks for your help!
If you have to keep using a starting fluid you may have a low compression problem. If you can get a compression tester,check the compression. If it is below 90 psi than you have a wear problem. If that is the case then you could probably get away with putting a set of rings on it. rings ar usually pretty cheap. If you need a cylinder you might as well toss it in the trash can. A cylinder will not be cheap if you can even find it.
Just putting rings on it is sort of a half assed fix , but if you only use this digger on occasion and not commercially it should last a long time if the rings are the problem.