How many of you are BIAS!!!!

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Thats right. While Demi and me are having ta ta's over at the Whitehouse, upstairs of course, I'll have the military surrounding the EPA building ordering everyone out the building before we bomb the dayumm thing down.

By the way when Demi decorates the Whitehouse and has my new 20 foot big screen installed all yaw are welcome to come watch alittle uhhhhhhhh , Debbie does Washington and Tom does the Whole Country,LOLOL

Do away with welfare and illegals and you get my vote epa
just a bonus :laugh:
Smells Better?

Jim... Demi smells better!

Yeah Lou, you're probably right about that...however, it wouldn't be anytime at all before she would start griping about Thalls' saws being stacked up in front of the new plasma TV that she had installed for him and then Thall would forget about the fact that she used to smell good....Then where would he be? I'll tell you where...right back with us talking about the blasted EPA! I said...Ole Thall is like a hound on the hunt!....Thall, can I have a cabinet position...nothing too big you know....maybe secretary of...well, of something? :rock:
aint biased

check my sig line. i buy lots of stihls because i can cross breed parts from one of my junk saws to another saw to get back up and runniin. husky can not be cross bred.i have bought some 024 part saws so i can keep my ms 260 pro 028 048 runnin.
Mr. President
I would like to be considered for the post of "The Head Printer" of the Treasury.
All new Treasury Notes will feature the Sthil girls instead of dead presidents. Coins will feature the bust of Demi too!
I won't need a salary, just all I can print along with a nice cushie office over looking the Potomac river.

Thank You

Mr President is Fawn Hall our First Lady?

Consider it done, welcome! By the way can you by chance get some new money making plates, I'd like to have my face on the new 1000 dollar bill. When printing Demi on the coins do it in silver but her bust in copper, I like a stand out view. You don't need a salary, non-sense, 200 grand starting out and slip a few bills in ya pocket during the day, what the hell, no one will notice,hehe
That will be up to the new President. Bigger question - what will be on the reverse side???? a crotch??:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

I think a bent over shot will work just fine,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Do away with welfare and illegals and you get my vote epa
just a bonus :laugh:

That will be second order of business Mr.Rope. First order will be making August 16th a national holiday, the day Elvis died and Babe Ruth as well. Bet yaw didn't know that, they both died on August 16th. To celebrate all men will be required to wear some hair jelly and slick back their hair, if they have any, and the women will be by law forced to cook all the men peanut butter and banana sandwhiches. Love Me Tender will be played throughout the day and after 8pm WAY DOWN shall be played throughout the nite, the whole country will be rocking, hot diggy dog.
In honor of the Mighty Babe all "bats and balls"(that still rise to the ocasion that is ) must be used before the day is over regardless of whether she says no or not, free packs of Viagra will be provided on August 16th only..:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Yeah Lou, you're probably right about that...however, it wouldn't be anytime at all before she would start griping about Thalls' saws being stacked up in front of the new plasma TV that she had installed for him and then Thall would forget about the fact that she used to smell good....Then where would he be? I'll tell you where...right back with us talking about the blasted EPA! I said...Ole Thall is like a hound on the hunt!....Thall, can I have a cabinet position...nothing too big you know....maybe secretary of...well, of something? :rock:

Sure, tant no problem, you can be my Head of State, hows that. Keep the states looking good and no more flying around the dayumm world yaking with them dayumm sand neggers. If they wanna talk to us by Joe they can call or fly overhere, to hell wit em. Keep my red light button nice and shiny on my desk cause I don't intend on showing them camel riders any patience at all!!!
My intention is to have gas back to .35 a gallon by Jan.23, 2009.....
Thall, now that you're into politics...maybe I better be your FUND manager...I'll collect up all your campaign contributions and see that the money is correctly and judiciously allocated to all these wonderful and essential campaign promises of yours. I mean AUG 16th...that's brilliant Thall...really brilliant...I stand ready to allocate billions and billions of dollars to this one earth shattering idea just make me the campaign manager and I'll do all the rest. :buttkick:

I've been looking for a Vice President, job don't require much but it pays dayummm good, ya in????????????

OK, I'm in! But, on one small condition: I don't know if I could work for a guy that doesn't own a Jonsered. (I own 2 Stihls). So, you need to get another saw, and we can unify the ticket.

I can't wait for those televised debates to start.
Thall, now that you're into politics...maybe I better be your FUND manager...I'll collect up all your campaign contributions and see that the money is correctly and judiciously allocated to all these wonderful and essential campaign promises of yours. I mean AUG 16th...that's brilliant Thall...really brilliant...I stand ready to allocate billions and billions of dollars to this one earth shattering idea just make me the campaign manager and I'll do all the rest. :buttkick:


Sounds good to me, gettttttttttttttttter done. Also another promise, all funds left over shall be divided equally between you and me, opppppppps, sorry, I meant to say given back to the country as a slush fund,oppppppps,LOL
OK, I'm in! But, on one small condition: I don't know if I could work for a guy that doesn't own a Jonsered. (I own 2 Stihls). So, you need to get another saw, and we can unify the ticket.

I can't wait for those televised debates to start.

Sassing the future Pres already, I like a man with spunk, hot dayumm, you'll do fine. J-red ya say, hell I make a law where every man over 21 will have to own one, has that for getttttttttttttttttttttttttering done. Welcome aboard..
Hey, maybe I should write some speeches for you too?

"For my next campaign pledge...I... President...Elect...Thall do declare that all excess funds shall go to the conservation, study, promotion of the chainsaw sciences that we as a nation hold so dear. My FUND manager has already began spending billions of dollars in support of this and the nation will bennefit as a whole, Thank You" Well...whatcha think?
Sassing the future Pres already, I like a man with spunk, hot dayumm, you'll do fine. J-red ya say, hell I make a law where every man over 21 will have to own one, has that for getttttttttttttttttttttttttering done. Welcome aboard..

Sounds great. In fact it will take a presidential decree to get Jonsered any kind of market share. :dizzy:
"For my next campaign pledge...I... President...Elect...Thall do declare that all excess funds shall go to the conservation, study, promotion of the chainsaw sciences that we as a nation hold so dear. My FUND manager has already began spending billions of dollars in support of this and the nation will bennefit as a whole, Thank You" Well...whatcha think?

Hot dayumm your on the ball man, give ya self a raise of oh shoot, hows another 50,000 sound to ya???
Hot dayumm your on the ball man, give ya self a raise of oh shoot, hows another 50,000 sound to ya???

I don't imagine that I'd walk away from $50K...sounds fine to me. Let me get started on my next speech now...I think I'll write about villainizing the spotted owl. :rock: You're going to get all kinds of votes for this one! :jawdrop: Do I hear $100K...Cha-Ching!

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