How many trees a year do you cable?

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ArboristSite Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
St. Louis
Another thread got me thinking about this. As a homeowner I cable zero per year but I know there are several if not a dozen at the Missouri Botanical Gar

So to expand my knowledge, how many trees do you all cable per year? How many are residential and near structures? What do you figure is the average survival time for a reinforced tree?

I know where there is a Catalpa at a local college campus which has been leaning over and supported by mini ladders for what seems to be a decade. Seems a liability to do that work on residential property in this litigous age though.
I used to do a lot when the company I worked for made $ from it now in LG I do very little less than one past 5 years as it more often not practical or viable option in public place tree care. The domestic market has more choice and need but be vary of sales target passing by tree care needs.
On average I'm probably on 2 to 3 jobs that have cabling involved every week. It is pretty common for us to put cabling in to give more reinforcement to the tree. Depending on the circumstance the cabling can be in the tree for several years or just be a quick fix for an ailing tree for a couple years depending on the homeowners wants/needs/budget.(Such as removal is not an option at the time or there is a sentimental attachment to the tree) There are new bracing systems that are coming out that are less rigid than cabling that allow the tree some flex and movement but still give the support that traditional cabling does.

Hope this Helps,
