I thought 029 crank seals were easy to find?

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Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Looked just a little bit locally and as close as I can get is a 4.6mm wide seal, where the original is 4.4. Is that close enough

Anybody got a National, C.R or such part # for these?

This is a low cost deal for a friend so don't even suggest going to the dealer for these.
I'm also interested.

Bailey's is supposed to be putting out an aftermarket 390 P&C kit; I'm hoping they sell a seal kit to go with it.
They are really easy to find. One is underneath the flywheel, and the other is underneath the clutch..........
Mark do you have any Industrial bearing and seal distributors in your neck of the woods, they have access to almost every seal and bearing made. Around here Motion Bearings can get us seals for less than half the cost of OEM. I f I am just fixing an old clunker or a saw for someone on a low budget I have used these seals and really have never heard back from anyone that the seals gave them any trouble. Now I know that OEM is the best but sometimes!
Jerry, I sure do have some Motion Industry joints that I have delt with, but I'm at least 30 miles from the nearest one. When I'm working I go close to some.

Making a special trip won't pay off much. I just tried a couple close auto parts stores for now.

Just thought someone had a part # and I could order them locally.
I have been to both M.I. locations that were convienent to me and they could not provide one matching the OEM specs..

On the other hand it was very easy to find them at the Stihl dealer. $12.95 each for OEM and $8.95 each for M.I. which were wider.

If someone has a part # for an exact dimensional match I hope they post it.

I would enjoy a reference thread for saw=bearing/seals. Kind of a dream cheat sheet.
Looked just a little bit locally and as close as I can get is a 4.6mm wide seal, where the original is 4.4. Is that close enough

Anybody got a National, C.R or such part # for these?

This is a low cost deal for a friend so don't even suggest going to the dealer for these.

If you have a few more dimensions and the type of seal, I should be passing a bearing & seal factory on Friday who can always get me what I want. Just a ring, or a sprung seal, or what? These fellas have everything you could imagine. Anything they don't have, they can make by the time I come home that evening.
I have been to both M.I. locations that were convienent to me and they could not provide one matching the OEM specs..

On the other hand it was very easy to find them at the Stihl dealer. $12.95 each for OEM and $8.95 each for M.I. which were wider.

If someone has a part # for an exact dimensional match I hope they post it.

I would enjoy a reference thread for saw=bearing/seals. Kind of a dream cheat sheet.

Well the reason I'm asking is because the dimension is clearly stated on them and I remember Lakeside and some others talking about non oem being easy to find.

If any of the Stihl dealers around here charged $12.95 for them we wouldn't be having this discussion, even though the ones I found that may work are $5.
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If you have a few more dimensions and the type of seal, I should be passing a bearing & seal factory on Friday who can always get me what I want. Just a ring, or a sprung seal, or what? These fellas have everything you could imagine. Anything they don't have, they can make by the time I come home that evening.

Thanks Patrick, but I'm going to make a call tomorrow and I found I have to make a run somewhere thursday that will not be far from the bearing place.
Well I still want to know where these seals can be had besides the dealer.

No one has a 17x30x4.4 mm seal anywhere to be found.

Closest I have come is a 6mm wide.

Also I'm calling BS on the $12.95 per seal from the dealer at least in NW Indiana.

I did find one dealer that will sell em for $14.95 but the other two that I checked with first wanted $19.95 a piece for them.

It's OK it's not my money going on this one so $14.95 a seal is what it's going to be.
Why not the 4.6mm thick seal? How is two tenths of a millimeter going to make a difference?

You could buy a 100 of 'em and sell em on Ebay for $20/pair, shipped. I'd buy a set.
PM Fish... I bet he has a bag of them from new MS290's...

BTW... the 029/Ms290 stihl seals are not the same as a generic oil seal... The "soft" seal has a rubber coating on the outside of the steel rim.
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Why not the 4.6mm thick seal? How is two tenths of a millimeter going to make a difference?

You could buy a 100 of 'em and sell em on Ebay for $20/pair, shipped. I'd buy a set.

The 4.6 mm seal I thought about, but decided since it was a metal seal with only a single lip, it wasn't worth the risk on a freebie labor job.