leaf blower pollution

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The Peanut Gallery
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
the sideways 40
A 2000 report by the California EPA determined that the average residential leaf blower produces 145 times more hydrocarbons, 7.5 times more carbon monoxide, and 11 times more particulate matter in one hour than a 1999-2000 light duty vehicle driven at 30 mph, getting 15 miles to the gallon.

In summary:

Using a Leaf Blower for one hour produces as much pollution as driving an old truck 4,350 miles.

(145 hours @ 30 mph)

So much for those who say that small engines don't amount to anything.
Where did it say the truck would be operated for 145 hours? The way I read it is that each engine would be operated for one hour and the blower would produce 145x more hydrocarbons (i.e. unburned fuel).
Where did it say the truck would be operated for 145 hours? The way I read it is that each engine would be operated for one hour and the blower would produce 145x more hydrocarbons (i.e. unburned fuel).

The leaf blower produces 145 times the amount of hydrocarbons as the truck for the same operating time. That means that operating the blower for one hour is equivalent to operating the truck for 145 hours.
I call BS. A back pack blower does not burn 290 gallons of fuel in one hour.
Using a Leaf Blower for one hour produces as much pollution as driving an old truck 4,350 miles.

Not 'as much pollution', only the unburned fuel component of the pollution was 145x.

Not 'an old truck'. In 2000, both the truck and the blower were new. The truck exhausted virtually no unburned fuel, the blower exhausts an ounce or two an hour, sort of like leaving a vented gas can in the sun to evaporate, or less than the vapors that come out of the truck's filler pipe when you tank it up at the gas station. A newer stratocharged engine should have a lot less HC emission.
No one wants to face the truth.

I have found a leaf blower that I can use in good conscience: Solo 471 KAT

There is not a wiff of unburnt hydro carbons or 2-stroke smell of any kind.

The most amazing thing it actually runs and works well while exceeding EPA requirements.

My Wife hates small engine equipment of any kind, this is the only thing I have that she will consider operating (it cannot be heard from her study unless the window is open)
Not 'as much pollution', only the unburned fuel component of the pollution was 145x.

Not 'an old truck'. In 2000, both the truck and the blower were new. The truck exhausted virtually no unburned fuel, the blower exhausts an ounce or two an hour, sort of like leaving a vented gas can in the sun to evaporate, or less than the vapors that come out of the truck's filler pipe when you tank it up at the gas station. A newer stratocharged engine should have a lot less HC emission.

So, 145 times an almost immeasurable amount is...

Still an infinitesimal amount.

Perspective is interesting, and not something to expect in a CARB report. Remember, these are the same people that want to ban dark colored cars (racists!) because they get hotter, thus requiring more AC use, thus causing more pollution.
Oh gee, now I am sad.

Im going to smash my BG-55 into tiny pieces when I get home but I promise I will recycle the plastic and metal and take the fuel to a contaminated waste site.
Not 'as much pollution', only the unburned fuel component of the pollution was 145x.


If said truck gets 20mpg that would equate to 217 gallons of gas burned in the truck vs less than a gallon in the blower.
You can not create or destroy matter (mass) you can only change its form. There is no way in hell that you did not put more of "something" (maybe not raw gasoline, but carbon/hydrogen, etc.) in the air burning 217 gallons vs 1 or less gallon.
So, 145 times an almost immeasurable amount is...

Still an infinitesimal amount.
Uh huh.

Yep, I did not waste the time to read the document but just the summary.
Space I tend to agree with you for once. I have had the good fortune to have traveled to and spent a great deal of time in third world or developing countries (China, Viet Nam, Taiwan Central and South America). The amount of air pollution is unbearable, the use of two stroke engines in the major mode of transportation (Vespa-like scooters) just turns the air blue. Most of the locals wear the little white fiber mask over their faces. You see mfg's just dumping solvents onsite or in the gutters. China has a hell of an enviromental problem that they will pay for in the future, it is going to catch up with them.
I don't like governmental regulations anymore than the next guy, and most of us living in the rural area's have no idea what it's like to see LA or any big city's smog and pollution haze on a bad day. The EPA is a pain, but it's a necessecary evil, we need the clean air and water not only for us but the future generations.
I'd much rather have a choked down blower or weed eater than having to breath the air that I've seen in Taipei, Bejing, Saigon, or Teliguchagapa or Seoul.

The EPA is really going to be cracking down in the next couple of years,
I don't care one way or another about modded saws, it's up to the individual whether it worth it or not. But if I were a modder, I damn sure would be low key about it, and not brazenly and openly be promoting on the internet, it's just an invitation to be prosecuted and fined. It's eventually going to happen to some of those individuals and it's going to be too bad they are good people, there are much more serious issues to be dealt with, but watch dealers making mods/ even pulling limiters start facing the wrath of the EPA, if I were a dealer I wouldn't be pulling the limiters unless I knew the individual it's too easy for a undercover guy to walk in and buy a saw and leave the dealer with multi thousand dollar fine.
Let the flames begin!

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