Left arm building up?

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Canyon Angler

Addicted to ArboristSite
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
Far East Virginia
Girlfriend noticed my left arm was bigger than right -- and I'm right-handed.

I looked and she's right.

I figured it was from fighting tuna on short standup tackle, where you use your left hand/forearm to hold and pump the rod -- but I've been doing that for a while and never noticed any forearm building. Then I thought about it and realized I've been cutting a fair amount of wood lately. I deal with a lot of blowdowns, pushdowns and branches, so most of the time I'm CARRYING the saw in my LEFT rather than applying DEUCENSTROKE...but either way, I'm thinking the LEFT, rather than RIGHT, forearm is what gets all the hassle in my cahinsaw and 6/0 operations. All the right hand does is pull the trigger or wind the reel AFAP.

My bro is a carpenter, and his RIGHT forearm is the one that's fat. He's right-handed, too.

My question is, is it typical for right-handed saw guys and arborists to have bigger left arms than right arms in the same way that right-handed tuna fishermen get big stout LEFT forearms?

Dumb question, I know, but it keeps the party goin, I hope

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Canyon Angler said:
Girlfriend noticed my left arm was bigger than right -- and I'm right-handed.

I looked and she's right.

I figured it was from fighting tuna on short standup tackle, where you use your left hand/forearm to hold and pump the rod -- but I've been doing that for a while and never noticed any forearm building. Then I thought about it and realized I've been cutting a fair amount of wood lately. I deal with a lot of blowdowns, pushdowns and branches, so most of the time I'm CARRYING the saw in my LEFT rather than applying DEUCENSTROKE...but either way, I'm thinking the LEFT, rather than RIGHT, forearm is what gets all the hassle in my cahinsaw and 6/0 operations. All the right hand does is pull the trigger or wind the reel AFAP.

My bro is a carpenter, and his RIGHT forearm is the one that's fat.

My question is, is it typical for right-handed saw guys and arborists to have bigger left arms than right arms in the same way that right-handed tuna fishermen get big stout LEFT forearms?

Dumb question, I know, but it keeps the party goin, I hope


Welp seems to make sense to me, the left arm does most of the lifting when I'm using a saw. Makes sense the arm that carries the most weight all the time would be bigger.
THALL10326 said:
Welp seems to make sense to me, the left arm does most of the lifting when I'm using a saw.

Thanks Thall, next question is, do the arborists follow the same fisherman-sawyer pattern? Ekka? Clearance? Are your "weak arms" bigger than your fav orite arms?
CaseyForrest, I gotta say that's what I was thinking and it still cracked me up! LOL in the literal sense! I'm such a puny guy, no amount of sawing or "flogging" is going to make my pin arms look any bigger...
If thats how you need to phrase it so you can sleep at night, good for you!!!

You still know youll go blind, doesnt matter which arm you use

lcso10 said:
If thats how you need to phrase it so you can sleep at night, good for you!!!
You still know youll go blind, doesnt matter which arm you use


You know, I was thinking the same thing but before I got a chance to say so, someone esle posted up...but that has to be the best answer so far. ROFL!

Freaking CaseyForest :D
I am right handed, my left arm would have been the same size if I hadn't cut my forearm bad with a 266 12 years ago, it took years to get the power and feeling back.

I got to wondering about mine as I single hand the 10 lb maul when setting wedges and pounding on the splitting maul when a round doesn't split. Expected to see my right arm bigger.

Went into the bathroom so I could check in the mirror. GAWD! The sight of that 71 yoa, pot bellied guy wearing an eye patch!! Only solution to forget it that I can figure is to have another beer or two.

Harry K
turnkey4099 said:
GAWD! The sight of that 71 yoa, pot bellied guy wearing an eye patch!! Only solution to forget it that I can figure is to have another beer or two.

:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
lcso10 said:
If thats how you need to phrase it so you can sleep at night, good for you!!!

You still know youll go blind, doesnt matter which arm you use



I'm right handed. My left bicep is bigger than the right, but my right forearm is bigger than the left. And my vision is only slightly worse (need glasses to drive at night) than when I was about 16!:laugh:
MY right bicep is much larger then my left, and my left forearm, is, well.. popeye-like..

From 11 to 18 years old , I spent my weekends shoveling chicken ****... 8 hours a day... One arm pushed the shovel, the other lifts and turn it into the wheelbarrow...

30+ years later.... it's still with me, and although I still shovel a lot if it... it doesn't weight anything!

Just remember, If you want to arm wrestle me, don't fall for the old "hey, I'll give you a break and use my left arm" :)
Lakeside53 said:
MY right bicep is much larger then my left, and my left forearm, is, well.. popeye-like..

From 11 to 18 years old , I spent my weekends shoveling chicken ****... 8 hours a day... One arm pushed the shovel, the other lifts and turn it into the wheelbarrow...

30+ years later.... it's still with me, and although I still shovel a lot if it... it doesn't weight anything!

Just remember, If you want to arm wrestle me, don't fall for the old "hey, I'll give you a break and use my left arm" :)

Hmm...just the opposite of me. I shoveled a couple tons of chicken (and horse) manure in my youth as well. Did you grab the handle of the shovel with your right or left?
Push with the right, grab and lift and turn with the left. Nasty stuff - all under battery cages... I hate chickens...
Lakeside53 said:
Push with the right, grab and lift and turn with the left. Nasty stuff - all under battery cages... I hate chickens...

Are you a lefty or righty?