Life among the 'tards

Arborist Forum

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opps. I maed a tyop.

Meant to say pretzel. Interestingly, the word's etymology reveals that it is an arborcultural term!

1856, from Ger. Prezel, also Brezel, from O.H.G. brezitella, from M.L. *brachitellum, presumably a kind of biscuit baked in the shape of folded arms (cf. It. bracciatella, O.Prov. brassadel), dim. of L. bracchiatus "with branches," from L. bracchium "arm" (see brace, branch).

Not bad for a dummie firewooder!
Supper ain't really in the vernacular here. nor grits or hotcakes.

How do y'all prepare Geoduck?

prepare Geoduck
Only in Maine. West of the Rockies 3 full and complete schminkles equal 7/9 of a poltroon...stacked tightly.


Poltroons are 5/16 of a Chord. What kinda wazzocks can get away with shorting folks almost a full Schminkle?
You got former Enron execs selling wood out there or what?

Man, you guys got it rough.:biggrinbounce2:

Stay safe!
Man did you get it wrong here, a schminkle couldn't make a decent chord, and definitely not 3 of them.


You probably got it mixed-up with 3 schmunckles, being the Transilvanian dialect for the amount of lettuce a work horse can eat in a day. That's forgivable.



Thanks fer da correction. Never knew there was a Citiot dictionary.LOL!!

Stay safe!
Found today on the Richmond CL:

75 half. 140 core. Delivered. 804-852-3818

To top it of, he spelled his location (Amelia) as "ameliau".
misspelling firewood terms is one thing.. but not being able to spell the name of the town you supposedly live in!? :dizzy:

we have reached a new plateau