May I please lean upon and learn from, you experienced pros?

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Zealand is a province of the Netherlands.
Notwithstanding the drugs back in high school messing with my memory, I seem to recall it's actually Zeeland but captain Cook (some Dutch explorer a few centuries ago) screwed up the spelling during translation and it kinda 'stuck' as Zealand. But don't quote me on that.
Your humbleness and extreme politeness Kiwi kinda borders on the on the knees begging for a teaching moment. Like the ####ens " more porridge please sir ? " :msp_biggrin:

Remember one thing, some of these self-appointed "pros" know only their small part of the universe, limited ways of working the trees, and damn well they need to do the "ridicule and entertainment" dance for any techniques not in their playbook. Ridicule, name-calling, demeaning unfortunately. :confused:

1. PNW timber is mostly large softwoods on federal woodlands subject to fed regs. Lots of bureaucracy to comply with for them.

2. Large DBH softwoods demand big cc saws and long bars. Like Stihl 660's and 36" skiptooth chains.

3. If you only use Humboldt cuts and one or two other cuts, you don't know jack about logging to them. More ridicule and jollies for them.

4. NZ timber and our northeastern timber are much smaller DBH, more diverse species of BOTH hard and softwoods. NZ South I. , from the 1 month there a couple of decades past training, was beginning to "reforest" 1000's of acres. Why your foresters planted single fast growing, softwoods was beyond us. Same now ?

5. Most only fell for the big timber companies. No independent, solo harvesting, or home firewood done very often.

6. Most have never gone through any kind of program for up to date techniques for safety, efficiency, maintenance, gear. They already KNOW all.

So Take what the appointed "pros" here with some intelligence. Our saws are shorter, smaller, the species and sizes different. They have this 'thing' about "weekend warriors" or those dreaded "homeowners" as if they themselves are "homeless". :clap:

Now the flamers out of the woodwork..................:msp_w00t:

What a peterhead.
What you think is the truth is so far removed from reality, you couldn't be more wrong. The only flamer here is you. The way you carry on, I'm thinking you have a raging case of Old Growth envy.
Notwithstanding the drugs back in high school messing with my memory, I seem to recall it's actually Zeeland but captain Cook (some Dutch explorer a few centuries ago) screwed up the spelling during translation and it kinda 'stuck' as Zealand. But don't quote me on that.

My blurry memory claims that Dutch Zeeland is Zealand in English by standard.

But hey, it's your set of islands, stoned or not.

What a peterhead.
What you think is the truth is so far removed from reality, you couldn't be more wrong. The only flamer here is you. The way you carry on, I'm thinking you have a raging case of Old Growth envy.

That, or maybe something a little more serious. He hints around about a service connected disability and brags about being supported by the taxpayers. But he cuts firewood and lists ice/rock climbing as one of his interests. That would lead me to believe that his disability is mental and not physical. We certainly see examples of that every time he posts. He seems to get more hysterical, repetitive, and harder to understand as time goes on. I figure he'll probably go into a total melt-down before too much longer.

Nobody takes him seriously anyway. Kinda like elevator music...annoying and useless but basically harmless.
I have gotten over my displeasure at hearing "New Zealand". It used to cause sadness.

I was scheduled to go to Portland and have a job interview with Crown Fletcher, I think. They needed folks who could do logging systems plans. The recruiter stressed the similarities of the climate with W. Warshington. The salary was way less though.

The day before the interview, I was sick with a high fever and the flu. I couldn't drive. It was a long way from the top center of Warshington to Portland. It hurt to hear New Zealand spoken.

Oh well. They probably had scary snakes or bugs....are there such things there?
...I may be faced with and ask of you how best to tackle them or whether I should leave them alone for more experienced fellers to deal with...

THAT (leave it) is the best lesson to learn, something difficult to teach people, and something you already know or have learned on your own...

So you are WAY ahead of many people!

But that's all there is to it so far as living a long life. You see something which could be dangerous and not sure how to safely deal with it, then get someone else more experienced to do it or ask what to do.

You are a wise person!
Remember one thing, some of these self-appointed "pros" know only their small part of the universe, limited ways of working the trees, and damn well they need to do the "ridicule and entertainment" dance for any techniques not in their playbook. Ridicule, name-calling, demeaning unfortunately.

Yeah, that's EXACTLY how we roll in these parts. There's NO back-and-forth at all where we swap techniques and pictures. We don't have any east-coasters taking up west-coast habits or vice versa, and NOBODY new is ever allowed in the Cool Kids Club. Sure am glad we got you here to keep us honest.

Oh, and using the word "flame" in the context of an internet messageboard ISN'T totally 1997. That there is fresh, hip lingo.

Gentlepersons, we have a new High Priest.
Log butcher ; your handle desplays your ignorance .

I'm a West Coast professional timver faller . And I've never even seen a Doug Fir tree .
I went from Maine to Southeast Alaska . Grew up logging un Maine .
West coast timber is bigger and more valuable. It has more variables and generally alot more dangerous . .
And I can say that cause I've done both . That being said professional fallers on the East coast arn't dismissed . . There are just Very Few of them . We have some real good eastern fallers on here
To the all seriousness, feel free to ask away. No one is born a timber faller. The only reason I am, is because I kept my mouth shut when I should, and asked questions when I had the oppurtunity. And I listened......a lot.

-And, I'm still trying to learn everyday, as well as every time I get to cut with someone that I haven't before.

They probably had scary snakes or bugs....are there such things there?
No snakes. Only a few harmful spiders. Aussie got most of the nasties and NZ was spared, thankfully.
Notwithstanding pockets of decent trees, the rest and of most scale is mainly plantation Pinus Radiata.
So whats your story ? What kind of timber is involved ? Are you going to be in the office , loggin , building road , turnin wrenches or fallin timber ?? .
Predominantly clearing blocks for farmers. And my role is all the above - I'm a glutton for punishment. The thing I'm noticing is Farmers are keen to do it themselves up to a certain size and beyond that they want someone else to do it, being the wise foxes most Kiwi farmers are. In the last week I've started building a road (terribly late, hope the weather holds out) to a landing on one block, dropped a few approx 3' DBH gums on another, costed out another block and am trying to figure out if it's worth getting in another contractor for that block as it's got some reasonable wood in it and could probably justify a digger with grapple to slew up the hill.

There's a growing list of 4'+ trees I'm seeing and some of them scare the heck out of me, to be honest. At least on farms, there aren't many assets in the fall zones, except perhaps me (although it's questionable whether I'm an asset or liability some days). But some of the big trees are near buildings etc, and I need to use the farmers blocks to hone my skills before hitting the others trees.

So, while I may be tied up on one block for a few months before I can get to the blocks with bigger trees, I am hoping to run a few trees passed the fallers here and see how they'd tackle them. I'll try out some ideas on smaller, easy trees before I get in there.

thanks all.
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It is kind of like the first part of the Wizard of Oz. A pleasant time is being had until the Wicked Witch makes an appearance.

Who has the water?

Now leave Logbutcher, please leave. (Cue in flying monkeys and music)
It is kind of like the first part of the Wizard of Oz. A pleasant time is being had until the Wicked Witch makes an appearance.

Who has the water?

Now leave Logbutcher, please leave. (Cue in flying monkeys and music)

He must be off of his meds. Again.

Hey, Logbutcher....we don't like you. Nobody likes you. You're not welcome here. We'd be happy if you left and stayed gone. Is that clear enough?
There's a growing list of 4'+ trees I'm seeing and some of them scare the heck out of me, to be honest. At least on farms, there aren't many assets in the fall zones, except perhaps me (although it's questionable whether I'm an asset or liability some days). But some of the big trees are near buildings etc, and I need to use the farmers blocks to hone my skills before hitting the others trees.

Calibrating your hand and eye is indeed a good idea before dropping the sized residential.

The thing with the residential jobs is that you shouldn't worry much about it. You'll have gear worth 100k's under your thumb, yet, paradoxically, you shouldn't really think about it a lot. It's all up to you and your decisions, and if you will be shaking like a leaf, it won't really help.

You'll need something soothing. I'm not talking about a quarter of brown. The most important tool is, as I see it, a fool proof insurance. Also check the clausal which can only be deciphered with an electronic microscope and a virus filter. At least it works with me. As long as people are safe, everything that might get busted is just heaps of lumber, glass, metal and stone to me. Helps me to keep the focus on the task, not on the chips.

You probably know all about this, Kiwi. That's just all I have to say on Zen and falling trees.

Well lb . If you want to be helpful you could actually post up some pics of N.Z. timber .tell particulars of gum trees . Is it brittle ,tough . Heavy . Hows it limbed . How tall is it . Stooled upor does it come out of the ground like a stove pipe . How valuable is it what kind of rot affects it .. is it prone to widow makets . . Can it be swung or does it need to be wedged into its lay .

If your going to be helpful . Be helpful . I started falling timber in 1973 . In Maine . Been workin in the brush since 71 . I still learn new stuff all the time . Most of my family still lives in Maine so I don't need to go online to learn how pointlessly argumentitive a Maineac can be .a guick phone call will remind me of that .
So Randy sweets, what's "wrong" ? Flame it is....."peterhead" . Now there's an up to date insult.
You cut what ? Love to put yourself as Mr Pro like too many of your online cronys. Love to call people "those homeowners" as if all of you are living in your pickups with the skip tooth 50" bars.
Oh, the grand drool from you on any kind of training and learning. "You mean to say you were'nt born with a skip tooth in your mouth !!! Like were." :confused2:

Hey girl, you got a case of Fathead. You promoted yourself as a "forestry" expert....but none around. No wood heating, no cutting, what ?
Know nothing about much, put-downs on GOL without any experience, and of course the usual personals. Coming from someone so challenged is not funny.

Now you joining the sandbox crew hiding behind the skirts of virtual, what's this about your "Maine experience" ? Talk reality, not this BS just to belong to the self annointed "cool girls".

Sorry that this response comes days later. There is another life out there than the hours you all can spend spouting and name calling, demeaning any other way of cutting or learning or living. Whew. No "slithering" from your %$#@ dreams.

So what else besides your Humboldt Cut, or that Coos Bay Cut ( aka "Moron Cut" that Go-it calls it ) do you have to share with the OP ? I've been on South Island. Know what their reforestation and species are and the Forestry of NZ. I've actually spent time on the ground, real ground. South Island woodlands except for the Reserves are mostly planted with single, fast growth species, in neat framing rows. Informative ? Never spent any time on North Island, or seen 4' DBH Gum trees. Didn't know ( hear that: "did not know" ? ) that old growth existed in NZ off Reserves.

OK, so now ? Try guys to get off the lack of civility. Try to inform.

Guess that you expect to snipe with response.....not anyone's style in the real world. How about a cease ? Post techniques, experience, gear, errors, training, specifics.

Randi: Yes, Old Growth Envy it is. And why not ? Downeast Maine is typical Eastern woodlands: cut over many many times over the centuries of settlement. The mixed species here are rarely over 36" DBH; coastal and northern woodlands much smaller and with predominent softwoods. The honest envy in this part is Oak Envy. Thought you'd like to understand the reality RandI. No skip tooth 48" bars hereabouts. In fact ( don't tell ) my go-to saw is ( hold on ) a MS260 with an 18" full comp chain. "Sissy" huh ? Oh, the go to tree saw ( yes, climbing ) is an old ( don't tell ) 009L with ( hold on now ) a 14" bar full comp Picco. Had to tell the truth Randi. Something called Honor.

Wow, who is this guy?

Kiwi, ask away. If you don't know and try anyway that is when the dumb and foolish comes into play. Even if you can't and only have it explained however many times it takes, is better than going out half cocked and getting you or someone else into trouble.

The only dumb question is not just the unasked, but the one you already know the answers too, or intend to argue about or those you have no intention to listen to the answers on. Also the unasked.

Not many here have even set eyes on your ground and sticks, so we can only put it into what we do have experience in and go from there.

Lots and lots of years of experience here and it shouldn't take you long on who is and who is not good to listen to, and head there advise or warnings.

Some like the Logbutcher seem to make everything into their own agendas for what ever reason and whatever that may be at the time.


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