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I spent Saturday, pulling the wire harness out of my Bobcat and fixing spots where them bastards had chewed on it. They had a couple wires chewed in half, it was for my heating control but nontheless. SOB's.
Willard! My first two years in business as a contractor I performed residential repair (I know, Handyman). A customer called me to investigate a water leak into their upscale visiting parlor. They said it was coming from the upstairs bathtub. I agreed to open the floor above, locate the leak and do all the carpentry.

When I pulled the subfloor open, 50+ mice went running thru the fire blocking. :jawdrop:

Oh man, the bill they paid to have me clean that mess.

The leak was mouse P.

There is money in mouse P if you want it. No thanks.
I had them do the exact same thing to my splitter. I have some mesh bags I plan to put moth balls into. I'll store the splitter with a few dozen moth balls around the engine. I cover it with a gas grill cover, so the smell should be pretty strong.

I have to do the same with my snowmobile until I sell it....they like to make a home under the engine or in the airbox.
Coons need a decent sized dog to keep them at bay. Opossums too. When I had a kennelled dog, I had lots of problems with coons & opossums. They are too big for cats. When he met his demise (ran off, sighted in nearby town but probably didn't last long with his penchant for killing cats. He didn't chase them he hunted them.) we got a good old farm dog that sleeps on the porch and does not require a kennel to keep her in the neighborhood. She clears unwelcome animals from my across the road neighbors farmstead also.

Let me guess, it was a Briggs and Straton engine? They sure did love my engine on the splitter I used. One night and they would have a new nest built. Trap with peanut butter on the splitter near where they nest works well.
I used to be one of those "well, I'll getsome d-con when i think about it" kind of guys. Id see a mouse in the garage and I wouldnt freak out about it..............One year I was emptying the empty beer cans out of my hockey gear bag when a mouse runs out of my gear. At first I was a little freaked but it wasnt until I found the nest in one of my jerseys that I came unglued. I was SO pissed that it became war on the rodents.
After a few years of traps, glue boards, and d-con I can honestly say I dont have a mouse problem........the mice have DAVE problem!!!!!!:chainsaw:

one time mice made a nest in the exhaust can of my GSXR. I couldn't figure out what that nasty smell was until I found the burnt nest and baby mice in there.

I would come un-corked! Touch one of the bikes and it's war! Think of the potential wiring problems? I've had a few issues on and off since I've been living in the woods. Mainly my shed and garage. I waged war a few years back when I found a nest made of seat foam from my Chevelle in the dash. Luckily it was an easy clean and no visible damage. I think I caught them in time. Since then I have been using a combination of traps, including a 5 gallon bucket, ramp, and a little bird seed in the bottom, and also moth balls. I don't like using poisons or anti-freeze (which works very well) because of two labrador retrievers that will eat anything. But moth balls seem to be a great deterent, unfortunately not a killer. Our lazy, fat a$$ 15 year old outdoor cat...that's another story. Haven't seen a mouse in the shed since the cat came to live with us, but also haven't received any death offerings from her either. I think woodbooga hit the nail on the head, if you feed them they will not hunt.
My brother works for a family of farmers and they swear by the fabric dryer sheets...they have two or three combines and they place about a half pack of sheets in each combine every winter and dont touch them until early fall...they have never had a problem with mice or rats....Since he told me this I have used it and found that it works really well in stuff that I use maybe once a year....Just try to remember where you put them so it doesnt mess with your engine.
I am constantly at war with the mice either in the shop or the house. I like the plastic snap traps that look kind of like pac man smothered with peanut butter (espeacially under the trigger mechanisim).

A couple of years ago I had rats under the dog kennel, what was really effective for them was to stick the shop vac hose in the exhaust pipe of my 2 stroke dirt bike feed the hose into the hole, start the bike with choke on and rev it up for a few minutes. I could see smoke rising out of the flower bed about 30 feet away from the kennel where the little bastards had their tunnels. But the good thing is after that, no more rats. I have been told the exhuast from a diesel motor works just as well.
I have found the snap traps are very effective for getting rid of the mice.
Like others have said put peanut butter on the metal tab and a chocolate chip. I have yet to have a mouse finish a chocolate chip! The peanut butter chocolate chip combo gets em every time. :hmm3grin2orange:

I keep bait down year around in the barns. Don't let them multiple. Also, have a cat but some cats are better than others. The good one got hit on the road.

This is the worst time of year for them especially because of cold nights and after the farm crops are off.
I put bait stations around my wood pile. Make sure you glue them to a brick or rock, otherwise something will drag them off. Protecta RTU's are probably the best out there. Very durable. And I like Contrac Blox by Bell Labs for my bait. I worked as an exterminator for a while and that's pretty much the industry standard.
Had one make a nest on the head of the Wisconsin on my splitter,fired it up and fried him.(no idea it was there until i smelled somethin').
My Lab's will move split wood one piece at a time to get to mice/rats.
It kind of sucks when you stack and find your pile messed up fun to watch though.
Rumor has it,Dryer sheets(softener) are supposed to keep them out of your vehicles?
Just tried that one today.(time will tell).
Another on Mouse/Rat control that WORKS. 5 gallon bucket,drill 2 hole's across from each other on top.(paper towel cardboard) in the middle peanut butter or glue bird seed,insert a dowel through towel cardboard on the bucket filled with 1/3 water/ or antifreeze for winter (NOT IF YOU HAVE PETS).
Put a ramp so they to the get to the bait.
The mouse/rat will go for the bait their weight will spin them off on the water.
(they can swim,but not forever!),5 buckets=150+ per year.
2 cats also don't know how many they kill?.
Cats like to bring Mice/baby Rattlers in the house to show you they are cool!
(through the dog door)fun to step on in the AM when you have to get up to take a leak!
P.S I live in the mountains and on a river.What the coyotes/eagles/hawk/dogs/cats don't get are my prob's.(NO RODENTS HERE)

I use a very simular trap, use a two gallon pail I run a wire thru a pop can peanut butter on it , this is centered across the pail, build your ramp and they come for it, works awesome, they get on the can, spin and drown.
Two years at the cabin work good. The atifreeze also preserves the bodies so there is no rot if you are not there.