might sell my 066

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>and i want an opinion of fair price.

yes, always sad to hear about a f0rced sale of something you have your heart, soul and time into... especially to pay the taxman! :nofunny: however, in current condition, your 066 is worth about $650 - 750! more in a bull market, maybe even less in a bear market. in any event, maybe worth more to you. imo, what will hurt your sale is needing to do it in a hurry. and the scored/scuffed piston. might be worth putting in a fresh piston and set of rings. you can do it for under $40.00 off ebay, free shipping. Meteor w/Caber rings. add in a base gasket, new filter and spark plug... then seat the rings. $ 60-65. then your saw could be worth upwards of $900 or so on a good day, in a good market... and given someone just had to have it (yours). good comparables can be had on C. L. no shortage of bigger saws available out of Seattle, Portland, Denver... etc. logging areas. one in our area has been on the list for over a month, a MS 661, used 2 times! reportedly... asking - $900.00. status: Unsold! $750/800, or less and 50 for shipping can usually pull in a good power head from just about any city... if I had to advise someone in your shoes, not knowing how much tax liability you do in fact owe... or why?... I would say this: get your taxes prepared, and filed. stop the clock on your IRS Form 1040; YE 12/31/2015! send in with it as much as you can muster up. don't worry, they will bill you! expect a letter within 30-45 days. then use your saw to hustle up some work, and make sure your #1 priority it to get that 2015 tax debt behind you. do what ever it takes, legally. you wont sleep well until u do! let's hope you don't owe any 941 employee taxes/returns... state and fed levels. you have about a 6 month window to maneuver in for last year and year 2016 first quarter renditions... and be semi in control. doubt a fire sale or garage sale 066 will make much of a dent in your situation. $600-700 usually is not a big tax bill, even if tough to pay due to short-term cash flow, etc. Good Luck... and Best Wishes! :)
Ummm.. Wow first off. You know more than my tax man does. No I don't have penalties if that is what you are asking. I am self employed so I have to pay taxes quarterly or at year end. My tax man said pay it at year end. Yadda yadda sob story I had money saved up for tax time, but no work, Christmas to.e and all the billls depleted the tax money. I can still do it but I like being comfortable with my money.
Ummm.. Wow first off. You know more than my tax man does. No I don't have penalties if that is what you are asking. I am self employed so I have to pay taxes quarterly or at year end. My tax man said pay it at year end.

well, if you owe taxes and don't pay timely the amount due... (1) by 12/31/2015 for quarterly renditions... or (2) pay entire amount due, generally, by 12/31/2015 you will have penalties. probably will get some even if you pay entire amount by 4/15/2016 and had been obligated for quarterly renditions... if you owe $500 or less for the year, usually can just pay it with the return, no penalties if filed timely. yes, I know a bit! ;) one of my best tax stories is for the small aviation company that suddenly got a TAXES DUE bill for $25,000.00! :eek: :omg::p (latter as in choke, choke!) wifey said, "that's it, I want a divorce!" and his tax preparing CPA feigned ignorance, Filed From Tax Payer Records! this guy was sinking fast! one could call "Timber..." and he was on his way down, faster... than a felled tall one. I knew he needed help! and so I helped hin. I set up the rules, told him if he din't foller the game plan only once, I was out-a-there! ;) he slowed a couple of times, but a quick reminder and threat of boot u know where... and he toed the line. how did it all end up in the final dash to home plate? are you sitting down? he ended up with a $3,800.00 Tax Refund from Uncle Sam!!! true story. yes, saved his a**, and his marriage. :) [sigh~]... and we still talk about it today! :yes:
Pie in the sky valuations are not too useful. Clint has given you the 'real money' evaluation of this 066. Sure it may make $550-650 on a great day to a buyer who has to have it but safe money if you had to pass it on quick is $4-500. Sucks when you have to sell stuff, especially saws. Why not advertise it for a high dollar in your local craigslist or whatever and see how you go. Ask a top end price and come down if you have too. People like the 066 probably more than the 660. I have a mint M/M 660........but I'd rather it be a mint M/M 066. Good luck!
I sold this one yesterday. It's a 660 with new aftermarket fuel tank, clutch cover, dogs, clutch, air filter, dual port muffler, seals, and a meteor piston and caber rings. Got 500 locally for it after about a month. Saw sales have slowed down a good bit around me. 3 months ago it would have sold for 700 easy in a day. They just laid a couple guys off and my hours got cut back. So I know how ya feel. Try to keep it and iffy not you can always buy another one.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
that am tank handle actually looks pretty decent. pastics are a little faded and have some breaks, i would say its very similar to my saw. my saw may in fact be an ms660, but dealer could not verify serial number, i always get a kick out of the guys asking 900 or so for a used 066 or 660, in some areas it is a fair price, here an 066 with a bar and chain sells for 500, at the dealer, but his saw prices are wayyy cheap, and i have told him that.
The tank fit really nice and looks great also. Was pretty impressed how well it fit. I got the tank, clutch cover, and dogs from definitive dave. I've got alot of other pats from him and all of them have been great.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
And it does look like yours is a 660.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
In the Atlanta market, PHO would be about $500 to $550 for that saw. I will say that if you put a pretty long bar on it, it will bring way more money. (probably more than the value of the bar)
To me, the appearance of the piston would be a bigger negative than all the aftermarket parts.
I have an MS660 that I may sell in the future and if I can't get $600 out of it, I'll keep it.
I've had a great running MS460 on CL for a while and cant sell it for $550 with a new 24" bar/chain. So I still have it. Either someone will need it or I'll just keep cutting with it. I don't need it because I have so many saws most rarely get run (044s, 046s, MS660s, etc)
I've found on CL, PHO saws are hard to sell. People want a bar usually.
$500ish sounds about right to me...
This saw may actually be worth more than that. I'd ask $600 and just say, "Rebuilt, runs well, good saw, lots of power. Loggers use them all the time."

Most of the time you can sell these big saws without the bar and chain because loggers have bars and buy chain by the 100' reel. What they need is a power head that starts, runs well, and delivers.
This saw may actually be worth more than that. I'd ask $600 and just say, "Rebuilt, runs well, good saw, lots of power. Loggers use them all the time."

Most of the time you can sell these big saws without the bar and chain because loggers have bars and buy chain by the 100' reel. What they need is a power head that starts, runs well, and delivers.

Can't argue with that. Even a serious firewood hack would pay good money for a big saw for the ability to tackle big trees. I know when I got the 372 I was able to get a lot better wood scrounges because I was able to take trees that the guys with wild thangs/MS170/crappy Poulans etc. couldn't handle. That saw is making me money in the long run.
Can't argue with that. Even a serious firewood hack would pay good money for a big saw for the ability to tackle big trees. I know when I got the 372 I was able to get a lot better wood scrounges because I was able to take trees that the guys with wild thangs/MS170/crappy Poulans etc. couldn't handle. That saw is making me money in the long run.
I bought my MS660 from a logger who sold it to me after one of his helpers burned it out running lean. I paid him $300 for it and then rebuilt it with about $250 in parts. Runs great today, but I took the risk that I could fix it. OP's saw runs and that makes it worth some dough. Having an 066 or 660 around comes in handy when its time to drop a big elm or cottonwood tree.
I sold a minty 395xp, a couple of 288xp projects, a 254xp project, and a like new ported 2188... :(

And I'm tryin to sell a ported 562 right now.
Who ported it and it's price. Not to hijack the thread.
Who ported it and it's price. Not to hijack the thread.
Things that are common forum functions. Might help from what I've taught myself

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