Move Over Lil Dog, This Mean Ole Dog Is Movin In

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I opened er up !

Wow, more acceleration and there seems to more power, or is it just louder? Seems to use more gas though.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for the pictures.
I used a drill and drilled out the internal compression chamber. I already had a port on the front cover and used a drill and hand files to open the front port. I rounded the front deflector on the cover. The side port actually had two openings. A round port and a slit in front of it. I drilled a hole between the port and the split and slit in half. I then bent it out to use the metal halfs as part of the deflector system. Don't have a dremmel but with her closed up and all the filings "scraps" painted with high temp flat black... looks discrete unless you look hard.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------So after all this is exhaust adjustment should I adjust the intake?
My 026 got real thirsty after opening the exhaust also. My oiler is opened up all the way and seems adequate, but barely. I'm now burning a full tank of gas to less than half a tank of bar oil. Seems like I can empty a tank of fuel in 10 minutes. Still cuts the same amount of wood per tank, though. :D
I think it may be possible to open up a muffler too much. Two stroke engines need some backpressure to run efficiently without blowing too much unburned fuel out the exhaust port. This would certainly lead to a higher specific fuel consumption, all other things being equal. I'm not doubting that there are gains to be had by opening up EPA resricted mufflers, but I also believe that there's a point where you'll find that you start to get less power.
My old dual port 066 mufflers have no box in them at all, so why not just get rid of it entirely??

My single port 044's and o36's have no innards either. I gained over 20% by opening up an 036 muffler.
I think it probably centers around the relationship to exhaust port timimg and duration, RPM and the amount of port relief. Beyond that, you'd better ask JD Lambert.
Thanks Doug, I got the figures just right. Im really glad you ducked out of the deal when I offered you that animalistic 066.
I got a brandnew 066 Arctic I will tune next, wanna make an offer?
Are you puttin a salt lick on that deer sign?

What are you doing with an artic saw riding around in a t-shirt?
Hi Don, that picture was taken in 2001 I believe by my son when we cycled from Jasper Alberta to Faulkland B.C. on his 16th birthday, just before I stumbled on to Greffards Saw Shop.
I gather that Doug doesn't know a good deal when he sees one. Doug, if you are real nice to me, I will part with my 066KD for a paltry 1300 USD.
Wrong sign Gypo, you need to find the Beer crossing sign. Also I might note that riding one of these is alot less work.

Here is Gypo on a cowboys Harley.
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Yes Robert, those were the good ole days, when time was meant for fools and we took the road that led to who knows where, but alas. we are doomed to a meager life of chainsaws and cutting wood fibre.
EGADS MAN! does she ever see the light of day?
Tony, we've been trying to tell you that chain saws and related things are dangerous so you should always wear a hard hat!!LOL:p :p