My Chinese 365XP copies...

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pfff...murky waters those we enter.
I am afraid to be honest. if the villain looks this good, I won`t be able to tell the difference anymore;
awesome resemblance; I also subscribe to those that feel that cheap materials will aggravate pro users; a homeowner may easily be tricked into getting one and never find out the difference.
have you measured the cylinder? is it true 65 cc?
do you plan to put it against a genuine 365 (witch is not xp :) )?
both in wood and in parts analysis ? (open a real 365 and compare step by step)

also as a dealer, if you sell it, you`ll have the warranty weight on your shoulders; let us know in time how it goes.

the resemblance being so neat, a keen eye is needed to pick up the loose ends...

I`ll follow this closely.

to OP. congratulations man. important step you`ve taken from witch we all will learn and benefit.
Wow!!! I'm amazed it took 18 posts for someone to blame the Unions for Chinese copy saws.

I think that saw will be a hard sell also at that amount of money. We bought a Chinese Honda copy motor out of necessity for a tamper, and it works well, but it was far below 1/2 price of the original. That seems to be my phsycological price point of buying anything Chinese reguardless of quality.

I hate nothing more than seeing $159 Chinese tennis shoes. But then again, Michael Jordan is a Union guy.
MCW, thanks for doing this, it'll be interesting to see how the saw holds up in the long term.

Musicians used to laugh at Made in China guitars and amps, much the same way Americans once laughed at the earlier Japanese cars. They're not laughing anymore.
the problem with china's manufacturing is not their capabilities. They can make anything as well or as poor as they want at this point. The problem is the copying ad deceipt. They seem to have no ethical problems copying anything and selling at as the real thing. If china can get to where Japan has with engines and vehicles it will be a good thing but they are a long ways off yet
Chinese 365 husky

I think $450 would be a tough sell in the states. We can get the Makita dsc-6401 for $490. German built, proven quality and parts o plenty. I would think the price point would need to be closer to the $300-$350 point to get folks interested in them but I could be wrong.

I think so too. You can also buy Echos, Redmax, etc or similar saws for around 400. The Chinese saws would have to be in the 175/200 range. And good used husky, Stihl, Dolmar are 300/400?
But for part time work, they will sell.
Copyright/patent laws should be enforced though.
But really, am kind of intrigued but kinda ticked off about it also.

It doesn't bother me as much if it's a saw that hasn't been made
for 20 years and you can't get OEM parts for it. But to copy and sell a saw
that is in production is wrong.
I agree, TT. I'm not familiar with the Husky 365, but I find it hard to believe that Husky does not have some active patents that are being violated ?

The patents on the older Stihls prolly have expired.

Mind you, I buy chinese stuff all the time, but generic stuff, not a carbon copy of a name brand that is still in production.

Thanks for the review, MCW.
counterfiet 365

I can buy the real deal 365 for $550 the gook version would have to be 1/2 that at least dont you guy's think? Man thats cheap i bet they would be a hot seller!!

Working in research and collaborating with colleagues in China for over a decade now I've seen it all first hand. You guys really don't know even the half of it. Basically, they copy your technology, and threaten to not buy other goods from you if you sue, or to otherwise lock you out of their market. They actually teach reverse engineering as a major at several colleges. We actually have stopped issuing patents in most cases, because they treat the patent publications like a how to manual. Instead we go trade secret route and keep critical products out of China. It's sickening.

They will be able to undercut Stihl and Husky and make just as good a product. When you have no research cost and dirt cheap labor you can crush the competition. I WILL NOT buy one of these saws. It's one thing to buy a TV from a company that developed and built it, it's another to buy what amounts to a stolen product to save a few bucks. If we all refused they might get the hint.
Husqvarna has been notifyed of copyright infringement rights, they are taking action as we speak

What? Can you site a source for this info? What you wrote makes no sense in a legal context. "copyright infringement right" would suggest they have the RIGHT to copy the design. I would think a PATENT lawsuit could be brought, and maybe a COPYRIGHT suit if they patented their color scheme (not likely to hold up).

The reality is by the time an international body decided this case, 10 million saws will have been produced. They'll shut down this factory (don't count on it), move the equipment across the street, reorganize and open a new company doing the same thing. The US gov will do nothing to back these companies in enforcing law, they own us (to the tune of 1 trillion dollars) and we wouldn't want to anger them.
What? Can you site a source for this info? What you wrote makes no sense in a legal context. "copyright infringement right" would suggest they have the RIGHT to copy the design. I would think a PATENT lawsuit could be brought, and maybe a COPYRIGHT suit if they patented their color scheme (not likely to hold up).

The reality is by the time an international body decided this case, 10 million saws will have been produced. They'll shut down this factory (don't count on it), move the equipment across the street, reorganize and open a new company doing the same thing. The US gov will do nothing to back these companies in enforcing law, they own us (to the tune of 1 trillion dollars) and we wouldn't want to anger them.

:agree2:All of us in North America have made our bed and have to sleep in it now......We all (I'm generalizing here) have this hunger for all things cheap. Almost the only industries we have left in either the USA or Canada that truly fuel our economies are producing resource based (Or at least semi-finished) products, to supply China and other similar countries with the means to make this cheap crap that we lust after each day. We've cut our own throats years ago and all that's left to do now is finish bleeding out.

We are their pawns now......Sad, but true.
Not only is it chainsaws that are being reversed engineered, it goes a GREAT deal further than that.

Douglas Aircraft authorized an element of the Chinese Government to produce by contract an aircraft that is based on the original MD-82. For you aviation buffs those aircraft are identified on the Type Certification Data Sheet as the DC-9-82, (TCDS A6WE), and were only to be ever utilized in China as a trunk support aircraft. All documents and placards on the aircraft were in Chinese and they could NEVER be exported from China to any other nation. Guess what?

The new Chinese aircraft that is being manufactured as we speak and is the replacement for Russian build aircraft is based, and appears to be a Douglas DC-9-30 series aircraft. Reverse engineering based on original prints from 1968.

Imagine that.
:agree2:All of us in North America have made our bed and have to sleep in it now......We all (I'm generalizing here) have this hunger for all things cheap. Almost the only industries we have left in either the USA or Canada that truly fuel our economies are producing resource based (Or at least semi-finished) products, to supply China and other similar countries with the means to make this cheap crap that we lust after each day. We've cut our own throats years ago and all that's left to do now is finish bleeding out.

We are their pawns now......Sad, but true.

It's rare to hear someone who understands it's our own fault, good for you for paying attention. Usually it's "those darn politicians" or someone else's fault. We can reverse the situation, but it doesn't seem we have the will to. We need to get out of debt as both individuals and a country first and foremost. Hard to do when everyone wants everything "right now!!"
Not sure on the exchange rate but 200ish would be close right?

No mate our dollar is basically 1:1 with yours. Half the price of this saw is freight.

they even copied husqvarnas three different shades of orange!

Do real oem parts all interchange Matt?

I'm not sure if they interchange or not. I don't have a genuine 365 here to compare it with. I assume the parts will interchange but could be wrong.