No Sleep!!

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Hey Kid!!!
My controlroom is over the impound, lots of pot busts lately, when the heat comes on, it smells like the '70s in here. :hmm3grin2orange:

I can sleep anywhere, anytime, must be all that clean living and an untroubled mind. I have worked 1800-0600 shifts for years, my first day off is a transition day, after that, I am a daylight person and sleep 10-12 hours at night, workweeks, maybe 6-7 hours a day.
Its a 12% alcohol "energy" malt beverage. Dumb asses keep getting alco poisoning from them so they are banning them. Figured Ide give em a try, drank 2 yesterday afternoon and haven't slept yet!
weed is for pussies man. You need to start shootin smack and you'll sleep like a baby. Never seen a junky yet that had trouble napping
good ole manual labor and a clear conscience . As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out. Try a fan or white noise machine.

There is nothing better than a energy drink with booze in it but if you are having trouble sleeping these are not for you. It would be like taking antacid for a headache.
That 'Tussin will knock you out quicker than Ali.....

I've always had trouble sleeping. Running a few miles usually gets the anxiety out. I'll go for weeks on few hours sleep per night, then crash and sleep 11-12 hours a couple days in a row. I hate it, but I sure get a lot done! If you find a (legal) cure, let us know!
I had the most atrocious issues sleeping, and went through a list of drugs with my doctor that bounced off of me like no tomorrow. Nothing worked. Then yeah... got a job running a saw in the woods about a year ago. Wham. I now sleep like a baby with a lot more regularity. And unlike some of you, hitting the gym only makes me wired and not sleepy, so those nights I tend to struggle a bit sleeping.
I had the most atrocious issues sleeping, and went through a list of drugs with my doctor that bounced off of me like no tomorrow. Nothing worked. Then yeah... got a job running a saw in the woods about a year ago. Wham. I now sleep like a baby with a lot more regularity. And unlike some of you, hitting the gym only makes me wired and not sleepy, so those nights I tend to struggle a bit sleeping.

Hit the gym early not late it wakes you up after but you will tire later.
I was jokin before but I actually have had the same problem. Working out helps but sometimes it backfires. An after supper workout can keep me wired sometimes. Weed for sleep probably ain't the best idea. Nor is a six pack a day to help you snooze. The biggest thing for me is never sleep in on a day off. Get up early on the weekends and go to bed at the same time. Working at keeping the schedule pays off over time.
I know ya where. Working out and work usually does me in, but not always. I will get 4 hours on Sunday night, bust ass all day, come home zonked, and by 9:00pm I cannot sleep worth a damn. . .

Cannabis is my go to medication for pretty much every ailment that I encounter. I know that is bad in more ways than one, the biggest it being illegal, but a good cup of tea is completely harmless to your health and really honestly works better than ANY, pain killer, sleeping pill, alcohol, opiate, man made downer etc etc. . .

Im sitting here watching 4 snow covered squirrels eat on the little maple right outside my window, its pretty relaxing. . . they look right at me and keep eating. . .
I know ya where. Working out and work usually does me in, but not always. I will get 4 hours on Sunday night, bust ass all day, come home zonked, and by 9:00pm I cannot sleep worth a damn. . .

Cannabis is my go to medication for pretty much every ailment that I encounter. I know that is bad in more ways than one, the biggest it being illegal, but a good cup of tea is completely harmless to your health and really honestly works better than ANY, pain killer, sleeping pill, alcohol, opiate, man made downer etc etc. . .

Im sitting here watching 4 snow covered squirrels eat on the little maple right outside my window, its pretty relaxing. . . they look right at me and keep eating. . .

Tea has caffeine in it and it will keep some people awake you know.
That's right, clear your mind, a busy brain keeps you awake. I worry about nothing, if I have problems they will be there tomorrow no use loosing sleep over it. I can always think clearer when I'm well rested.:smoking:

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