Pacific Northwest get together

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All they will find is Monster Energy drinks, Copenhagen and that carb cleaner I've been huffin'. Ah crap, givin' away more of my secrets.

Seems like a waste to shoot their way in to find that. I can sell them carb cleaner on the way. :greenchainsaw: uh oh... admin alert -it's against AS rules to discuss drugs..
PNW boating party?

I think if all this rain does not stop in the PNW pretty soon, we will all have to meet at some PNW island say, like Mt Hood, and in our boats!

It is really soggy around here now... and still raining small animals. 4 inches of rain here today. Glug glug glug...
I don't know how it is here yet. Too dark. Last year we got hit hard but this year it is the West county (so far). I came in early yesterday because too many horizontal branches and things were flying up higher. The highway is quieter than normal so I wonder?
I am sure there are around 10,000+ folks who would love for us to have a 2 week GTG through the western parts of OR and WA about right now. We just got the tail - lucky.
Get together soon

I'm thinking some of us ought to get together and help the flood cleanup. I did that last year here. I intend to call a guy who organizes groups and see if he can. I'll volunteer me and my little pickup. You can't believe all the crap that has to be thrown out. Because of being elevationally challenged, I was assigned the cherished location of being under a house, knee deep in water,
yarding ruined things to the outside. We also hauled 5 trailer and pickup loads of ruined things to the dump in one day last year. I'm going to see about helping the West Lewis county area. Some of them helped us last year.
As a lot of you probably know, the mess from a flood is overwhelming!
I'm thinking some of us ought to get together and help the flood cleanup. I did that last year here. I intend to call a guy who organizes groups and see if he can. I'll volunteer me and my little pickup. You can't believe all the crap that has to be thrown out. Because of being elevationally challenged, I was assigned the cherished location of being under a house, knee deep in water,
yarding ruined things to the outside. We also hauled 5 trailer and pickup loads of ruined things to the dump in one day last year. I'm going to see about helping the West Lewis county area. Some of them helped us last year.
As a lot of you probably know, the mess from a flood is overwhelming!

+1 Good Idea slowp
Everything is back to normal around these parts now. Hows about everyone else?

Haven't heard much on this for a while now, and was wondering if'in it got dropped lost or just set to the side until better weather comes about. Good weather is comming. Been cold and snowy here sept for the last 2 days been
29*+ with a nice rain snow slush mix comming down. Pleasant PNW weather.

The wife and kids are down in LA for a week and boy just called. He said it sucks down there, the clouds are green, the sky is a strange orangy haze type color, he can't breathe good, and the air stinks, people are wierd 60* slight sprinkle and people are in a panic. Light dust on the Hollywood hill and the world is getting ready to shut down. Said he's miss'in Timber Town. People wear clothes he wouldn't put on to go out and roll in the pig pens in. He's wearin his riggin pants and old cut fannel shirt with a Sweat Green Deere T shirt on, said the best people so far were from Montana and started talkin to him when they saw his clothes and figured he wasn't from there and was more their speed than the Cali's.

How's everyone else doin? How did Christmas go for everyone?

I'm game. Of course, by spring I may have already moved to Michigan thus negating my ability to attend a PNW GTG :censored: :laugh: