Plastic repair recommendations?

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Nov 3, 2005
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Got a saw with a hole in the bar oil tank. I'm thinking JB weld. Good, bad, other ideas? Epoxy better? Heck I might try to fix the busted case on my other one too...maybe I'll have two saws running.
How big is the hole?

David B said:
Got a saw with a hole in the bar oil tank. I'm thinking JB weld. Good, bad, other ideas? Epoxy better? Heck I might try to fix the busted case on my other one too...maybe I'll have two saws running.

JB can weld about anything if it is really clean and not too big. There is probably a product made just for your needs though. If it is over the size of a screw hole I would use something to reinforce the patch...nylon screening or woven fiberglass for example. :)
klickitatsacket said:
weld the plastic.

I've welded a number of tanks with a professional quality hot air welder. and used the correct PA66 (nylon) rod. It is the very best solution. Takes quite a bit of practice though to get 1) good) and 2) a nice result. Practice with old tanks first... Plenty to be had at any saw shop...
Plastic weld is indeed the best, and hanging around a machine shop you might have access to one. If not most body shops (reputable ones...) have them these days...
I used some stuff I got at Wal-Mart. It's simply called, "Plastic Welder." It's in with the epoxies. It's a two part concoction. I weled the handle crotch on my 044. Nothing else held, but this stuff has. It worked well. It gets fairly hot during it's pot life, so make sure you drain your tank first. :blob2:

Careful, don't inhale it. It'll :buttkick: you. :dizzy:

Lakeside53 said:
I've welded a number of tanks with a professional quality hot air welder. and used the correct PA66 (nylon) rod. It is the very best solution. Takes quite a bit of practice though to get 1) good) and 2) a nice result. Practice with old tanks first... Plenty to be had at any saw shop...

Ah ha!! A friend has an 020 tank in need of repair. And I've just been hearing that this might be the solution to repair my very expensive ski boots that have loads of life in them but have defective plastic and they cracked--too late to get a new pair. I've been meaning to call my old friend Kelly Timmons who used to be the US Ski Team Lange boot tech rep.
I used some stuff from walmart called seal all on my 066s gas cap and that was 2 years ago it still doesn't leak a drop. THat is some good stuff I have also used jb weld it works ok also.
rbtree said:
Ah ha!! A friend has an 020 tank in need of repair. And I've just been hearing that this might be the solution to repair my very expensive ski boots that have loads of life in them but have defective plastic and they cracked--too late to get a new pair. I've been meaning to call my old friend Kelly Timmons who used to be the US Ski Team Lange boot tech rep.

Me and my big mouth!
Cut4fun said:
Hey David B is that the saw that came from KY that I found with the hole on the bar side. Hope everything works out, let us know how the fix holds up. I am always looking for ways to fix things without using up my roll of duct tape too.

Yah thassit...nice saw, looks like it was hardly used. Runs good. Just gotta see iif the JB holds up. Might get another parts saw, prolly have two runnin 2050s plus parts - woot!