Poison Ivy

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That tree brings back nightmare memories. I learned about climbing poison ivy after the fact. I took down and bucked up ten trees like that in the heat of the summer.
I have never seen poison ivy... i guess it dosnt grow here, we grow poison oak tho, and that stuff is a killer. i do have friends that are completly immune to it tho, i use to get it real bad, but now it just leaves me with a ichy spot for a few days to a week tops.
If you can pre-treat it

I was prone to it as younger. Went to a bon-fire this summer stuff was all over the feild not a bubble?? Guess i am geting imune, best stuff I have found is Posion Ivy and tough brush killer from Ortho. Spray one day nex ifsi is brown and dead stays dead too. I but it in a back pack sprayer and hit the tough spots in over grown feilds. Then come in with the brush cutter.:clap:
If you are sensitive to Poison Ivy get a bar of Fels-Naptha laundry soap and keep it handy.

Wash any exposed area with that soap A.S.A.P. it is very effective at neutralizing the poison.

Works GREAT as a laundry soap too!!!

Simple green is about the best stuff I have used to remove the poison ivy oil from my skin. Dilute to 50/50 with water and wash as soon as you get home.

In the truck I carry a bottle of Permatex Fast orange hand cleaner with me and scrub up immediately if I come in contact with any 3 leaf ivy.

I have had the ivy on every inch of my body and in my blood, lungs, ears, mouth, eyes. :cry:

I try to avoid it and spray it with ortho triox and roundup ultra mixed when I find it.
I've gotten poison OAK so bad i had it everywhere and i mean everywhere
then i found this stuff that helps prevent it i can't remember the name of it
my brother paid something like $500 to get it cleared just one acre while he was he was getting is property cleared
I got PI a few years back BAD.
The Dr. put me on steroids,it worked but talk about having the willyz,and being hyped.
I think i will wash my hands, keyboard and monitor just reading about it!
You guys might laugh at me for this but when you have poison Ivy you will do anything to avoid getting it again. So I started searching on the net and found this stuff called Rhus Tox 30c figured it was BS but decided to try it anyway I have not had poison Ivy since and I have been in contact with it alot. This stuff is just little bb shaped pills dont know if it works for everybody but it has kept me from getting poison Ivy for about 1 1/2 years now. Like I said seems silly but if you have ever had poison Ivy from head to toe you know you will do anything to keep from getting it again.
I found out a few years ago that chickory is will dry up a PI rash very quickly. Just split open the stem of a chickory plant and rub it on the rash it will dry up usually in 24 hrs.
I get it BAD

I've gotten poison ivy pretty much every conceivable way. Sometimes you can't avoid it altogether, but you can minimize contact with it by being aware of where it is, trying to stay covered, careful use of gloves, and washing yourself soon after any potential contact.

If you can get the oils off your skin within a few hours after contact, I usually get minimal to no rash. When I am done cutting, I'll strip down before getting in the truck and scrub myself down, with gojo waterless hand cleaner, all over. I prefer the slimy stuff without pumice because you don't absolutely need water. I was using Technu to was up with, which works great too, but the gojo works just as well at about 1/10 the price.

Then I quarantine the clothes and shoes in a plastic bag, to be washed with simple green, or similar, in the laundry (well, not the shoes. I do have a pair that I wear only for woodcutting). All this takes some planning because you need extra clothes:jester: Sometimes I'll repeat this twice in a day depending on how many times I handle the wood. I am this careful because I had a mild case on the backs of my legs that I just couldn't shake. I finally figured out it was from the truck seat. I transferred the oil from me, to the seat, and It was irritating my skin when I wore shorts.

Be careful about pulling old vines, the oil is still there. I believe it takes several years for it to break down naturally.

Be careful how you handle your gloves/yourself when you have to pee in the bush!
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Hate the damn stuff, seems like I get it at least twice a year.......on top of the hay mites I get from working the food plots in the spring. Worst part about the mites is after you use permethrin it itches worse than ever cause they S*&t in your skin when they die. Started treating my clothes with permethrin from tractor supply (livestock grade/diluted), works great for the mites. As far as the poison ivy/oak goes, do any of you guys use the stuff in the Bailey's catalog? Poison oak soap? Looking for some suggestions....
Hate the damn stuff, seems like I get it at least twice a year.......on top of the hay mites I get from working the food plots in the spring. Worst part about the mites is after you use permethrin it itches worse than ever cause they S*&t in your skin when they die. Started treating my clothes with permethrin from tractor supply (livestock grade/diluted), works great for the mites. As far as the poison ivy/oak goes, do any of you guys use the stuff in the Bailey's catalog? Poison oak soap? Looking for some suggestions....

Check out my post directly above yours.

The key is you have to get the oil off your skin ASAP. Regular soap, dishsoap, and water won't do it. Somebody mentioned Fels-naptha laundry bar soap. That works, but it irritates my skin and makes me itch for a couple days (wondering all the while if it is poison ivy or soap irritation)

Technu is meant to wash off poison ivy in the field with or without water. It works for me but is expensive. I like the waterless hand cleaner the best. I haven't tried the hand cleaner wipes yet, it's hard to deviate when you have a ritual that works.

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