Porting a 066BB

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lol, I actually meant that saurkraut was awesome on a burger but that looked so funny after your post, I left it

LOL! I was wondering what you were referring to. I figured it was the Kraut burger though. There's not a better burger IMO. I sub the lettuce with the Kraut whenever I can.

I'll take it with Kraut, pickle, mustard, cheese, tomato, mayo, onion! No ketchup or lettuce.
He is pretty good, I have always liked the classics, But just bought a cd of his, thought it would be a good backroads cruise and have a cold one cd!

sorry Ill let you guys get back to your porting! Ill go look for somthing else to screw up!
Well I being a customer and a repeat customer of Brad porting services and am very pleased with the saws that he has worked on
This picture from another thread is the back of my truck, notice the JB in the back glass....

The flat ex roof is getting around Ed
Unfortunately, it's all too common. It's been my main complaint for a long time now.

Brad is a sponsor because he sells saws. He posts these threads to sell saws. That's fine. He is, after all, a sponsor.

There simply is no way to reconcile his behavior with his "just a hobby" claims. His petulant reactions to valid concerns is not a response to having his feelings hurt, it's a response to having his pocketbook hurt.
You must not have been around very long, young one. I posted just like I do now long before I was a sponsor. Not just a hobby? Hurting me in the pocket book? Now that's funny. Let's just say, I won't trade you incomes. If I were doing this only for the money, I'd have been gone a long time ago. Putting up with crap such as yours just isn't worth it. I'm still here because I love doing what I'm doing and sharing it with most of the population here. You've turned from being a respectable individual, to just another falsely surmising troll. Perhaps you should do a little retrospection, as I have tried to lately, and I don't think you'll find what in the mirror too becoming. The same could be said for a number of you.
I'm confused, I guess it happens a lot.
Joat knowingly spent money on a saw knowingly it was junk, and therefore was a setup?
Another member knowingly bought a saw, knowingly that it wouldn't keep up with a stock saw, and it was a set up?
I could go on, but NEITHER of these people had any reasons to be upset or complain because the seller has a sponsorship?
Am I missing something?
Then we start a thread calling another member out trying to prove how much better the work is.
Yeah, I know, I'm trashing the thread, complain to the mods, as I'm sure will happen, and I certainly welcome the name calling to come.
I've done port work, I've posted pics of what worked, what didn't and why, don't give me that crap that no one discloses work. I can link you with several threads of port work done that can educate anyone.
But I'm disgusted this is what we get. If I get a sponsorship do I get to pick and choose who posts and what they say in my threads? If I get a sponsorship am I no longer accountable for my actions and I can sell and do as I wish regardless of who loses money as long as it isn't me?
I've tried to help you Brad, I've offered plenty of advice, as have others, you choose to ignore it. You are smarter than all of us. Yes, I am a detractor, not because I want to be, but you leave myself and many others no choice. You are fallible, you can belittle, badmouth and call myself as many names as you want. But this isn't right any more.
gink595 has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.

STIHLTHEDEERE has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.

You should do the same Brad, their posts and threads really have no value worth reading. Just a couple of trolls who are now on the iggy list.

I wish you could do that, and not know they ever posted. For some stupid reason, I get curious what garbage they posted. Then I reply and that get's me in trouble, lol.