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Again, I'm playing nice. But mud slinging comes from both sides. Remember, there are three sides to every story,
My side.
Your side.
The truth.
I've conceded for the betterment of the site and it's members, I think we all need to step back and decide which battles are worth fighting, and which are not.
Right now dragging this out isn't going to prove anything for anyone, either side. I'm for talking things out, but wounds are still open and people are still wound up.
Sorry, but lets give some time to cool things off.
Again, I'm playing nice. But mud slinging comes from both sides. Remember, there are three sides to every story,
My side.
Your side.
The truth.
I've conceded for the betterment of the site and it's members, I think we all need to step back and decide which battles are worth fighting, and which are not.
Right now dragging this out isn't going to prove anything for anyone, either side. I'm for talking things out, but wounds are still open and people are still wound up.
Sorry, but lets give some time to cool things off.

Sounds good, sorry if I kept it going.
Well I agree somewhat. I don't think they don't want people to post, and state their opinions, that's what makes us who we are, its the constant trying to make people look bad and discredit them. How come we never really hear from the truly GREAT saw builders??? HMMM wonder why.

Don't worry I wouldn't be afraid of taking care of some greasy hair old dude like yourself,:hmm3grin2orange: I know how to run my mouth with the best of them. Just don't see the point on here, doesn't prove much.

Well I look at it different I guess. I remember as a kid growing up with 5 older brothers. We would get to scrapping over toys, hell we would get into drag out fights. My old man had the best solution. He would come in, grab up the toy we was fighting over and take it away. That put a end to the fighting.

Far as heated debate I've never had anyone back me up in my arguements and I don't want anyone sticking up for me, would make me feel like a sissy. I've never called on the mods for something someone said to me, rather handle it myself. Yet to meet anyone who could dish anymore than I could give but thats just me. I've never been so in love with my own threads that I gave a rip if they got derailed, pounce on or a fight broke out, big whoop. I guess I like varity, its the spice of life,haha

I read over in the other thread the saw wound up running awesome, well gee, what else is new, do they ever not run awesome,LOL Thats my point about these build threads and why I pretty well ignore them, I already know the outcome on the first post and that doesn't go just for Brad's build threads, it goes for all build threads I've sat and read. Even so if it brings jollies for some so be it.

Ya know what, I just realised I seem alittle grumpy here, ut oh,haha. Fact is I came home tired, sat in my recliner and had me a 4 hour nap. Now I'm awake feeling refreshed. Come on Parris, lets go start a thread and fuss some, we'll argu about something till I get sleepy again and can go to bed, whatcha say,LOLOL
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Well I look at it different I guess. I remember as a kid growing up with 5 older brothers. We would get to scrapping over toys, hell we would get into drag out fights. My old man had the best solution. He would come in, grab up the toy we was fighting over and take it away. That put a end to the fighting.

Far as heated debate I've never had anyone back me up in my arguements and I don't want anyone sticking up for me, would make me feel like a sissy. I've never called on the mods for something someone said to me, rather handle it myself. Yet to meet anyone who could dish anymore than I could give but thats just me. I've never been so in love with my own threads that I gave a rip if they got derailed, pounce on or a fight broke out, big whoop. I guess I like varity, its the spice of life,haha

I read over in the other thread the saw wound up running awesome, well gee, what else is new, do they ever not run awesome,LOL Thats my point about these build threads and why I pretty well ignore them, I already know the outcome on the first post and that doesn't go just for Brad's build threads, it goes for all build threads I've sat and read. Even so if it brings jollies for some so be it.

Ya know what, I just realised I seem alittle grumpy here, ut oh,haha. Fact is I came home tired, sat in my recliner and had me a 4 hour nap. Now I'm awake feeling refreshed. Come on Parris, lets go start a thread and fuss some, we'll argu about something till I get sleepy again and can go to bed, whatcha say,LOLOL

True. I don't want anybody sticking up for me either, I don't feel I'm sticking up for Brad, just voicing my opinion about the garbage. I know all about fights with brothers, I have 2 of them, I'm in the middle, I've been bigger then my older brother for a longggggg time, and he felt he needed to make up for that, I remember one time he cheap shot me and knocked me back onto a bed, and he thought he was so great, still talked about it up to a few years ago, well, one time I sent him to the hospital to get stitches in his head, he wasn't so tough then when I rang his head off something, can't remember what, well, that's the brother I don't talk to anymore, but that's a whole another story, that would take its own whole forum to talk about.

Ya, what happens to the good ol mud slinging days, those were some good fun threads, without any personal attacks going on. I think we'd get along great Tom, in real life that is.
Tommy, agree with what you said. I could careless about Brad Snelling but every post seems like there are two sides continually raising hell, its not good for the site, censure is sure one way to deal with it, but why even have formums like the modded chainsaw forum, unless no one uses them, or just ignores them and just won't use them. It's what it's there for. I'd prolly never go to it as if you've read one you've read them all. As for no one going there, well they will find it, just as they found AS, people who follow modding will migrate to that forum. I suppose the real reason it not used is folks think it won't get the exposure they want. I think it would enhance and clean up the site. Tommy as you've stated before it's just a matter of time before his family will pay the consequences of his hobby, whether it's the EPA or some other agency, there is no lawyer in hell that could get him off the hook. You can't have the kind of exposure without someone being hooked into the government seeing it. I won't be commenting on any of his other threads, don't have anything against Brad, he's a smart young guy. The calling out on the 681 thread was the one that caused me to lose a great deal of respect, you simply can't do that kind of thing and not have people react. It's a two way street, and yes censure will certainly ruin the site if not kept within reason.
Gotta get to bed, wood thirty will come early and it's supposed to be beautiful today.
True. I don't want anybody sticking up for me either, I don't feel I'm sticking up for Brad, just voicing my opinion about the garbage. I know all about fights with brothers, I have 2 of them, I'm in the middle, I've been bigger then my older brother for a longggggg time, and he felt he needed to make up for that, I remember one time he cheap shot me and knocked me back onto a bed, and he thought he was so great, still talked about it up to a few years ago, well, one time I sent him to the hospital to get stitches in his head, he wasn't so tough then when I rang his head off something, can't remember what, well, that's the brother I don't talk to anymore, but that's a whole another story, that would take its own whole forum to talk about.

Ya, what happens to the good ol mud slinging days, those were some good fun threads, without any personal attacks going on. I think we'd get along great Tom, in real life that is.

Good point, slinging mud use to be fun. Personal attacks, hell I like those too, meant I could send one right back ASAP,LOLOL I guess I can't get into these build threads because they aren't teaching me squat. Done rebuilt so many saws over the years they bore me. Modding to me is a waste of money and alot of extra noise but thats me mind you, others that like it can have it, good for them. My biggest dislike about the modding biz is all the hoop la over it from those that do it making it seem almost like you can't saw wood unless you got a modded saw, pure BS, good advertising but BS just the same. Once again thats just me mind ya. Those that want the spilt second gain are welcome to it, won't see me trying to hold them back at all.

See Parris you and me are having a debate, debate is a good thing in my opinion. I haven't personally attacked you or anyone but I've said what I thought. Many are welcome to disagree with me but my thoughts won't change.

I do wanna personally attack you however just to tick you off but its late now, I'm ready for bed. I'll personally attack you tomorrow and then we can sling mud like the good ole days,LOLOL
I don't think there's a member on here that has shared more of his knowledge openly and been as picked on as Brad.

Knowledge is good,

Opinions are like butts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, everyone has one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they all stink.

Let's just say, brad picks alot of his "knowledge" out of his arse.

The boy dont impress me much.
Good point, slinging mud use to be fun. Personal attacks, hell I like those too, meant I could send one right back ASAP,LOLOL I guess I can't get into these build threads because they aren't teaching me squat. Done rebuilt so many saws over the years they bore me. Modding to me is a waste of money and alot of extra noise but thats me mind you, others that like it can have it, good for them. My biggest dislike about the modding biz is all the hoop la over it from those that do it making it seem almost like you can't saw wood unless you got a modded saw, pure BS, good advertising but BS just the same. Once again thats just me mind ya. Those that want the spilt second gain are welcome to it, won't see me trying to hold them back at all.

See Parris you and me are having a debate, debate is a good thing in my opinion. I haven't personally attacked you or anyone but I've said what I thought. Many are welcome to disagree with me but my thoughts won't change.

I do wanna personally attack you however just to tick you off but its late now, I'm ready for bed. I'll personally attack you tomorrow and then we can sling mud like the good ole days,LOLOL

Debate is good, your own opinion is good, that's what makes you, you! Flame away you old turd!
Debate is good, your own opinion is good, that's what makes you, you! Flame away you old turd!

You have drawn first blood with that remark, I find it a personal attack. I am wounded, hurt and all that other sissyfied stuff. I'm calling in back up, take this you low life,hehe

YouTube - Johnny Cash God's gonna cut you down (OFFICIAL ALTERNATE)

That pile of money that gal in black has, I gave it to her to whoop your azz, scared now aren't ya, ya best be,LOLOL
i have to admit, i've been sniping of late. I tend to lash out when i get ticked off, and i can hold a grudge for quite some time. I think gink has good reason to be ticked too, but it's easy to get too caught up in things. It's pretty clear that when you get lumped in with barker and std, that you're doing more harm than good.

I don't have a hate list, and if i did, you'd be one of the last people i'd put on it.

I do have an overwhelming lack of respect for one individual that i certainly didn't have when i joined, and that transition wasn't influenced by anyone on this site except for that one individual.

I can keep it to myself (or at least keep it civil). Not doing so just pushes me down the same road.
say what you want, i have never went off/or said anything to ,or about anyone here,unless they attack/or call me out first! I dont start pissin' matches,but im sure not afraid give it back to them!
i don't agree. Its all about brad and his haters.

I've posted all of my builds until as of the last couple. And none of my threads have turned out this way. There are some people, you included that come around and post crap, nothing to do with you but you guys stick your nose where it doesn't belong, you say your trying to protect the newbies, but i don't believe you, its pretty obvious, every time brads threads come up, edisto, gink, harrybarker, stihldeerehere, they main ones i can think of, i'm sure there are more, all show up like a big group of schoolyard bullies and push brad around, pretty sad actually.

Rant off. Now i'm sure i'm on your hate list now too, but i don't care.

Crap like this is why i've pretty much stopped posting here anymore.
i have not done anything to brad and his buddies,that they haven't done first to me..........i dont hate anyone here,never have never will. But i am not the type of guy that lets anyone walk on me,when the dont know me or anything about me.
say what you want, i have never went off/or said anything to ,or about anyone here,unless they attack/or call me out first! I dont start pissin' matches,but im sure not afraid give it back to them!

Whatever the reaon, you have the same tendency as I do...to hold a grudge and carry it out far enough that no-one remembers, or can determine) why you are doing it in the first place. It has the same effect for both of us as well; without being able to determine the cause, people assume you just nothing more than a troll.

All that does is distract from the very real issues that led to the disgruntlement in the first place. For once, I agree with that old, decrepit, no-chain-sharpening, tone deaf saw mechanic. A little dust-up is fun. But when express your frustration by taking pot-shots at every available opportunity (and there are a lot of them), the reason for your (and my) frustration gets lost.
whatever the reaon, you have the same tendency as i do...to hold a grudge and carry it out far enough that no-one remembers, or can determine) why you are doing it in the first place. It has the same effect for both of us as well; without being able to determine the cause, people assume you just nothing more than a troll.

All that does is distract from the very real issues that led to the disgruntlement in the first place. For once, i agree with that old, decrepit, no-chain-sharpening, tone deaf saw mechanic. A little dust-up is fun. But when express your frustration by taking pot-shots at every available opportunity (and there are a lot of them), the reason for your (and my) frustration gets lost.
i full well agree with what you and thall are saying. People can call me a troll,think whatever they want. I have,and always will treat people just as they treat me,and that is that. There are enough people here that know it too.....
Whatever the reaon, you have the same tendency as I do...to hold a grudge and carry it out far enough that no-one remembers, or can determine) why you are doing it in the first place. It has the same effect for both of us as well; without being able to determine the cause, people assume you just nothing more than a troll.

All that does is distract from the very real issues that led to the disgruntlement in the first place. For once, I agree with that old, decrepit, no-chain-sharpening, tone deaf saw mechanic. A little dust-up is fun. But when express your frustration by taking pot-shots at every available opportunity (and there are a lot of them), the reason for your (and my) frustration gets lost.

Cuse me, surely your not referring to me with that remark, wait a minute, yes you are. Looks like its two of ya on me now, guess what , go get another 100 and come back, I like a fair pissing match myself, 2 is just too easy, LOLOLOLOLOL
Looks like I'll need to bring lunch!

Supper too,haha Whats that old story about the guy fighting the racoon up in the tree. He hollered to the guys on the ground shoot. They said we might hit you. He said shoot anyway, one of us has gots to gets some relief up here,LOLOL
Supper too,haha Whats that old story about the guy fighting the racoon up in the tree. He hollered to the guys on the ground shoot. They said we might hit you. He said shoot anyway, one of us has gots to gets some relief up here,LOLOL

Now that's a good one!

Maybe if I can get you far enough away from a Wendy's I'll be able to wear you down.
Not trying to derail your derailed thread.

Hey Thall does a newer 660 have a rev limited coil?
Not trying to derail your derailed thread.

Hey Thall does a newer 660 have a rev limited coil?

Not that I'm aware of. The 660 of today still uses the same coil, 1122-400-1314. The 441 has a limited coil but its the only large Stihl that I know of thats rev limited.

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