Prayers wanted

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Just got back from two weeks on vacation and read your post. I hope the surgery went well and your on the way to a full recovery. God bless.
Don't feel too bad Urbicide:) Today actually hasn't been a very good one. Yesterday my vertigo was better and my spirits were up. Even managed to tinker around with the oilers a little. I did notice a little bit more of a runny nose on the left side than the right which is a concern with the CSF leak. I called the doc last night and he said to just keep an eye on it. It didn't seem too serious. Well today, my vertigo has been worse, I've been sick to my stomach and then started getting a nagging headache on the left side of my neck this evening. Then to top it off I spiked a fever and it was 100F and climbing last time I checked about 30 minutes ago. Bummer. The last thing I want is a drain in my spine for the next 5 days or concerns about spinal menongitis. Anyway, the call is in to the doc waiting to see what to do. Please do keep me in your prayers. It was He who made me and He who know what's wrong with me and He who can heal me or give the doctors wisdom to do so.

CSF leaks suck. My wife had one for over a month after removal of a brain tumor. We didn't have the best doctors until the end who finally patched the hole(they took the tumor out through the nose). I have never heard my wife scream like she did when those headaches came. Fentanal(sp?) was the only pain killer that knocked it down. Don't be afraid to ask for the good stuff if they do a spinal drain.

Good luck, Brad!
Better news today. The doc on call finally called about 2 1/2 hours later last night:confused: My temp stopped climbing at 100.3F. They don't get real concerned until 100.5 and above. We agreed to keep an eye on it and check it again in 4-5 hours. That was about 7 this morning. My temp was down. Had it not been I'd have been on my way to the ER. I'm thankful that it's still down this evening. I had my first post-op appointment this afternoon and they removed my dressing. It was so tight that I have lines in my head from it. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven, LOL. They gave me some scripts for the naseau and vertigo. I guess it's just going to take a few weeks for me to recover. I go back next Wednesday for my next checkup. Anyway, much better news today.

Thanks for your prayers guys.

Ekka, how's that last 440 holding up? Is it full of holes yet?
Better news today. The doc on call finally called about 2 1/2 hours later last night:confused: My temp stopped climbing at 100.3F. They don't get real concerned until 100.5 and above. We agreed to keep an eye on it and check it again in 4-5 hours. That was about 7 this morning. My temp was down. Had it not been I'd have been on my way to the ER. I'm thankful that it's still down this evening. I had my first post-op appointment this afternoon and they removed my dressing. It was so tight that I have lines in my head from it. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven, LOL. They gave me some scripts for the naseau and vertigo. I guess it's just going to take a few weeks for me to recover. I go back next Wednesday for my next checkup. Anyway, much better news today.

Thanks for your prayers guys.

Ekka, how's that last 440 holding up? Is it full of holes yet?
Glad to hear that you are doing better:clap: :clap: :clap: . Keep nyour sperits strong, your faith, and your hopes. We are all pulling for you. Keep getting better, and you'll be up and around in no time. Bruce.
One of our dogs got "old dog syndrome". Scared the heck out of us. When we found out what was wrong (and intervened in the euthenization) we found out that one of our flower shop girls also had something like it last year. My mother in law also. Sounds like a horrible feeling. I've been out for about three weeks myself with lyme. I feel really lucky that I wasn't sick with bed spins and such. It's a long recovery but you'll be back. Good luck and I'm really heart broken for you. I know how much it sux to be out like that.
Better news today. The doc on call finally called about 2 1/2 hours later last night:confused: My temp stopped climbing at 100.3F. They don't get real concerned until 100.5 and above. We agreed to keep an eye on it and check it again in 4-5 hours. That was about 7 this morning. My temp was down. Had it not been I'd have been on my way to the ER. I'm thankful that it's still down this evening. I had my first post-op appointment this afternoon and they removed my dressing. It was so tight that I have lines in my head from it. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven, LOL. They gave me some scripts for the naseau and vertigo. I guess it's just going to take a few weeks for me to recover. I go back next Wednesday for my next checkup. Anyway, much better news today.

Thanks for your prayers guys.

Ekka, how's that last 440 holding up? Is it full of holes yet?

Glad to hear that you are improving. Keep it up. Still praying.
On a brighter note, today was my 40th BDay. We went out with my parents and some friends for BBQ and then back to my place with them and my bros family for cake and ice cream. The kids enjoyed Anna's new 12'x30" pool we got yesterday. I felt pretty good this evening.




And lest I forget my pictoral style, here are the obligatory RR track pics. I think I count 17 or 18 of them.
Glad you had a good birthday...

Great to hear your doing better,,and hope soon all will be back to normal for you...Just take it easy,,and just wanted to tell you Happy birthday....
On a brighter note, today was my 40th BDay. We went out with my parents and some friends for BBQ and then back to my place with them and my bros family for cake and ice cream. The kids enjoyed Anna's new 12'x30" pool we got yesterday. I felt pretty good this evening.

Happy birthday-- a bit late!!!

I am so glad you are improving!

My 40s were my best decade... may yours be the best to date, with a better 50s, 60s and on and on... ;)
On a brighter note, today was my 40th BDay. We went out with my parents and some friends for BBQ and then back to my place with them and my bros family for cake and ice cream. The kids enjoyed Anna's new 12'x30" pool we got yesterday. I felt pretty good this evening.




And lest I forget my pictoral style, here are the obligatory RR track pics. I think I count 17 or 18 of them.
If I just saw that last picture without knowing your story, I would swear it looked like one of them pretty saws you have bit you. Good luck in your recovery!!!
Brad you've got a great looking family; and for 40 you don't look too bad either.

It's never any consolation when the Doc says things like this only happen to 1%, when you are the 1%. I remember the Doc telling me that 15yrs ago when he over inflated the balloon in my heart and tore the artery open. Fortunately I survived that ordeal and am in pretty good shape at 78, still cutting my own firewood. The point of my story, is don't let this temporary setback get you down; with our prayers and yours, and the support of your great family, I am sure 'the best is yet to come.' In the meantime, God's grace and richest blessings on you and yours. :clap: :clap:
I had a spinal fluid leak back in '74. I got hit really hard in the nose. I'm not going into details as to how this happened but is was no accident. :mad: It was leaking out of my nose. I was hospitalized and bedridden for a few days and it quit on its own.

Hopefully yours will quit and all will be well. We're praying for ya.

Brad...have not been on here for awhile.
Thought I'd stop by and see how you all were doing and read this.
I had no idea.......
Sorry for the belated reply.....Hope you are doing better...
I never pray for myself but I'll send up a few to the Big Guy, for you, in hopes it will help.
We're all pulling for ya, hang in there, pard!