Prayers wanted

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Hang in there Brad, I too enjoy reading your posts about your saws. Please keep us informed on your situation. God bless.
So.... let me try to understand this - they are letting the air out of your head and replacing it with fat from your butt? Hmmm... :dizzy:

Guess we can't call you and air-head anymore. So... what will we call you?:monkey:

O.K. then, don't smile:greenchainsaw:
Fat from his gut, not his butt! :)

Good luck with this - losing your holiday is a pain, but in the long run getting fixed is far more important!
Let's pray together right now for Brad!

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant Brad to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Please let this time for Brad to serve as a tool to help others as they go through their illnesses, looking to You for healing. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.
May this time pass quickly for you Brad .Remember times past when thought
I'd never feel better.....and then time passes ...but at the time it's like being trapped in a twi-light zone.
Kids can often surprise us with there simplicity and understanding.I realize you love your family and they love you.Accept the fact that if it was one of them you'd be there.
Those photos you've shared of your family at yr BD party showed a man in good fellowship.
We here on AS ,as you know, are pitching for you.
Many of us thank-you for your candor inviting us in.Many more of us look
to yr next reno / rebuild .Whether it be an 030 or 090 >make no diff.
We all wish you well.

You'll get to have a holiday with them - Are we there yet? :)
Sorry to hear that you have to undergo more surgery but it sounds like you are in good hands. Hang in there and everything will be OK again in time. I can understand the disappointment of the missed holiday but everything will still be there when you are better. With luck it may even cost you a bit less in gas to get there!
I think other members would agree that if it was a case of sending you that vital part you needed to finish a saw we would all be queuing up, but all we have is words which I hope are some comfort to you.
Get well soon.
I'll send a prayer your way also Brad. Hope you have a full recovery!!! I'll be looking for your next post. :)
So.... let me try to understand this - they are letting the air out of your head and replacing it with fat from your butt? Hmmm... :dizzy:

Guess we can't call you and air-head anymore. So... what will we call you?:monkey:

O.K. then, don't smile:greenchainsaw:

I don't care if I am setting in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit. That there is funny! So now I've gone from "rocks for brains" when ear crystals were knocked out of place in the first surgery and gave me severe positional vertigo, to "air head",to "butt head", and finally to "gut head". You guys put a smile on my face this afternoon.

Obviously I made it through surgery ok. I got to my room sometime a little before 11 PM. Surgery lasted 3 hours. I've now got about a 2 1/2" incision on my belly where they took fat, and here you guys all though I was a hard body:), I've got another wrap on my head and Lisa's calling me a "towel head terrorist":), and a lumbar drain in my back. They drain 5ml of CSF fluid every hour to keep the pressure down on my brain. That'll stay in until Monday. At that point, they'll watch to make sure I don't develope a leak and hopefully send me home the same day. They hope to have me out of ICU this evening.

I can guarantee you this. I was in no shape to type like this the day after surgery last time. I was absolutely miserable. I do feel like I just had surgery but I feel pretty good all things considered. They've got me out of bed setting in the chair and I ate a little lunch. When they brought my family in last night, I was so aware of God's care and undertaking. Yes I was drugged up with pain killers, steroids and the like, but I felt like a million dollars. I was so dreading that point after what I woke up like last time. God majorly answered a lot of prayers from all around the world and all across this country last night. My sis-in-laws church was in revival last night. They had a special time of prayer specifically for me right during the surgery. I thank all of you guys for your prayers as well. I want to be careful to say thanks after asking for prayers. He definately has helped so far. Thanks guys!
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I don't care if I am setting in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit. That there is funny! So now I've gone from "rocks for brains" when ear crystals were knocked out of place in the first surgery and gave me severe positional vertigo, to "air head",to "butt head", and finally to "gut head". You guys put a smile on my face this afternoon.

Obviously I made it through surgery ok. I got to my room sometime a little before 11 PM. Surgery lasted 3 hours. I've now got about a 2 1/2" incision on my belly where they took fat, and here you guys all though I was a hard body:), I've got another wrap on my head and Lisa's calling me a "towel head terrorist":), and a lumbar drain in my back. They drain 5ml of CSF fluid every hour to keep the pressure down on my brain. That'll stay in until Monday. At that point, they'll watch to make sure I don't develope a leak and hopefully send me home the same day. They hope to have me out of ICU this evening.

I can guarantee you this. I was in no shape to type like this the day after surgery last time. I was absolutely miserable. I do feel like I just had surgery but I feel pretty good all things considered. They've got me out of bed setting in the chair and I ate a little lunch. When they brought my family in last night, I was so aware of God's care and undertaking. Yes I was drugged up with pain killers, steroids and the like, but I felt like a million dollars. I was so dreading that point after what I woke up like last time. God majorly answered a lot of prayers from all around the world and all across this country last night. My sis-in-laws church was in revival last night. They had a special time of prayer specifically for me right during the surgery. I thank all of you guys for your prayers as well. I want to be careful to say thanks after asking for prayers. He definately has helped so far. Thanks guys!
Sounds like you're doing good Brad. Hang in there. And yes.....prayers are always heard.
So who feels sorry enough for me to send me a 090:clap: Hey, I'm not too proud to beg or take advantage of a situation if I can get an 090 out of it. No, I'm just kidding. I've actually been on my laptop surfing chainsaws and parts on eBay. Must not be feeling too bad ehh:)
Just found your post Brad and it is great that you are feeling better. I will keep you in my prayers. When you get to feeling better, maybe you can explain to me what Snellerizing is all about. I recently bought a new 361 and may want to "improve" the power a bit.:)
Just found your post Brad and it is great that you are feeling better. I will keep you in my prayers. When you get to feeling better, maybe you can explain to me what Snellerizing is all about. I recently bought a new 361 and may want to "improve" the power a bit.:)

I've restored several saws that have ended up getting sold for what ever reason. Some I bought to sell, others I just got bored with. However, a "Snellerized" saw is one that I have ported. I've only sold one of those. It was a 099 Red Light. I only sold it because I bought a newer style 066 and preffered it. It has a ported Big Bore kit on it. I've had others ask me to port saws for them or restore saws and it's just not worth the amount of labort that I put into it for others. It would turn a hobby that I enjoy and make a job out of it. I don't want to ruin a good hobby. But I do enjoy sharing my work with others and often post pics of my work as I go along.
Well I've got some not so good news. I started having severe headaches last week. They finally did a CT scan yesterday afternoon and they found that I have air on my brain. Somehow the CSF leak I had in my du has reopened and air is getting in. If left unchecked and the pressure continues to build, it can be fatal. We have a beach side condo in Panama City bought for seven nights, tomorrow night through next Saturday. It's already paid for. We have reservations in Alabama tonight at a motel. We were leaving this morning. So the doctor asked me to come back in first thing this morning for another CT scan. We arrived with the van packed ready to leave not knowing if we were going to get to know or not. As it has turned out they ended up admitting me and I'm having emergency surgery at 6 PM tonight. They will reopen the surgery site, remove fatty tissue from my abdomen and pack and reseal the CSF leak. They will also be installing a lumbar drain which will be left in for 3-5 days. I'll likely be in ICU tonight. We are so disappointed about our vacation and I feel just horrible about Anna, my 9 year old daughter not getting to go. Put yourself in her shoes and just imagine her disappointment. I'm also not the least bit excited about going through all this again. I'm sick of this. Anyway, once again please keep me in your prayers that the doctors will be able to successfully repair the problem and we can put this all behind us.
Brad. Sorry about your Vacation, but when it come to health, which is more important. I'm quit sure that your Daughter would rather appreciate you having a better time once you get your health back on the right track.
Vacations can always be had, at a later date. Keep this in mind. I'm sure your Daughter feels the same way too. We have been thinking of you since your first operation, and wondering how you have been feeling. We all hope that this will be the end of your surgery. Best of luck, and God Bless. Bruce.