Pruning jobs

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ArboristSite Guru
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Dalrymple, Ont, Canada
Recently I've done some pruning jobs but I've been hired by other arborists and gotten paid by the hour. Just wondering how to go about pricing a pruning/deadwood job. Is by the hour easiest? Not considering equipment just based on the tree. Amount of work that needs done, hazards, what's under the tree and likely other things I'm missing. How heavy do these factors weigh in the overall price? Thanks to anyone who lends advice.
I dont do hourly tree work. I found with pruning that i figure how long i think it will take and then times that by 1.5s what i need to get ahour for the equipment thats gonna be used for the job to get my price. Big prunes often cost almost as much as a removal and take longer.
Anytime I price anything at all, I decide (close to above) how much time I will have if everything goes well, add for getting equipment together and problems that might arise, then add in what equip costs will be and fuel.

Any sub labor gets added in and then I will adjust price accordingly to the situation and other factors.

Job is going to take 5 hours of cutting and 1 hour of the hour looks like 6 hours, but it will be more most of the time.

Just do the job in your head and keep track of your time then add 20% or more and get yourself some money for saws, gas, chipper, if you use a fancy hanses add a few dollars in for that because like saws they aren't given away!

Just think it through 7 times and pick the next to highest number.
Thanks guys, What I kinda thought and what I think most HO's would think is because your doing less work (removal as opposed to pruning) it should cost less. But, it still takes time, there are still hazards and things in the way and you still need the same equipment. Exactly what I needed to know. Appreciate it.