Rats in woodshed??? GRRRRR how to get them out

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Tree Freak
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
Every year, when Its time to start burning wood, there is rat crap in the woodshed, its all over the wood I'm handling it really annoys me, how can I keep them out of it?? Any tricks.

Every year, when Its time to start burning wood, there is rat crap in the woodshed, its all over the wood I'm handling it really annoys me, how can I keep them out of it?? Any tricks.

If you have pets that eliminates poison unless you get the pro type poison bate boxes, Problem is an aggressive dog will destroy them or turn them over, dumping the poison out, I would build them out of steel or plywood and fasten them to sompthing, like stakes in the ground, Or elevate them so a dog cant get to them, youll have to be creative as a dog can get on top of the wood pile,.Just thinking here, How about a bird feeder, type rat feeder,make sure there is a hole at the WOOD pole so they can access the platform, .HeHe, traps work but are high maintence, Tough one , losing a pet to poison sucks,. Eric
I have cats, but they rarely go outside, its a woodsheed thats inclosed on 3 sides, and the wood it stacked to the roof. So I could put a trap at the top under the roof? Would that work.
You could have BIGGER rats!

The rats in my woodpile don't leave any droppings behind, they just take the wood. 2 legged Rats!!! Even when caught taking the wood (infrared night vision cameras on a digital recorder) the Youth Criminal Justice Act seems to do very little to them. Trespassing, Prowl by Night?? just a joke. I would rather have 4 legged rats. Some people have them a pets!!
Moth balls

get a few boxes and toss the balls all over.

Eric, Do they work? I put about a box in my daughters jeep, while it was stored here, It stunk real good,. But the mice still chewed up all the paper work in the glove box, And It smelled of mouse ****, Dunno, Eric
My solution to this problem...

Along with voles and mice. Milo my cat:


We have zero rats or mice in the woodpiles here. Voles are another issue... too many of them here. But he is working on it. He has caught 5 in the last 2 weeks.

Cats aside, you can get the pet safe rat poison bait that attacks their kidneys. However, they also go into a water crave stage, and tend to eat things like romex wiring and other items before they die. At least that is what we saw in the barn when we used that type of bait down there.
Along with voles and mice. Milo my cat:


We have zero rats or mice in the woodpiles here. Voles are another issue... too many of them here. But he is working on it. He has caught 5 in the last 2 weeks.

Cats aside, you can get the pet safe rat poison bait that attacks their kidneys. However, they also go into a water crave stage, and tend to eat things like romex wiring and other items before they die. At least that is what we saw in the barn when we used that type of bait down there.

Windthrown, How long does it take to kill them using a pet frendly poison,.Never heard of it, Why dosent it affect the cats, dogs liver? Thanks Eric
I don't really want to use poisn, pet friendly version might be ok. I don't really want them to die in the woodshed. Seems this year is the worst. I am a auto mechanic, and this year has been the worst for them getting into cars, and chewing up the wiring!!!!!!! I ve had the same car back 3 times to fix chewed up wiring harness's.

I don't really want to use poisn, pet friendly version might be ok. I don't really want them to die in the woodshed. Seems this year is the worst. I am a auto mechanic, and this year has been the worst for them getting into cars, and chewing up the wiring!!!!!!! I ve had the same car back 3 times to fix chewed up wiring harness's.

Parris keep us posted on new ideas,. cuz, the earily bird gets the worm, But the second rat gets the cheeze,..Eric
The problems we were having with cars, a local exterminator told us to put the urinal pucks under the hood of the cars and that would keep the rats away, the customer tried it, they put it on one side of the car under the hood, but the rats did come back after that, but they chewed the wires on the opposite side of the car??? Maybe you need to use a couple of them, I'm not sure. I've never tried it so cant vouch for it.
Windthrown, How long does it take to kill them using a pet frendly poison,.Never heard of it, Why dosent it affect the cats, dogs liver? Thanks Eric

It is some type of poison that only works in killing small rodents through their kydneys, and not other mamals. OK if a cat, owl or dog eats the dead rats killed by it, or the dog eats the poison itself. Our house dog got into some real rat poison (blood thinning type) I laid out a few years ago. We had to induce her to vomit (made her chug salt water till she puked) and took her to the vet for some vitamin K and pumped her full of activated charcoal, and she was out of it for a few days. Since then we flipped to the safer rat poison. They are a huge problem in our barn. They ate 8 bags of pig food the year before we started baiting/poisoning them. We ahve also switched to 55 gallon barrel feed storage bins, but they are still down there along with field mice and voles. We have 2 other barn cats just for patroling down at the barn area as well.

I can no longer find the "safe" rat poison at the stores, so I assume that it was not that safe, or had other problems associated with using it. Cats are generally more immune to most types of rat bait than dogs. I suspect that the so-called safe stuff was a type of hypercalcemia poison.

Another option is using traps. Expecially the kind that flip them into the trap and can catch several at a time. Use peanut better as bait; that is the best thing I have found. Once trapped, I toss a trap into the pond and drown the rats or voles or mice in it. Sometimes we will let them loose in front of the dogs, and they go wild chasing them. They usually kill and eat them as well. The house dog catches and tortures ground squirrels here. Not many here this time of year though.
sounds like fun with a night vision scope and a pellet gun. Or you could put out a bait station under a small light and sit back for pellet poppin fun...

All you need is about 20 adhesive plates about 5 snickers bars. Arrange the strips strategically at night and rip off a one inch square of the snickers and place them on certain strips toward the middle. Get out there kinda early and I don't care how big they are you will systematically eliminate them. They cannot resist the snickers.
I don't really want to use poisn, pet friendly version might be ok. I don't really want them to die in the woodshed. Seems this year is the worst. I am a auto mechanic, and this year has been the worst for them getting into cars, and chewing up the wiring!!!!!!! I ve had the same car back 3 times to fix chewed up wiring harness's.

No matter how you look at it, there are going to be rats dieing in your wood shed, get rid of them, there filthy. And can carry about anything your famely, you or your pets want to catch.

Products like Bar-Bait (a trade name of rat control I used years ago) works by getting into there system and swelling up. Plugging there system makes the rat fall asleep cause they have no energy, and they die.

Back in high skool, a Bar-Bait rep did a talk to our AG class. He brought in a box and was eating it! Said it is real safe product, made out of things rats like, and the plugging agent is safe for systems that function differently then rats.

Gives a little more 'worthless' to the term rats azz, no?
Right now as we speak they are out there nibbling away at the carpets of your trucks and making cozy nests in your heater ducts and air cleaners. Anyone who says they don't have vermin are in denial- which is understandable. Most assuredly they are in your house as well.
The worst I ever got was when they made a home in my bench grinder and ruined it. That was enough for me.
I use those little bait blocks from decon or whatever they call themselves. I keep them in all the trucks, sheds and buildings all the time. The ones I put down last month have not be touched neither has any of my stuff.
This stuff is said to "dry out" their little rodent bodies so as not to leave a swelling carcass in the walls. That is what it said, I don't know for sure. I know the smell of vermin and have not smelled it since the bait blocks.
If you have worries about pets and kids just tell them not to eat it. More practical is the ultrasonic devices. I sometimes use bloodmeal to kept pest away but you might exchange one pest for a bigger one then, especially if you live where there are real meat eaters.
All you need is about 20 adhesive plates about 5 snickers bars. Arrange the strips strategically at night and rip off a one inch square of the snickers and place them on certain strips toward the middle. Get out there kinda early and I don't care how big they are you will systematically eliminate them. They cannot resist the snickers.

Use Snickers for bait and you can catch ME! never mind the rats LOL
rat feeder

It is some type of poison that only works in killing small rodents through their kydneys, and not other mamals. OK if a cat, owl or dog eats the dead rats killed by it, or the dog eats the poison itself. Our house dog got into some real rat poison (blood thinning type) I laid out a few years ago. We had to induce her to vomit (made her chug salt water till she puked) and took her to the vet for some vitamin K and pumped her full of activated charcoal, and she was out of it for a few days. Since then we flipped to the safer rat poison. They are a huge problem in our barn. They ate 8 bags of pig food the year before we started baiting/poisoning them. We ahve also switched to 55 gallon barrel feed storage bins, but they are still down there along with field mice and voles. We have 2 other barn cats just for patroling down at the barn area as well.

I can no longer find the "safe" rat poison at the stores, so I assume that it was not that safe, or had other problems associated with using it. Cats are generally more immune to most types of rat bait than dogs. I suspect that the so-called safe stuff was a type of hypercalcemia poison.

Another option is using traps. Expecially the kind that flip them into the trap and can catch several at a time. Use peanut better as bait; that is the best thing I have found. Once trapped, I toss a trap into the pond and drown the rats or voles or mice in it. Sometimes we will let them loose in front of the dogs, and they go wild chasing them. They usually kill and eat them as well. The house dog catches and tortures ground squirrels here. Not many here this time of year though.

I think Iam going to try my bird/rat feeder idea,.. If its stout enough, Iam bettin pets arent going to upset it, 4x4 post 6 feet off the ground, 3x3 foot platform, acses hole next to the post only, 2 in round, boxed wood bait station, 24 in square, flip up top, bait in center, I think that covers the cats, and the dogs, Eric