Replace Stihl 038 Magnum

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We were in Edmonton today, and I got a text from my nephew, that a Stihl 038 Magnum was posted on DORKbook, in our town. As soon as I looked at the saw, I recognized it due to a dent I had put in the lower handguard.

I got home searched through my receipt file, found the original sales receipt dated May 4 2018, serial number listed!! Ya!!
Raced to the local constabulary, filed a report. The individual is 'well known' to the RCMP.

So I am extremely hopeful about getting the old saw back.

I will update you as this unfolds...

Here is the link. Posted 2 days ago
The perp is in Edmonton Remand center indefinitely. RCMP are saying it's kind of a waiting game until the prick gets out, then they might be able to do something.

Those saws in Edm are definitely not mine. The dent I put in the handle of my saw is so distinctive. Cannot mistake it. My saw is also one of the Brazilian production saws, has the aluminum 'Made in Brazil' tag on the top.

Thanks for looking out for them though!
I keep my saws hung on spikes by the handles on a support beam for my barn. Then I take a logging chain and run that through the handles around the beam. No problems until 2 springs ago.......

I come home after a few days away and the door is open, WTF? When I get to the door I see the lock pried and door broken. My first thought is the saws! I look and none are on the beam, then I look down and ALL of them are on the floor. WTF?

On inspection I see blood droplets all about, the chain sawed through (twice to split a link). Then I see my hacksaw and a pry bar with blood all over both. Seems they used my tools to cut the chain and did a real bunch of damage to themselves, then either left for hospital or scared off by me or neighbors.

Cops were a real POS. Nothing stole? Nothing we can do! WTF? Blood and fingerprints all over.

"To protect and serve" is like "I won't XXX in your mouth." Cops were doughnut eating deadbeats worse than Barny Fife. Probably interfered with coffee at Dunkin Dognuts.

I upped the chain to 7/16", hid any cutting tools, and have alarms and lights now. Also cameras.

If my saws were just sitting all would be gone: 066 056, 038 X 2, 036 X 2, 028, 020. Not all of them were in that barn, I need to buy some more chains..............
I keep my saws hung on spikes by the handles on a support beam for my barn. Then I take a logging chain and run that through the handles around the beam. No problems until 2 springs ago.......

I come home after a few days away and the door is open, WTF? When I get to the door I see the lock pried and door broken. My first thought is the saws! I look and none are on the beam, then I look down and ALL of them are on the floor. WTF?

On inspection I see blood droplets all about, the chain sawed through (twice to split a link). Then I see my hacksaw and a pry bar with blood all over both. Seems they used my tools to cut the chain and did a real bunch of damage to themselves, then either left for hospital or scared off by me or neighbors.

Cops were a real POS. Nothing stole? Nothing we can do! WTF? Blood and fingerprints all over.

"To protect and serve" is like "I won't XXX in your mouth." Cops were doughnut eating deadbeats worse than Barny Fife. Probably interfered with coffee at Dunkin Dognuts.

I upped the chain to 7/16", hid any cutting tools, and have alarms and lights now. Also cameras.

If my saws were just sitting all would be gone: 066 056, 038 X 2, 036 X 2, 028, 020. Not all of them were in that barn, I need to buy some more chains..............
Now you need motion alerts that go off in your house when movement is detected and a good dog.
Now you need motion alerts that go off in your house when movement is detected and a good dog.

Everything lights up like a prison now even if a rabbit runs through the yard, inside buildings too. Spent about as much as good saw costs on the systems and wired them in myself.

I need to work on the dog. I've had a few and it's like raising a child if you want it to be a "good" dog. I just don't have the time to invest right now and it would not be fair to the dog either.

My best dog was one of my best friends. Greeted me when I came home, was sad when I left. He was a big mutt that would, eat any small animals that came on the property and bothered the garden, also bark/great watchdog. It took a few bouts with skunks and porcupines before he left them be. I had two commands that he knew well: sic em which is self explanatory , and smile. If I said smile, he'd give you a big grin and a growl. I miss that dog.