Ripsaw, 300bdft, 2 1/2 hours, sort of

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Slight thread derail, wont be the first! I'm in with this one tho. Own my 16 mtnside acres, no credit cards, no debt, bills pd (and damn few of those!). Lotta folks out there would call me poor (my income is near poverty level).
What's yer homesite status for RE? I'm offgrid (since 93), hydro here (2" line 120 psi).
I'd appriciate a PM to those sites, might be worth a look.
Slight thread derail, wont be the first! I'm in with this one tho. Own my 16 mtnside acres, no credit cards, no debt, bills pd (and damn few of those!). Lotta folks out there would call me poor (my income is near poverty level).
What's yer homesite status for RE? I'm offgrid (since 93), hydro here (2" line 120 psi).
I'd appriciate a PM to those sites, might be worth a look.

lol, yeah I derailed this one. Won't be the last either I'm sure.

Just under 32 acres, paid for for 10 years, business cc, paid in full everymonth, before its due. Still on grid for now. Been looking into solar, pretty pricey. Lately been thinking of harnessing the stream for some power. Also been shopping for a veggie oil generator for the workshop. I am sure I'm considered poor by monitary standards. All wood heat since 91, no backup oil, electric, gas, nothing for backup heat. Added a owb 2 years ago, it runs 24/7/365, heats the house, shop, domestic hot water. I'm going to hook that up to solar 1st, so thats self sufficient. Waiting for warmer weather. Few bills, very few bills. Electric, minimal , phone, etc, the basic stuff. Food bill is small, should be smaller, bigger garden this spring, got more free tools for the job, ( small tractor with 3 point, plow, disc, working on a homemade self powered tiller for it), also plans for an underground greenhouse Mike O...forget his last name, style. I need to get more self sufficient. Its a process. Getting it done one step at a time. I'll pm you the site I go to.
Thanks,I'll check it out. Ya sure gotta do some weeding to get anything useful online. Heres a few shots. To stay a little on topic, one is of yesterdays haul. Remember I was talking about thirding that big fir? I'm not even halfway down the trunk on that tree. I will get some nice VG out of these chunks.
And a couple of my system. Hydro is the best investment, but it is maintance intensive,(damn snakes), and you only get so much from a given site. I expect to add panels someday.
Modern Homesteaders

We live in southwestern NH in a rural area and I just recently retired. We moved here 10 years ago to escape the rat race in the urban NJ area. I ran a consulting firm out of my office until retirement. Several years ago some very wealthy people bought an old farm on large acreage near us. They were going to become the "simple life" folks of the region. Just after they made the announcement of how they were going to live the simple life, the female side of the couple announced she had enrolled in an expensive course on "How to Live Simply". That is almost as scary as the gun wacko who is going to take everything he needs.

I realize I am a dinosaur but people just don't get it anymore. A simple life to them means a 200 amp electrical panel and a dial up connection instead of a broad band connection and of course the 50" TV. Even those who work at simpler lifestyles can't get off the big equipment to do manual labor. Did you ever try to find someone to shovel snow off a sidewalk recently? I can hire all the plow trucks in the world but try to get someone to shovel the last 10 feet. Forget it. Oh well, I'm going to take a walk in the woods to locate some logs to slab with my little RipSaw once the 2+ feet of snow allows me to get the equipment into the woods.

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