Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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I want to build a garage at the house that is big enough for full size vehicles but small enough to heat. Right now I have a 42x45 pole barn and a12 x 20 garage that is too low to fit anything but a car. But NFW I am doing that until prices normalize.

In a perfect world I could convert the small garage to a wood shop and use the 3rd stall on the new garage to work on mechanical stuff. Sawdust and engine repair don't play well together.
Saw dust in the axle quiets it right down and makes it smooth as silk.
Guys, I'm the first one to jump on the "lets derail the snot out of a thread" band wagon, but I'm literally sick to death (no pun intended ) of the covid vaccine stuff. I, like many others, do not give a cow's udder if you get it or dont get it. For whatever reason(s). I dont care how effective it is, or isnt. The only thing I do care about with it, is you have made your decision, based on whatever information you feel is valid. Weve all pretty plainly figured out where we all stand on the subject. Can we please move on now?
The horse is dead and rotten.
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Poor old Eeyore.
Last day of basketball here. My daughter has her year end tournament this morning and my son has his last JV game tonight.

Hoping to get up to my cabin tomorrow morning to work on my dock. I’m planning on drilling holes in the ice and trying to drive temporary poles into the mud to hopefully hit solid ground. Then I can build the rest of the dock from there.
Speaking of animals, I Stihl have sheep sh!t if you want some fore your garden.
I did end up talking to the horse guy down the street, I'm just waiting for his pasture to dry out enough to get my truck back to the pile.i do appreciate the offer, thanks.
Guys, I'm the first one to jump on the "lets derail the snot out of a thread" band wagon, but I'm literally sick to death (no pun intended ) of the covid vaccine stuff. I, like many others, do not give a cow's udder if you get it or dont get it. For whatever reason(s). I dont care how effective it is, or isnt. The only thing I do care about with it, is you have made your decision, based on whatever information you feel is valid. Weve all pretty plainly figured out where we all stand on the subject. Can we please move on now?
The horse is dead and rotten.
View attachment 894462
I agree, when people stop posting about them getting it, I'll stop posting a response!
Until then, carry on.
Seems like a lot but several of them are set up and dedicated to one specific type of fishing and a number of them will be left at the cabin so it really boils down to about 2 rods per person. And on a day when Murphy shows up, you’ll need em all!!
Hey, is that an invite to go fishing?
I did end up talking to the horse guy down the street, I'm just waiting for his pasture to dry out enough to get my truck back to the pile.i do appreciate the offer, thanks.
Don't turn your nose up at sheep ****, no pun intended. A friend of mine has a flock of about 100, and if he takes the time to compost it for a year or so it us some of the best compost I've ever got my hands on.
Enough with th virus, the Lions,and th sheep ****. My first day up in the hardwoods thus spring, and ut's an absolute beauty. Testing out a 359 box-o-saw that I bought off a member last fall. I should tap some of these maple trees and make syrup, the saps really rollin' today.20210313_111816.jpg20210313_111816.jpg20210313_111816.jpg20210313_113738.jpg
I want to build a garage at the house that is big enough for full size vehicles but small enough to heat. Right now I have a 42x45 pole barn and a12 x 20 garage that is too low to fit anything but a car. But NFW I am doing that until prices normalize.

In a perfect world I could convert the small garage to a wood shop and use the 3rd stall on the new garage to work on mechanical stuff. Sawdust and engine repair don't play well together.
Looks like I am going to have to build a shed for my boat. My garage is just big enough to put the boat in. Once in the shop, I have enough room to walk down one side of it, turn sideways and squeeze between the motor and tool boxes, then walk down the other side and then step across the tongue to get back to my starting point. I "WAS" going to just buy one of those metal carports, but was told they would order me one but it would be months and months and maybe even not get it until next year, another place said it would be 18 to 20 weeks, if then, to get one. So now its down to building a pole shed. 6x6 pressure treated are $80 a piece. I tore down a old house trailer last year that had been covered with a metal roof. I have enough 8ft tin to cover a 80ft long house trailer that I saved. I also have about a dozen vinyl windows I saved out of the trailer. Since I will have to build, I plan on going 18x22ft with the shed, but I will have to cut down two sourwoods and haul in a load of fill dirt to level things up, but that will give me enough room for my boat as well as my zero turn. I havent made up my mind as to putting in a concrete floor. Once the boat is out of the shop, I intend to buy a lathe and milling machine, then maybe a cnc router/plasma table. I'll probably extent my shop about 10 more feet.
I agree, when people stop posting about them getting it, I'll stop posting a response!
Until then, carry on.
But if you know you are right, and they are wrong and it’s already too late to stop them, why do you feel a response is necessary?

If I’m at a party and someone says “ a great president” and I don’t agree with that person I just go back to eating my cake and don’t even validate the statement.
But if you know you are right, and they are wrong and it’s already too late to stop them, why do you feel a response is necessary?

If I’m at a party and someone says “ a great president” and I don’t agree with that person I just go back to eating my cake and don’t even validate the statement.
Simple answer because I care :).
I'm not just speaking to that person, but a much larger audience, if no-one speaks up then all they hear is what the media and that individual is saying and many don't realize there is much more to the story.
To be clear I haven't said I'm right, I actually hope I'm wrong about what I really think, but with big pharmas track record I can't think I'm far off. In regards to anything I've said or said I support in this thread, I don't think I've stated anything that wasn't factual or that I can't back up.
If people had any idea of how many diseases have a direct correlation to vaccinations I think many would avoid them. Just as with someone who has lost someone to this or any disease is more sensitive to it, so are those who have themselves and know others who have been vaccine injured, and all the more when its their children. Most people start out believing in vaccines, but after they see the "side effects" happen in someone they are near or themselves its hard not to start doing your own research(mine started 13yrs ago).
That being said, this experimental "vaccine" has not been successful in any prior animal testing, anyone taking it now is currently entering into a "vaccine" trial and is not even covered under what limited coverage the vaccine court would give you because its a trial and because it is under emergency use authorization.

As far as the hypothetical party, it would depend much on who the person was talking to and how much I knew on the particular person they were talking about. Many times I'd do the same as you, well not the cake, because I can't eat cake, hopefully they have ice cream. But in the end its kind of the same principle as with the vacs, we should not put our hope in any one leader or party, any more than we should a vac or the pharmaceutical industry in general.
I enjoy the slight off topic or semi-related topics of conversation. Cars/Trucks, chainsaws, fishing/hunting, home improvement etc.
Not touching the vax talk though......

Heading out shortly to ask about some oak, hopefully I can contribute to this thread a bit more.
How about 2nd amendment rights :surprised3:.
Enough with th virus, the Lions,and th sheep ****. My first day up in the hardwoods thus spring, and ut's an absolute beauty. Testing out a 359 box-o-saw that I bought off a member last fall. I should tap some of these maple trees and make syrup, the saps really rollin' today.View attachment 894554View attachment 894554View attachment 894554View attachment 894556
Very nice.
Underrated saw, I like them, but I rarely run 60cc saws.
I've heard guys are getting a lot of syrup from the sap this yr, just talked to a guy who got 2.5 gallons from 80 gallons of sap this week down here.
How about that firewood???
I think I'm officially past the half way mark, the split pile is a good bit taller and the round pile is getting a lot smaller.
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These scroungers were happy to get a meal of fresh cooked black ants :sweet:.
I use my little propane torch to kill them when I'm splitting, you can see it in the pic above leaning against the hydraulic tank of the splitter.
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