So I got to thinking.

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Mar 3, 2006
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We were disscussing my dislike for another saw in a thread last night.
One person seemed to take it really hard that I have a known disslike for a particular brand of saw.
Others seem mortified that I have no use or desire to own a 346xp.
Others are blown away with my love of the 350.
I don't intentionaly bash a brand, but I will bash a saw I am less than impressed with. Which seems to be a lot lately.
But to my point.
Who really cares? I have an opinion and I can express it, as others on this forum do, and are entilted to them.
But who really cares?
Should you NOT buy a saw because I say it runs like a turd?
Should you sell it because I say it's heavy and under powered but has run fine for you for years?
Just thinking and wondering aloud.
We were disscussing my dislike for another saw in a thread last night.
One person seemed to take it really hard that I have a known disslike for a particular brand of saw.
Others seem mortified that I have no use or desire to own a 346xp.
Others are blown away with my love of the 350.
I don't intentionaly bash a brand, but I will bash a saw I am less than impressed with. Which seems to be a lot lately.
But to my point.
Who really cares? I have an opinion and I can express it, as others on this forum do, and are entilted to them.
But who really cares?
Should you NOT buy a saw because I say it runs like a turd?
Should you sell it because I say it's heavy and under powered but has run fine for you for years?
Just thinking and wondering aloud.

On a less, not serious note...

Aww man, I missed that thread. Now that you brought it up, I already line up a buyer for my 346 and I have 8 different dealers pricing out a 350 for me.
Which oil, sprocket, chain, and bar length should I run?

Note...I do not currently own a Husky 346 nor do I have anyone pricing out a 350.
Take me drunk... I'm home again... :laugh:


"Realy ocifer, I'm not as think as you drunk I am!"

Nah, I was just wondering how much this really influences someones choice on a saw.

I was after all completly happy with the MS390 even after finding this site:)
It's an internet site about chainsaws. Your not slapp'n someone's mom. You are just talk'n bout saws. People that take life so serious really bug me. They get all stirred up about little stuff. Don't worry so much no one will get out alive.
All manufacturers hit a sweet spot every now and again- the better makers hit it more frequently. More important than brand loyalty is researching the models and seperating the wheat from the chaf. Propper application of the tool to the job at hand is too often overlooked in favor of the flavour of the day.

It happens in any category. I like the "sleepers". I miss my old 044, not a glam queen but an old friend. I have no doubt my new saws will work well, irregardless of the name on the side.

What if there was just one brand. maybe 3 sizes wouldn't't that be terrible. some people would have nothing to do . no research. nothing to bash you wouldn't have anything to compare them to.:(
All in good fun........

Hope nobody takes the brand-razzin' too seriously. It's a way to blow off steam. It is nice to have a choice. My saw, my money, etc. Or as in my neighbor's case, his post-hole digger, HIS money!:laugh:

I can dig it man! :clap: (with a shovel)
Bash away, it's funny. I guess I will take this oportunity to bash Dolmar. I have wanted to try one, but all I get are these dead beat, crappy dealers. Oh well..................................I don't need their junk anyhow, :popcorn: lol.................
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

I based a purchase from recomendations off this site.
I've run some of the highly touted saws.
I always look foreward to, and look for, oportunities to run the latest and greatest talked about saws. But I certainly don't believe all the hype they get until I can run one anymore!
I love the "I bought a Husky 141 to do some "thinning" on my property and only cut 50 cords of wood with the thing and it quit! Husky's are junk!"

Or you can insert any brand and model into that statement. Don't tell 2k but even Stihl makes some good saws. I bust some balls, but I really don't care what you run or do. All in good fun.

Now pass the bucket of beer, I need to be hammered in 5 minutes or someone is going to be sorry. :cheers:
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Would you mind sharing some of that popcorn? You've got four bags.

I say it's your money buy what you want. I do listen to recommendations from the people here because I want what works. Odds are that if there are a lot of people here that own one particular model and the majority says it's a good saw it probably will be a good saw.

The jury is still out on one saw that I bought when several people recommended it. I'm sure that their saw is good for them it's just that mine has had some problems with the way that it runs. It's in the shop right now. I hope they fix it because it handles great.

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