So I got to thinking.

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I feel different saw likes and dislikes is largely what kind of cutting you do, your budget, whether you are a fiddler, what your dad ran, the luck of the draw in terms of whether or not you have run good copies, and how much which saw you run is part of your self view.

For example, I get a lot of eye rolling when I say how much I like running my 3120 eating wood with a big bar.:dizzy:

And believe it or not, there are some that roll there eyes that have not personally run an 880 or 3120 themselves.

(Not dissing the 880, I like that too.)
Honest & fair debate over different makes & models of saws is a good thing. Most of the inevitable razzing is done in fun, but some folks do seem to get their knickers in a twist awfully quickly. Brand loyalty is fine to a degree, but not when it causes someone to automatically dismiss a product just because it isn't 'their brand.'

It's amazing how some discussions degenerate into discussings.
OMG..............Here we go again!!!!


Well, this has gone well! I get laid off, then laid up!! I'm bored out of my SKULL and stuck in bed, I think the pain killers are getting the best of me!
Just trying to spark up an iteresting thread, there I go thinking again:monkey:
Well now Saw, you got me a thinking a bit.

As a guest, I do remember reading and reading and reading and..... When I was looking to muffler mod the 026 (Great Saw). Bought a CS-346 (Great Saw, does what it does without any hiccups.) from all that reading back when.

Then I did all that reading stuff again and decided to buy a 372XP. Yep, that's what I said, a 372XP. Went to the local Huskola deola and they said..."What is a Husky 372XP. We don't believe Husky makes that saw, and if they did, we can't get them here." Yikes, that was 2 years ago. Before all the "2nd runs" and "return releases" of the long, and loudly, touted 372.

So, I started reading about the new fangled 441. Also saw it was loudly touted, found a dealer who seemed to know what he was talking about, started a thread about the 441 and bought one. Great Saw.

Okay, so now I've got two Stihl saws that really impress me. I guess that brand stigma is starting to attach itself.

Read and read whiny manly men crying about the discontinuation of the 440. Yep, bought one of those based on this site's recommendations. (BTW, Great Saw.)

But wait, there's more.

Came across a used Husky 181 SE that was in really good shape. Bought it for a few clams and... Man that is a nice saw. If Husky still builds them like that, then they've got something there folks.

I guess you could say I am still a Stihl guy, (have more of them than any other brand) BUT, there are some mighty fine saws out there not wearing the Stihl logo.

There you have it. Some thinking. I'll bet that'll learn ya!!
Now we are talking!!!
I "Was happy with my MS390", until I ran the 262xp that the folks on this site encoraged me to buy at a garage sale.Man I was an idiot to sell that saw!! It didn't cure cancer, it wasn't unstoppable as a freighttrain, but man did it run a 20" with authority!! Just couldn't find the air leak:cry:
I had always thought a ported 460 would just be the cats meow for me. Well, that oportunity presented itself when I piped off one night!!! Low and behold, I not only got one built the way I wanted it, bu I got to watch it's development during the build on this site!! That was cool!!:clap:
So BY BY 390, sold the 262, and kept my 350, the saw that I started out with. Yup, the first new saw I ever owned!! Couldn't rub two nickles together, wife and I were BROKE at the time!! A buddy talked me into cutting wood for him. Talked the wife and I into going to Attwoods, buing the saw and all I needed on their credit card, getting 10% off and SWORE we could have it paid off in three weeks. THREE DAYS and I gave my wife the CASH to pay that card off!! She doesn't question my tools much anymore!!!
Paid for a 192t, neat saw, I liked the less weight than the 200t and better balance. Ran it a bit, but not really that much, if that makes sense? Really liked that saw!!! Had car problems with it, never could get it to run right. And rather than buy a new carb, I used my bonus from work to buy the highly touted 200t. Now, not all of that was due to this site, I watched a 200t outrun my modded 346xp!!! After running, and COMPLETLY removing trees with JUST THE 200t, I'm sold!!!!
OK, I am rambling now!! Thanks for playing PA, I apreciate it!!!! Pain killers are kicking in hard now!! Should be a fun night!
If you could take away the handles, exaust note, and starting charecteristics and paper bagged the saw. Nobody could tell what the hell they where running..
after all arent you glad to be holding that saw, whatever family it may be from?!

Saws are soo cool BECAUSE of the great plethera in existance!!
Now we are talking!!!
I "Was happy with my MS390", until I ran the 262xp that the folks on this site encoraged me to buy at a garage sale.Man I was an idiot to sell that saw!! It didn't cure cancer, it wasn't unstoppable as a freighttrain, but man did it run a 20" with authority!! Just couldn't find the air leak:cry:
I had always thought a ported 460 would just be the cats meow for me. Well, that oportunity presented itself when I piped off one night!!! Low and behold, I not only got one built the way I wanted it, bu I got to watch it's development during the build on this site!! That was cool!!:clap:
So BY BY 390, sold the 262, and kept my 350, the saw that I started out with. Yup, the first new saw I ever owned!! Couldn't rub two nickles together, wife and I were BROKE at the time!! A buddy talked me into cutting wood for him. Talked the wife and I into going to Attwoods, buing the saw and all I needed on their credit card, getting 10% off and SWORE we could have it paid off in three weeks. THREE DAYS and I gave my wife the CASH to pay that card off!! She doesn't question my tools much anymore!!!
Paid for a 192t, neat saw, I liked the less weight than the 200t and better balance. Ran it a bit, but not really that much, if that makes sense? Really liked that saw!!! Had car problems with it, never could get it to run right. And rather than buy a new carb, I used my bonus from work to buy the highly touted 200t. Now, not all of that was due to this site, I watched a 200t outrun my modded 346xp!!! After running, and COMPLETLY removing trees with JUST THE 200t, I'm sold!!!!
OK, I am rambling now!! Thanks for playing PA, I apreciate it!!!! Pain killers are kicking in hard now!! Should be a fun night!

Oh we go again bashing that poor 346xp.....I was under the impression that all 346xp were the answer to all questions......

Does the 346xp cure cancer? I don't think so! cannot be the perfect saw. I think the best saw is the one you have in your hand that gets the job done, without messing with it. And, it didn't cost you a fortune. $.02
Ever since I stumbled upon this site I have been here just about everyday. I will read for hours sometimes trying to learn the lingo, about saws, and just general knowledge. I find this thread particularly interesting for more than the fact that I have a Husqvarna 350 (by far the best saw ever produced BTW :) ), it appears to be a brand bashing thing that sawinredneck started in another thread. This humors me to no end because I jokingly started something similar at work awhile back about a car, and this pissed the other party off. I like stuff with gasoline powered engines period. I have owned over 50 cars in my short 19 years of driving, around 40 of them have been Fords because that is what I liked. The first Chevy I bought for my wife to drive taught me that they all suck in some way or another. Now I research the heck out of whatever I am thinking about buying and stay away from the for sure known turds out there (sorry, but I will not buy a Pentastar, unless it was built before 1973). This applies here just the same. I was looking at various saws and found on this site that some of them do not perform as I thought they might.

As I stated, I have a 350, this was the first saw I had ever purchased for myself. At the time I needed one to clean up our yard and could not stomach the thought of buying a Poulan throw away. I saw the Husqvarna name and the $300 price tag, figured it is only $120 more than the Poulan I was looking at and went home with it. I do not regret that decision one iota. Little did I know then that I would be heating with wood just a couple years later, made me even more glad I bought what I considered at the time to be a higher end homeowner saw. Nice, light, starts everytime.

I did not use the 350 much this season due to the fact I scored a free Stihl 036 Pro from a friend at work last year. He had used it for about 2 hours total before lending it to his kid... Well, it came back with a blown up clutch, blued brake band and hub, and the oil pump was wiped out. He was given a $400 estimate for repairs. He shelved it for a couple years until I inquired about his plans for it. Long story short he gave it to me, even after I offered him money for it. I think it was a sore spot for him, so out of sight out of mind. So I picked up all of the parts for it and got it going for myself, like new saw for $150 in parts and bits. He may be in need of a motor for his truck, just so happens I have one, payback time...

Well, I will step off my soapbox now.

Cool site, Hope to continue to learn from it.

...I scored a free Stihl 036 Pro from a friend at work last year....Long story short he gave it to me, even after I offered him money for it....He may be in need of a motor for his truck, just so happens I have one, payback time...



:clap: :clap: :clap:
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