Spanish Thread

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Oct 14, 2002
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Los Angeles
So what are some useful phrases that would be good to know in spanish?

Hurry up= apurate=ah-puda-tay
can you bring me...=me puedes traer=may pwaydes try-air
help me=ayudame=ah-yuda-may

The most essential phrase of all: Donde esta' el baNo?

"Where is the bathroom?" I don't know the codes for accents and tildes spo my sentence looks rotten-sorry.
Afloja(a-flow-ha) la soga(so-ga)=Slack the rope

Agarra la soga= grab the rope

tirame eso=pull this for me

Guarda (gwa -arda) el mocoso=watch out for the brat

It's funny-I'm fluent in Spanish but I've never done tree work in that language. I ran a forest thinning crew made up of Spanish speakers several years ago but I don't have a clue what the prevalent slang is for arboricultural work.
Here's one

Los puercos acaban de tomar la leche

It means, 'The pigs have finished drinking the milk.'

It's a great reply to a question like Donde vive? (Where do you live?).

A wonderful ice-breaker, always good to start a realationship with some light-hearted humor. -Maquina de los arboles-
How do you say, "Please don't feed the handle of the grain shovel into the chipper, ever again....?"

"Por favor, no meta el mango de la pala de trigo en el molino nunca, nunca mas."
Okay, I put on my Sanbornese decoder ring, along with the Spanish adapter. I haven't used the Spanish adapter yet, so it might be off a little...

JP said, "Su trabje para me, comprende."

Is that, "You work for me, understand?" are you telling, or asking?

if you telling, you'd wanna say, "Tu trabajas para mi, comprendes." If you're being more formal, you'd say, "Usted trabaja para....

There are 2 spanish guys at my job. They are fun. For "rope" we use, "grieta." I've never heard soga before. When I worked at The Care of Trees, we used, "Linea de subir" (climbing line) and Linea de bajar (lowering/rigging line). I have to remember "soga." One day I'm going to ask someone to amarrame la grieta (tie on the lowering line) and they won't know what I mean!

all of the places I've been in the Spanish speaking world (which ain't many) nobody says "comprende" when asking if they have been understood. there are two words here. if you are asking if they are understanding what you have said you would ask "entiende/s?". if you are asking it they understand a concept (as in comprehension) then you would ask "comprende/s?"

of course, I could be wrong here...
You're right, rumi. Whenever I've heard the word comprende asked at the end of something, it's in scenarios where the asker is crticizing someone or teaching them something that "they should already know." It can be a dimunizing word. But entiendes seems to be more neutral. Just asking a simple question.

Es posible que veo algo que no existe.

Just shows to go you.-Grieta means a longitudal split, check or superficial scratch(at least in Argentina). Soga is rope. Cuerda is cord.
Comprender isn't insulting but it is specialized-as Mr. Thoughtful(or is he just a cud chewer?) mentioned it is from the same root as the English word comprehend.
Que pasa hermanos de los arboles

That's not fair Tree Machine!
Very, very unfair!
In fact cheating;
We all know half of the english speaking help themselves,

Don't know what you just said!
Ummm, I'm not sure I do know what I just said. That piece came from a true instance. He was pushing the sawdust and branch fines into the chipper with the handle end of the shovel. It was his first day, and I did tell him to use the shovel to push the material in..... I just assumed he would use the business end.

Didn't know how to say 'handle', or chewed-up chipper knives; he knew he'd dilled out, so I just chuckled, shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

The non-verbals between us really said it all, and fortunately, I'm not the type to get all tweaked out about a shovel handle.

La vida esta demasiado corta (Life is too short). Spidey (and anyone else), if I offended anyone, it was inadvertant and please accept my apology.

-Maquina de los Arboles-
TM I don't think that you offended anyone-I think that Spydy was joking but I'm not certain what it was about.

Thanks for the new word-trituradora. Since triturar means to grind, chip or chew that makes sense. I used molino which translates as "mill". It is a nice universal term since it can be applied to just about any machine that uses a rotating part to accomplish grinding, chopping or smashing.

La vida es demasiada corta. -The good ol' confusion about to be (estar= current position or condition.......... ser= inherent quality/nature). Remember to match gender between adjectives/adverb and their subjects.
Ven aqui....

as in...."I need a nicotine fix very very soon. May I please have one of your cigarettes? I will gladly repay you in the future with one of my own cigarettes."
Nick had you cobered Blaster. I was momentarily confused with your phonetics-I thought you were trying to bum a cigarette (cigarillo--see-gar-ree-yo BTW) and then asked for a breath freshener.:p