Stolen truck and gear.

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ArboristSite Guru
Feb 4, 2004
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I hope this never happens to ya'll. Yesterday morning the guy Im climbing for called me and told me that his truck got stolen Sunday while he was at church. And it just so happens that every single piece of climbing gear I own was on that truck as well as all the chainsaws. We are pretty sure it was an ex employee of his that has a pretty serious drug problem and a spare key. But the police say they cant even question this guy because they dont have probable cause. Go figure. So in the mean time I need to replace about $2,000 worth of gear before I can even start working again. The insurance should cover most of it, but who wants to wait around for them to file a claim and cut you a check. Just a reminder to every one, this can happen to you. Secure your stuff. Joe Crackhead is out there and would rather steal than work in order to support his habit.

:angry: :angry:
Aargh!. I can't find the words tosay how that makes me feel. My sympathies. Do you need to bum some stuff to get back to work?:angry:
Never forget, the criminal has more rights than you do-I am sure the laws in the USA are as screwed up as they are in Canada. now if this had been a police officer's vehicle and gear that had been stolen I am sure there would have been a way the person implicated would have been arrested. $2k is small cheese, they would rather spend time on the crimes that generate publicity and more $$$$ for the police dept. I suggest you pay the crackhead a visit and see if you can repossess your stuff. Likely most of it is in local pawnshops by now, so visit those too. Have someone phone the cops and tell them crackhead just tried to sell them what they think is stolen goods; there is your probable cause. But I still think they are not interested because of the $$$ value. Been there buds.
if you do a google search for a guy over here called TONY MARTIN .hes got the answer to these scum bags.....sorry outonalimb to here your prob but we got these low lifes over here as well:angry:
Thanks for the offer Stumper, Im not so worried about the climbing gear, I was planning on getting a lot of new stuff any way. But we are in Dire need of a chipper truck or at least a one ton truck with a dump bed. Do you know of anyone here in Colorado who has one for sell? (used of course) I called every tree company in Colorado Springs yesterday and put the word out so if any one tries to sell them saws or gear they know its probibly mine. The sad thing is this guy has a really bad reputation around here and a few of the tree guys I called mentioned his name before I did. We went to his house, but there was nothing there and he denyed it of course. The screwed up thing is if I tryed to "Strong Arm" the guy to get my stuff back, I would be the one going to jail for assault. GRRRRRRR

Kenn:angry: :angry:
Hey Rollacosta, Personally I would rather sick Chris Ryan on them. "Who Dares Wins"


thats a real downer,

when i waas at uni, some local idiots thought that they would smash up our windows at 1am, right before my second last exam,

i thought get the ba***ds on video, my flatmate said "no thats against their human rights" so well i thought i'd infringe their human rights and film them,

after 4 hours the police turned up, showed them the video and thay said oh its (insert name) yeah we know him...

WTF i thought,

i was told that he would either have to pay for the damage, not likely as he was scrounging on benefit, or do community serivice...weeding the towns flower beds.... why because they dont want people like him to get criminal convictions........he is known to the police for constantly offending, yet he is not to get a record

had i gone out and forceably told him where to get off would i have got away this lightly?

someone explain the logic to me,

That reminds me of the time in the mid 80's a guy stole a bunch of saws from a garage at a company I had just bought out...
I caught him on the toilet, trying to stick a needle in his leg I later found out... Well thinking about it now it was a pretty funny scene. I had one hand on his pony tail and the other reaching down to keep him from pulling his pants up.... It got pretty hairy there aftrer the first time I banged his head into the sink yelling "where are the saws"... he started reaching for his knife, which fortunately fell off his belt as it was undone...
I got the saws back minus the bars and chains and his old man paid me 1400 in back rent... Some one told me later they found his needle in the bathroom..
Its not worth it dealing with drunks and druggies... Their low energy will always bring you down... I keep them as far away from me as possible... I made a commitment to myself never to work with people like that again, back in '94... Maybe if your boss had done the same you'd be telling us how work went today instead..
Amen Daniel. Personally I have never met the guy. It seems I was his replacement after the owner finally got fed up with him. But I have heard enough about him from other people to know he is a crack head. We are in a line of work that is dangerous as it is, no need in stacking more risks on top of it.

Three weeks ago some kid or drunk idiot busted my back window out and tried to steal my Dakota. He didn't get it but the SOB did a fair share of damage. He left my stereo, CD's, money, everything but left me with $1400 in damages (good thing for insurance deductibles).

Cops said that mine was the third dodge broken into in the area so all you Dodge owners out there watch out. Good thing he didn't get my truck because all my tools and some climbing gear was in the tool box in the bed.

Anyone who catches these idiots should be given a medal for beating them senseless. Keep it out of the "slap on the wrist" court system and teach them a real lesson.

insurance :(

In October last year, my car was broken into. They stole about 1,000 worth of camera equipment, and about 6,000 dollars of other stuff, including a whole bunch of climbing equipment. Luckily they didn't take the saddle. I borrowed a silky, used an old climbing line, and just barely was able to climb the next week while I waited for the sherrill order.

Well, it is now going on 5 months, and the insurance company has yet to pay. They are dragging their feet. State Farm, if you care.

FWIW, my policy does not allow reimbursement for media storage (ie, my 75 cd's that got stolen!). As I look back, it would've been well worth it to buy a cd copier from best buy (about 100 bucks) and copy ALL my cds and keep the originals at home. Check your policy.

Those faukers even took my dirty work pants. :angry:

Sounds like it's your chance to bail out, and get somewhere else.

Sorry to hear ya lost yer gear, tho. Man that's GOTTA be a bite in the bag.
hey out,

protreecare member id has a used asplund truck for sale. check out used equip (i think). Looks to be in good shape and he's in N central Oklahoma. an easy days drive.

Keep at the insurance company. I saw something on 60 Minutes(?) a few years ago. Apparently insurance companies routinely turn down a certain percentage of claims with no concrete reason. Family in the states had their house burn to the ground in the middle of the night. Lost everything & almost their lives. Same company was refusing to pay, since the cause of fire was not determined (and never has been). They kept on the insurance company until they got a settlement almost a year later. Go higher up the ladder until you get satisfaction
I remember something like that.

The idea is, they'll deny valid claims just for the 5 percent of people they know won't bother to take the next step. Still saves them a LOTTA green.
Especially if ya send out initial turndowns on 80% of your life insurance claims over 20k etc............

i think a man that thinks it is okay to take your stuff and you lose; should also think that if ya catch him, the game is he now owes ya for everything you ever got stolen, every lock, shackle, chain, insurance you bought, every time you got out and went to double check the shed lock before pulling out etc.; just so that person wouldn't take your stuff- due immediately.

But, at that point, this proud beast of a bear that would keek yo'azz and take yo'**** somehow becomes a whimpering weasel; wanting every protection of the law he would usually hyde from and forsake you from; and expects you to be honor bound and allow him to or re-lease; historically speaking. When at bat, they will be closer to getting an out, adding up to 3 strikes earlier for the poor fella; when asked as politely as possible to lay face down in the dirt arms spread, ankles crossed; especially while listening to the previous paragraph. Getting struck out so quickly sure makes me feel sorry for'em.

Must be a tough gig!

But i feel more for your plight Kenn, really i do;
we got to stick together....!
Nickfromwi, Sate Farm is one of the worst for paying. I have dealt with them many times and have always had bad luck. The last time I waited 3 1/2 months for payment on a storm damage job where we removed an 85 foot, 4.5 foot DBH maple off of three cars and a house. They wanted the job done within a day so the roof could be covered due to heavy rains coming in. Got the job done in time but then they would not cut the check. The contractor did 65000.00 of work on the house and waited 6 months to get his money.

Thanks for the lead on the Asplundh truck Okie. Gonna look into that. Had to break down and order the bare nesescities from Sherrill to day, but hey I should at least be workin by friday. As for the insurance goes. My girlfriend is a manager for Zurich North America. So I got the insurance portion covered. Anyone ever hear of the "Asplundh Bulldog" LOL

Thanks guys
I just heard from them today. They said they will be covering the loss. Now they have to see what they can replace cheaply via their replacement service. It seems like it's still going to be a while. Don't worry. I don't give up....I made about 20 phone calls to get a 50 dollar rebate on my cell phone!
