Swingin round with ropes like monkeys! VS metal and leather!

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mightyoak said:
for your information there only (2) things in trees, squirrels and nuts, and I'm no squirrel..

yet when your driveing down the road and the other guy (trolls) are hacking everthing in sight, don't you think to your self, "why, how in the hell did they get the job. They are better off being squirls than arborist.
fpyontek said:
The arborist type pest I was referring to is someone referred to here as a hack.. uses spikes, etc.
hacks or cutters ar not arborists
John Paul Sanborn said:
Then he's a loose nut.

Ekka asked for irrelavent posts :rolleyes:

Are you sure i should not delete the entire thread :laugh:

Better in one place than all over the site JP :(
John Paul Sanborn said:
Then he's a loose nut.

Ekka asked for irrelavent posts :rolleyes:

Are you sure i should not delete the entire thread :laugh:

It's your gig, but dosen't it throw you off your rocker if you hear another company working at a job you just bid?
jason j ladue said:
056 u r a troll! you have never operated a saw or climbed a tree in your life. what are you doing here. get a life...

sorry to break you heart jason but ive seen him do it.
are we going back to the stone age

yes i used to climb free no spikes and no ropes then i got wise/now with ropes and thought /work is better and safer and a tree without hundreds of needlles wounds yours.:buttkick: old timer
Chalk me up on the monkey side of the board... I just like it better. Gaffs are good tools though and work better than rope sometimes. I'm not gonna gaff a tree I want to live though.
056 kid said:
My boss,(a veteran of 40 years) has climbed with gaffs and a safety belt all that time and has never killed a single tree. He has had customers that have used him time and time again. I have seen big pin oaks that he topped and trimmed years ago and they looked beautiful!

Great post!
I have not read all the replies but I would say right off that for Kid's boss, the trees he has spiked, have been in his care for many years.

So, is'nt he really practicing BONSI??? (except for the spiking part)

Hey, those bonsi guys do horrible things to trees in order to force them to conform to a look that they want. but the trees survive and are, indeed healthy and strong.

I think this is the 'root' of the issue between topping/spiking & 'poor tree work'.

the biggest reason to not top trees is because if the 'treatment' is not continued throughout the many years of the trees life, the tree will become a safety issue as well as an example of work done to it which leads to decay/ failures, & a tree which does not live as long as another similar tree which is pruned in a way which is compatable with it's biology.
hey kid, good luck to you and keep an open mind. I've only been climbing for about 4 or 5 years and have used spikes a handfull of times. I learned the old school way of one rope prusik tie in, no split tails or anything. Takedowns and all never used spikes until this year. I love them but only use them for the takedowns. I'm not knocking anything or anyone but I've recently learned new ways of climbing with ropes, ascenders and micropulleys, I love it, its much easier. But just keep learning you'll get there.
Good Luck!!!!!
I almost graduated myself from spikes to ropes. I started to repell down branches that seem dependable. I had my dad working for me for a few days and he thought that i was crazy repelling with a 1/2'' rope instead of spiking down. the less holes the better. Itry not to put any but in some cases theres just no other option; especially in a small back yard.
Just some thoughts.

This is an interesting post. I use a saddle and gaffs on most jobs as I have for 25 years. I never even got used to using a second, verticle rope like they use in the split tail climbing system. Just too much rope to deal with. But as I've aged and gained experience I always remember Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." So, my compromise between all ropes, or spurs and saddle only, will be a another safety line in addition to my lanyard. Or I can just hire a younger climber. Nah!