the all aussie dribble thread!

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Happy 2015 dribblers

Hey, its still last year here... in the distant past. Cheers to you all though mates.
Trust me, you just cannot get away from him as simply as that. I have not had anything to do with the man since 2009 but still get hounded from the stupid fool, he still thinks of new ways to get back at me, the latest being calling me a cheat on my own Utube channel, oh and called me a looser on FB.
Childish sh#t from a grown man.
I'd say Neil...That goes to show how well he really knows you!!!
Did i mention the childishness of those claims are off the richter scale!!!
Matt, I know a guy with a (I think its a no1) smelly converted to hornet, it has the same 10 shot mag but has a spacer to stop the shells jamming and moving forward, i'm sure he never uses it because of the bullet jams. Perhaps some tweeking in the mag mat help.
That same man owns same sportco conversion but a 303 / 243, I think it jams too.

My old sportco 303 / 270 was fine but they were 303 cases of coarse.

This is a proper hornet but there were plenty of 303 re chambered to hornet 303/25 ect
MattyPrimo, shooting a cat is a felony here. They are not rabbits... :omg:

Feral pest here even with a collar and bell :) 100% fair game outside of the owner's yard. The damage feral/domestic cats do to our wildlife is insane. I'd happily shoot every cat in the country if given half the chance. I'd rather shoot one cat than 50 foxes.
Feral pest here even with a collar and bell :) 100% fair game outside of the owner's yard. The damage feral/domestic cats do to our wildlife is insane. I'd happily shoot every cat in the country if given half the chance. I'd rather shoot one cat than 50 foxes.

something like 1.8 billion native animals a yeah :mad:
I had one that liked to drop half eaten brushys on my back door step. **** ton tougher than me to take a fully grown poss out of a tree.
Funnily enough for a feral cat (and a ranga) it was a likeable enough thing - but a hell of a cost to local wildlife.
And cranky bastards when you catch em in a dingo trap :D

I used to go shooting on an old German bloke's farm. He died about 15 years ago. He had cats absolutely thick around the farmhouse for "mouse control". Out in his mallee scrub the feral cats were thick from about 40-50 years worth of cat escapes. I was the first person to basically ever fire a shot on his farm. I remember walking through the scrub one day and I hear this hiss by my left foot. I jump back a bit, look down, and here's this bloody feral tomcat poking out of a rabbit hole ready to go me. He copped a 36gm load of BB's through the head and it's the most satisfying kill I've ever had while out shooting. The bastard. On this guy's farm alone I knocked over about 200 cats in the space of 2 years.
Anyone doing something exciting tonite or just watching the big bash like me ? Been finishing off the last few things on my house and pretty much for got all about new years eve

i took some of my kids to a movie then train to city catch the fire works it was really nice perfect temp nice big crowd with good feeling at the MCG fire work popping and echos off the grandstand walls. Then a easy walk back to catch a tram back to Stkilda where daughter 2 is camped at daughters no1 BF flat while they are in China. I just got back from that way went to a pub i not been to in 28 years when i wos a rooting drinking my way though my 20ies :) must say I dont miss the city much but its nice to pass by the pretty girls are every where so my nuts a tight as

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good mate dads died yesterday bit sad top bloke made 91 off a straight bat before jimmy dancer got him.. He taught me how to fish play cards and swing an axe, I proudly get to shoulder and carry him with the lads next week.
I used to go shooting on an old German bloke's farm. He died about 15 years ago. He had cats absolutely thick around the farmhouse for "mouse control". Out in his mallee scrub the feral cats were thick from about 40-50 years worth of cat escapes. I was the first person to basically ever fire a shot on his farm. I remember walking through the scrub one day and I hear this hiss by my left foot. I jump back a bit, look down, and here's this bloody feral tomcat poking out of a rabbit hole ready to go me. He copped a 36gm load of BB's through the head and it's the most satisfying kill I've ever had while out shooting. The bastard. On this guy's farm alone I knocked over about 200 cats in the space of 2 years.

we have a few farm cats that stay around the feed/machinery sheds , one's the girlfriends ...we have no rabbits here anymore lol, they do a good job at keeping the rats n mice under control on a farm, the rats used to be a real bastard for getting into machinery/cars and eating electrical wiring & radiator hoses trying to get to the coolant .....they also keep snakes away, leaving a chewed up snake on the back door for me