the all aussie dribble thread!

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G'day guys, not a proper aussie but I live here now and married one, neice and nephew are proper aussies though. Thought I'd best join in anyway.
Hey Vince, how are you going mate? Did justin tell you he used a mastermind 441rcm and fell in love? He's a nice bloke
gday andy.. not to worry .. yr more aussie than some of the ppl that hang out around here:surprised3: yeah going well..nearly shaken off this cough crap i have had for 2 weeks but otherwise all good. yeah he did. he ran mine stock so i'll have to ask him what he thought the difference in performance was like. yeah Justin is a top bloke. very knowledgeable bloke and helped me heaps with mending the Patrol over the years.:rock:
Meant to comment on this beauty yesterday,,,, Are you up to the standard required to run that sucker Wayne. The old mcknowledge box would be the man to demonstrate it for you and maintain it too,,,,,:lol: :laughing:

Neil, It's too much saw for me, I don't have the mental stamina to run and maintain this McSnot.
It's rightful place is surely the ocean floor :laugh:
The whole legal system and gov policy and judges is where the problem is... the police can only do so much and I think they do a great job with there hands tied by pencil pushers

The justice system stuffed up big time..this person was on bail for a string of violent being assisted murder.
He should have been deported ages ago.
Neil, It's too much saw for me, I don't have the mental stamina to run and maintain this McSnot.
It's rightful place is surely the ocean floor :laugh:

fair enough, I would be the same. Funny how you see those things and those Pm 610's laying round saw shop work shops, just in a corner or under some dusty bench.....
I wonder how all this would of panned out if like the US 1 in 4 carry ?.

maybe better,,,, thou more likely not better, media is drawing on Hollywood gun movie scenes me thinks... friggin SOB would just adapt his tactics to whatever threats expected & weapons had access too and whatever scenario he wanted it to play out.
Roll it back to fwitts who let him loose and lets wait till we find out who from his community provided him the gun, that will unfold next few weeks expect another shoot out soon.
I wonder how all this would of panned out if like the US 1 in 4 carry ?.
id say worse in general knowing how hot headed Sydney siders can be, but would make a very interesting journey on the M4 on a sweltering summers day when road rage sets in. Cafe with expensive Latte sippers and elegant chocolate bitters ..Mmmm i think a nutbag raghead with pump shotty would have the edge
Heres an idear lets ban all the pump style firearms.
Nah just shotties. Oh wait, hang on, didn't they do that already? But, what, how, wait, he couldn't of possibly been an unlicensed gun owner with an unregistered firearm! This is Sydney, we've got laws to stop this sort of thing! [emoji32]
Hi Guys
Its been awhile seens i was on, fell on hard times and had to get rid of my saws to get the cash, but just wondering if any one has a cheap stihl 024AVS or similar that i could buy, I know the early stihls thats why im asking but will get some thing else if any one recons there good, misses had heart attack again and i needed the cash to travell and expenses, long way from my place to the hospital all the time, but any way would like to get another saw please
Let me know what you have and ill see if a can get it ,thank in advance
Regards Peter
pfft the 308 there's a reason that a LOT of military and police department's have gone 300 wind bag

The SAS jump from the .308 straight to the .338 Lapua. The 300 Win Mags were a bit of a fad there for a while but then the .338 took it's thunder. At the ranges encountered with most urban work the .308 is more than adequate plus they have non exiting projectiles available. There is a point, where hostages are concerned, that too much grunt is bad. No doubt in the great outdoors the 300 has more poke but as mentioned it's not really a standard military round despite a few using it around the place. In the US it is more popular due to some police forces being privatised and being able to pick what they want.
The Australian military trialled it, along with the 7mm Remington Mag, but they've now pretty well standardised with just a handful of calibres.