the all aussie dribble thread!

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well no saws in my future :( i am fcuked and the doc can't do anything .

not at 2K but i got one at 1425y on the second shot so pulled the pin
i like a 50% hit rate better than 33.3% :laughing: :guitar: this should be a banjo :lol:

Heart issues still mate? At least you can still shoot stuff :) Take care.
I don't want to harp on about it but can you imagine if WWIII erupted suddenly? 10% of Aussies would fight, 50% would be laying in the corner sucking their thumb crying for their mummy, and the remaining 40% would be shooting at us (in the 10% of course).
Hats off to the cafe manager who grew some balls. He's the only real hero in all of this. If this fuc*er tried the same thing in a country pub he'd have had 20 shades of sh*t beaten out of him before he even got the gun up.
The softcock society that we've become is going to be our downfall. If we don't see a quantum shift with male testosterone levels in this country soon these bastards are going to walk all over us.
We've already got other Islamic "leaders" refusing to apologise for this guy's actions until the Australian government apologises for sending troops to Syria and Iraq...
Well done Matt couldn't have said it better myself:rock2::bowdown:
Yep. My mate who was in Afghaniland with the SAS said he wanted to adopt every young girl he saw as he knew what was coming as they got older. He didn't see many though as they were all locked up inside and not allowed to go out.
It always makes me laugh when the same softcock do gooders who preach equal rights seem to love Islam. Sort of contradicts each other.
Yeah mate its a tought situation for the young wherever theres control freaks running the ship, especially when religion overpowers theres freedom to be individually themself
Was the guy a one-off nutter who hijacked not just people but peaceful Islamic/Muslim beliefs? That seems to be the line being pushed, with the media parading good people who happen to be non-radicalised Muslims as evidence the fanatic nutjob was simply one of those lone-wolf, mentally disturbed psychos that are found in many walks of life and have often hijacked a religion to justify their insane actions.

We are lead, therefore, by the media to believe Islam is a religion of peace, justice and all those other ideals we project we hold dear. That the overwhelming majority of Islamic followers value at least as highly as we do, the same things as the majority of us. We are lead, therefore to believe this guy is wrong. Is he?

The SAS jump from the .308 straight to the .338 Lapua. The 300 Win Mags were a bit of a fad there for a while but then the .338 took it's thunder. At the ranges encountered with most urban work the .308 is more than adequate plus they have non exiting projectiles available. There is a point, where hostages are concerned, that too much grunt is bad. No doubt in the great outdoors the 300 has more poke but as mentioned it's not really a standard military round despite a few using it around the place. In the US it is more popular due to some police forces being privatised and being able to pick what they want.
The Australian military trialled it, along with the 7mm Remington Mag, but they've now pretty well standardised with just a handful of calibres.
gday pete.. whats ya budget? ill keep an eye out.
I don't want to harp on about it but can you imagine if WWIII erupted suddenly? 10% of Aussies would fight, 50% would be laying in the corner sucking their thumb crying for their mummy, and the remaining 40% would be shooting at us (in the 10% of course).
Hats off to the cafe manager who grew some balls. He's the only real hero in all of this. If this fuc*er tried the same thing in a country pub he'd have had 20 shades of sh*t beaten out of him before he even got the gun up.
The softcock society that we've become is going to be our downfall. If we don't see a quantum shift with male testosterone levels in this country soon these bastards are going to walk all over us.
We've already got other Islamic "leaders" refusing to apologise for this guy's actions until the Australian government apologises for sending troops to Syria and Iraq...

Well said!.....Over the last twenty years I have watched the Austraila I love disappear, to the point where I see the ordinary working bloke has become a minority in his own country.
Well said!.....Over the last twenty years I have watched the Austraila I love disappear, to the point where I see the ordinary working bloke has become a minority in his own country.

I'm not as old as most of you blokes but I agree this is not the Australia I grew up in and I don't like the way its heading. So many people now seem to be almost ashamed to be australian like yuppys and hipsters ect if that makes any sense and if you are a bit on the aussie side you get called a bogan or crap like that
I'm not as old as most of you blokes but I agree this is not the Australia I grew up in and I don't like the way its heading. So many people now seem to be almost ashamed to be australian like yuppys and hipsters ect if that makes any sense and if you are a bit on the aussie side you get called a bogan or crap like that

Well the yuppy is much like a sheep, what one does the other one follows!.. Thus, when it all turns to shite here (and it will !) the yup will be as he is!... like a lamb to the slaughter!.....Lets see what name they call a man that can stand on his own two feet then!
to the point where I see the ordinary working bloke has become a minority in his own country.
yeah well when the hard worker just works more he just gets taxed more ,hence why we only work the farm enough to scrap by week by week me plenty of free time tho :D and im still standing unless on the piss
Was the guy a one-off nutter who hijacked not just people but peaceful Islamic/Muslim beliefs? That seems to be the line being pushed, with the media parading good people who happen to be non-radicalised Muslims as evidence the fanatic nutjob was simply one of those lone-wolf, mentally disturbed psychos that are found in many walks of life and have often hijacked a religion to justify their insane actions.

We are lead, therefore, by the media to believe Islam is a religion of peace, justice and all those other ideals we project we hold dear. That the overwhelming majority of Islamic followers value at least as highly as we do, the same things as the majority of us. We are lead, therefore to believe this guy is wrong. Is he?

The media is trying to pass it off as a one off nutter for fear of upsetting the Muslims but as Matt said he had 15000 followers on Facebook. The bloke was a fruitcake there's no doubt about that but there's an unlimited amount ready to replace him. Our ***** government is to scared to even call it a terrorist attack! See big Tony even came out today and said the **** was a licensed shooter. The shooters and fishers party have since proved him wrong! This place has gone to the pack, any room left over there kiwibro?
Plus i dont think theres enough wood for both of us.
Would be fun finding out though. If you let me have a crack with your modded 241, I'll let you have a crack with my super split;-)Besides, I need someone to process firewood while I pretend to be a saw-miller. On that note, Neil, if you are reading this, take a guess at what I was just quoted for that frame saw. I'd rather eat sand.
Plenty and you are welcome but I'm not sure the grass is any greener.
Of course it's greener! Pigs in the pine, a duck season, himilayan tahr, chamois, semi auto .22s and pump action shotguns, 20lb snapper, 60 lb kings........oh wait, you're talking about life other than hunting and fishing aren't you. [emoji2]
would moving be the answer ,I think not, unfortunatly all countries have inherent problems ,what ticks me is we didn't inherit this we welcomed them in with open arms knowing dam well what it might fester into and.... it did, so now all we can do is protect our families and hope our government has the balls to fix it,
here's a saying that I like ,goes something along the lines of "FIT IN OR FARK ORRFF"