The Teddy.Scout Situation

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T-Scout, I've been avoiding reading this thread. By the title I thought it was just another #%%% about another member thread. I clicked on it today and found excactly the opposite.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I've gone through this with both my parents, and it's not gonna be easy for ya for a while. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if there's anything I can do for ya.
Thought about it for a good 2-3 days as to what to say!

BUT, not much other than
THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Means the world to my AMAZING bride and ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dad was getting treatment prior to all this at the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic so I guess he bought some time as it was.
The bride just came home from the Hospice meeting with my sister and I have the room set up at our house. Ya! The stubborn bastard seems to be bullet proof!
Well, they did what they can! Plus It is best he will be at home and not in the hospital for his last few bed-ridden days. I think I kept gas prices down for you guys with the trips into Cleveland and bought a parking garage at the Cleveland clinic this past month with all the fees!! LOL! Won't miss driving into the city!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have told us days left for the past month and the last of what they can do for his pain and Leukemia was finished yesterday.
The old man is coming home for the last time.
Master bedroom belongs to him now as it is the last thing We can offer him till it is time.
Man it has been weird! Going from the punk kid of the family matriarch to the one that is!
Now I know why he was the way he was!!!!!
Kinda weird to go from asking-calling him up asking questions, to the one that has to make decisions!!!! Bottom line it sucks! But it is what it is and I am thankful for it all!

And again! Mrs. Teddy.scout has been and forced to be the TRUE matriarch of are family with out a FLINCH of a eye for a family she came into, taking care of my father and grandparents(and me)! So to say I am in charge is WRONG! She has been and didn't even flinch with it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to show her this thread and let her see the type of people I spend a many hour with!!!

Thanks guys!

Personal crap aside, had time to do a much needed catch up and got out a good many packages to mostly members here! Sorry for the delay and even more, thanks for your patience guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely and appreciatively Mr. and Mrs teddy.scout

P.S. many members here went above and beyond with your thoughts and well wishes! THOSE ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! And will be made even in true CAD fashion as it is still strong within!! Had some times to read IPL's as if they were novels. Especial thanks to those who sent me links to sites, as surfing with a Blackberry is pointless and the links made it easier while I sat on a white powder coated blue cushioned blue seat I called my home a bit more tolerable this past month!!!!!

God bless you and yours Matt. You're certainly doing right by your family. You are facing what we all must face. Since you're boning up on IPL's and such during the down time................................doya want me to send you a Homelite 9-23/9-26/900/909/990/995 D/G-Series IPL for you to study, so you can see where Stihl's "inspiration" for the Contra/Lightning/070/090-Series saws came from???:hmm3grin2orange:
I envy you in a strange way. You have loved a dad and will loose one I would care less if my dad dropped dead and got ran over by a steam roller. Consider yourself lucky to have had a loving father instead of a loser like mine. Give him a great big hug and thank him for being there.
I'm feeling bad for missing this thread and not responding sooner!

Matt, My thoughts are with you, your Dad and your family. You're doing the kindest thing I can think of, bringing your Dad home for his final days.....
Many thanks to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ol man passed earlier this morning at 2:20am.
Man did it suck...........
Well, it still sucks.
Had time to do some catch up and do some reading(IPL amd manuals).
Bottom line, I have the BEST wife a want to be man can ask for.
She took care of me, my old man and is taken care of my now ill grandparents!
Old school Dutch women rock!
Thanks guys!

Status quo catches up on all of us!
Our sympathies are with you. It can be pretty hard to focus on the good and positive things in life at times like this, but looks like you're already doing that and in a great way. Having a wonderful wife at times like this is a true blessing, and to have had a wonderful dad in your life is certainly another. The Lord helps us when we really need it most.

sorry for your loss Matt. i'll pry for you and your family
Awe man, I'm so sorry. I still can't imagine loosing my Dad. Now, I'm not in the least minimizing the situation, but try look on the bright side of things. Your beloved Dad is no longer suffering! Take solice in knowing that he's in a better place. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you during this suffering, and sustain you and your family during this Holiday season.
Matt, you and your family have our deepest sympathies.

These words will have little meaning to you and your family while you are mourning his death, but they eventually helped me when my father passed away:

Try to take comfort in the fact that your father is no longer suffering and that he is in a better place. Remember him fondly, and he will live forever in your memories.

Please give your wife a long hug, and tell her how much you love her.

Chris J.