Thought i was gonna get a chainsaw related injury today...

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ArboristSite Operative
Dec 2, 2008
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Northern Ireland
.. well not in the way you might be thinking.. the titles a bit misleading!! i mean if my wife finds out ive bought another saw she may very well kill me. Im trying to tidy the appearance of a used ms440 which is/was a little scruffy from previos owner. so full of muck and melted plastic (was owned by plastic factory) and theyd written on the air filter shroud in permenant marker which was VERY hard to get off.

Id read on here that people said dishwasher was good for cleaning parts so i thought id give that a go -so i kindly filled the dishwasher despite my wife saying not to bother that she'd do it later.. and i said "no no darling i dont mind!" (while i was sneaking the air filter/carb cover and shroud into the top tray among the teacups. setting it to go and making a mental note to get back to it first when it had run its cycle.

Obviously if she saw me putting this among our dishes she wouldnt exactly be happy.. that was bad enough but my fear was this- She knows i have a saw, i was talking about it for ages before i bought it recently- a 346xp ne and i looove it. what she doesnt know yet is that i bought the 440 on ebay and that ive been working with it in my garage for weeks. Ive been testing the waters hinting about perhaps buying a cheaper used saw for the bigger stuff , in a casual way to see her reaction and its THAT look i get in return.. im sure you all know it well. so i dont want to confes yet that i already have least not until its looking better and more..justifiable.

I DID get caught out though.. she found them in the machine and recognised them as chainsaw parts so i was apprehensive as i came in but thank goodness stihl and husqvarna have something in common.. namely the colour ORANGE!! i got away with it for now.

Later on she was going out and i knew shed be gone for around 2 hours so i thought "nows my chance to oven bake my newly repainted muffler!!!" as ive read about on here. ---NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THE TERRIBLE BURNING SMELL IT MAKES!!!!! maybe the residue of old carbon but wow it stank the house out. still smells now about 5.5 hours later.. i opened windows and put spicy food in oven to try to make new smell but theres no mistaking that burnt smell as plain old burnt food. This would be my second time being caught infiltrating her kitchen for chainsaws in the same day and i knew i was gonna hear about it.

Shes had a head cold for a day or 2 now and its reached the stage of not being able to smell anything.. i hadnt counted on this as i was watching her reaction as she came in and nothing at all.. i couldnt believe it at all!! Lucky or what? How she misses that smell i dont know.

I guess wives /girlfriends are pretty patient overall. when i see guys posts on here with maybe 6 or 7 saws after their names i often wonder how on earth they get away with it!? i guess i dont like keeping it a secret that ive bought it and ill show it as soon as i get it looking better. truth is i know i dont really need it.. but i WANT it. ill get using it sometimes and i have pleasure owning , restoring and using it and itll last. What im wondering now is- Do the rest of you feel the need to hide some of your purchases!!??? We all buy the paraphernalia around saws too and to anyone whos not interested in saws it must look like a waste of money.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, regards A
LOL ! She knows. She's just too tired to argue about it. lol

Small stuff (under $500) I don't bother her with and she's fine with that.
My buddy bought a new ($7K) dirtbike without telling her 1st. She found out when the freight company left a message on their answering machine saying it was at their warehouse. Not good. LMAO !
lol now that's some funny :censored: right there!!

I hear ya tho man.... I mentioned that now I just need a "middle sized" saw, between the 2 I have now.... and yea... I got THAT LOOK too man
.. I guess wives /girlfriends are pretty patient overall. when i see guys posts on here with maybe 6 or 7 saws after their names i often wonder how on earth they get away with it!?

LOL, 6-7 saws???? who the hell would have that few of chainsaws?????:dizzy:

Anyway welcome, and nice story.
Don't teach them to count... In anycase, I figure they are like mother ducks with ducklings - 1,2,3 err.. many...:greenchainsaw:
My in-laws are in town from up north. FIL took inventory. He counted 25..... He missed a few

Save yourself, send me the 440
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.. well not in the way you might be thinking.. the titles a bit misleading!! i mean if my wife finds out ive bought another saw she may very well kill me. Im trying to tidy the appearance of a used ms440 which is/was a little scruffy from previos owner. so full of muck and melted plastic (was owned by plastic factory) and theyd written on the air filter shroud in permenant marker which was VERY hard to get off.

have you tried to use "scrub it erasers" Mr clean makes a sponge like it too. they work great on permanent marker and many other things.
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Nirvana: Having enough saws she can't tell when you add another.

My bad: Working on carb on the dining room table. She comes over and asks if I want a new saw for Christmas. Now being rather slow on the uptake I for some ungodly reason reply "No thanks, I already have 3" when I had been very careful that she only knew about 2.

2 years later and I am still kicking myself for that moment of stupidity. I could have had 4!!

Harry K
I guess wives /girlfriends are pretty patient overall. when i see guys posts on here with maybe 6 or 7 saws after their names i often wonder how on earth they get away with it!?

It's partly a matter of finding the right woman. The rest is up to you. Keep three kinds of bank accounts: 1) "her money", 2) "our money" (to pay all the bills) and 3) "your money". If you have enough of #3, buy the saw you want without asking - IT'S YOUR MONEY!!! Don't ever try to hide anything from her, she's going to find out anyway, but make sure that YOU are the one wearing the pants in the family.

Split firewood with a large maul to develop a "big burly lumberjack" physique. Produce way more than you need and sell the excess. (save the proceeds of this money to buy more saws). Build a nice cozy fire every night in the winter. As she starts to nod off, hold her in your arms.

Be attentive to her needs, be a good listener, and help with keeping the house clean (and taking care of kids if you have them). But always be a man, not a wimp. Make her happy, and she will want you to have everything that YOU want in return.

LOL, 6-7 saws???? who the hell would have that few of chainsaws?????:dizzy:
:cheers: Right on, brother!
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