To all you Southerners out there....

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When I brought my first wife back from Germany (one of them real foreigners), she couldn't go through the drive through at McDonald's down in Ga. Couldn't understand a thing they said. She was so frustrated that she came home in tears once.

I've lost my Southern accent, except for one or two words.

"Oil" is pronounced "All," of course.

"I'm gonna change the all in my truck." People have no idea what I'm talking about.
visited a friend of mine in midstate ny a while back and his friends thought it was the funniest thing in the world when i talked. it got old very quickly. one night we were riding around in a friend of his' car which made this awful noise. i said something about it and he said "yea, well, its gotta be better than your mule." i could have punched him. i think white southerners are the only group it's pc to make fun of still.
Given the size of your county, I'm always surprised that there are not bigger differences in accents. Sure the Southern accent is pretty distinctive and so is the North East, but apart from that it's not easy for me to tell.

From where I live in England I can drive an hour north and there will be a big change in the accents. Another hour north and it changes again. Liverpool and Manchester are 2 big cities in the north of England about 60 miles apart and accents are completely different.
LOL. When I worked as a commodities broker, the first call I made to the trading floor at the CME didn't go to well, they guy couldn't understand me. The trade desk called my boss and asked who the guy was that just fell off the horse.
when you get up near Boston........

The only English speaking Americans I have a problem with is Bostonians..Went there one time and thought I was in China..Found a guy from Jersey to translate..

ask someone where Peabody is.GOOD LUCK!:biggrinbounce2:
Back in the day I worked for a company as a sales rep and they decided to switch territories, and gave me the northeast area. I am as southern as you can get, and after about a month they switched me back.
Seems nobody in the south wanted to buy anything unless they could talk to a salesman that spoke their language. Sales increased sharply once I was back below the MD line, lol.
ya you folks over there in Minnesota do talk a bit funny:)

you betcha...ya sure! Ben doin werk down on da farm der wit da milker cows.
Seems Sven and dat Oly had sum truble wit der timbers.Dem bastages been kill'n dem der milker cows so me and dat der Tommy r gonna lay up for dem der timbers only the local law says dat we need a fed's ok to do dat.

Leena and Helga who are hitched to dat der Sven & Oly are out uptown doing dat der shopping for the big ole festival we got here in Palytown.
We got dem fire fighters comin from all of the tri county area.
Day have a swell compitition in dat park down der by da riv.Folks hail from all over da area watching dat der spectacle we got down dare at da park .
Now ware in da heck did dat der Tommy get too...we got us some timbers to teach a lesson too.

I picked up a guy hitchin in Chatanooga ..I said where you goin? He says Luvall ..I said oh you mean Louisville.Tough to know what else he said.
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Ever been accused of being a foreigner?
I was having a conversation last night with a customer on the phone,and I thought it was going well.At the last minute she blew up and said she wants to speak with an American.WTF?
I explained that I am as American as it gets,9 generations can be traced back to the early days of early America.
She fussed and fumed, and said,"anyone that talks like you do cant be from America, put an American on the phone!"
If it didnt tick me off so bad, it would have been funny.
Yeah,its off topic, kinda....But I live here!

That sounds like discrimination against Appalachian Americans! Get a good southern layer to get this straightened out!

A good friend of mine is from KY and has always claimed to be a Displaced Appalachian American since he is living in Indiana!
Indianna is a funny place....was driving to Florida by way of Mn and I went through Indianna. In the northern part of that state they sounded normal me anyway and then I went to Bloomington and holy cow wanna talk about accent.they had that southern drawl ...mabe did I go to Alabama or Tennesee?
Given the size of your county, I'm always surprised that there are not bigger differences in accents. Sure the Southern accent is pretty distinctive and so is the North East, but apart from that it's not easy for me to tell.

From where I live in England I can drive an hour north and there will be a big change in the accents. Another hour north and it changes again. Liverpool and Manchester are 2 big cities in the north of England about 60 miles apart and accents are completely different.

Iron bark, I can drive 20 mins in my home region of Fife, from Kirkcaldy to dunfremline and I could lay bet that an outside would have no idea what the hell was being said! it really amaze's me how it changes so quickly!
Iron bark, I can drive 20 mins in my home region of Fife, from Kirkcaldy to dunfremline and I could lay bet that an outside would have no idea what the hell was being said! it really amaze's me how it changes so quickly!

Aparently, Henry Higgins doesn't get that far afield. :)

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