Today's Job...

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Back out to the property again yesterday and today. Had a crack at those ugly trees posted above. What an absolute nightmare. In 5 3/4 hours I dropped 32 of them, had my saws stuck at least 10 times, including both 7900's at once (remember some of these things were bifurcated and had up to 7 individual trunks, all loaded in different directions), and just about went off my nut! I had to use my scrench and mallet to reopen the rails on my 24" bar TWICE. Can't say I've ever had to do that before...
Most of these trees had canopies that were interlaced with it's neighbours. I basically burnt my brain out guessing what way the limbs/trunks were loaded hence all the stuck bars and saws. There was also old fencing wire in some of the trunks too just to add to the fun, and yes I hit some.
I also had one loaded branch that I cut come back hard and smack the dogs on the 7900, luckily the saw took the brunt of it with no damage but if it had whacked the chain brake I'm sure something would have been broken, and if it had missed the saw I'd have copped a decent break or bruise. It knocked me backwards quite a way.
Anyway, some pictures below...


Lots of suspended hangers just waiting to give me a headache...




They don't get much uglier than this...


And the end result of this prick of a tree. Stuck 24" bar off my modded 7900, with my stock 7900 and 20" bar jammed on the other side. I've never seen anything like this. What looked like a solid single trunk quickly split into two jamming the bar solid. I wedged the back half over (not where I intended) which freed the 24" bar allowing me to cut out the other 7900. By the way, I was not in the danger zone when I wedged the back half over. The butt then slid backwards hence the funny angle...


And some close ups...

The 24"...


The 20"...
This thing shut like a bank vault with the bar only just in the face so I recut the scarf above the 20" bar to free it, once I'd freed the modded Dolmar and 24"..

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And some more photos from the ugly trees yesterday. The 3120 was feeling unloved so brought her along to blow some cobwebs out. Still a beast but overkill for these trees. Even for a short time you know you've been swinging one of these around, thats for sure...



And the 7900's...


And the mess...


Some photos from today. Dropped 213 trees today in 7 hours. All where I wanted them but had to tow a few over that were heavy leaners - no way could these have been wedged.
The manager took me for a tour around again and there was a row next to some Ellendale Mandarins where the irrigation had been turned off. He said I can drop the Casuarinas straight into the orchard. Was good fun actually as I tried to take as many Mandarin trees out as I could!
It's not often while tree felling you actually get given authority to wreck stuff...




There is another property owned by the same company about 30km away where they also have Casuarina windbreaks that need felling. I haven't been on this property for about 13 years but according to the manager these trees were planted in the early 70's and dwarf the ones that I've felled so far! They are also a different species of Casuarina apparently - I'll try to get photos soon even before I start knocking them over. This is only likely to happen in a few months time when I've finished this property.

Used the stock 7900 most of today with 20" bar, 7 pin sprocket, and LGX chain. I really like LGX, it cuts well, is smooth, and wears well too. Some of the trees were up around 3 foot but I just came in from both sides. My modded 7900 is still running a bit strange. Definately a tuning issue so I'm gonna get it into the local Husky dealer this week as my 3120 also needs a warranty service. Their tech that tuned my stock 7900 a while back when it blew a base gasket absolutely nailed it so I'll give him a crack at Brad's 7900 too. I'm no saw tuning wizard thats for sure! I've had a bit of a dabble but haven't made it any better, it just seems to be running to richer and richer (with clean filter!) hence I used my stocker for today. It actually is still an impressive saw stock and was absolutely eating wood.

And a picture of a bifurcated stump. I strapped the two trunks together and felled them as one using the front half to pull the back half over. The back half was leaning heavily and as you can see the trunk on the left has the backcut coming in below the scarf. This technique (also used when towing/winching heavy leaners over) stops the trunk pulling off the stump which can get nasty as you lose control. This technique (basically a reverse Humbolt) works well and I use it often.

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Holly ####! that doesn't look like fun, what an over grown mess.:eek:

Yeah Andy, worst trees EVER. Every time one started falling (if you can call it that as quite often they just fell forward a bit and hung up) I had to bolt as there were busted limbs flying everywhere. As you can see in a few of those photos there are busted 3-4" limbs laying in the row. These are what have fallen out the tree when they've gone over due to the interlaced canopies.
Still about 60 of them to go :(
I avoided them today, yesterday was enough!
Is the saw just running rich? or does it have other symptoms as well? If you have the time, run the saw a bit, get it nice and hot, than hit the kill switch in the cut. Pop out the plug and take a good pic of it and post it. If it's running as rich as you say I'll be able to tell pretty easily. The modded 7900's hit the revlimiter really hard so tuning can be difficult.

Maybe this will help, listen closely to the change in sound as I slowly lean out the carb until it sounds clean and smooth.

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Is the saw just running rich? or does it have other symptoms as well? If you have the time, run the saw a bit, get nice and hot, than hit the kill switch in the cut. Pop out the plug and take a good pic of it and post it. If it's running as rich as you say I'll be able to tell pretty easily. The modded 7900's hit the revlimiter really hard so tuning can be difficult.

Maybe this will help, listen closely to the change in sound as I slowly lean out the carb.

Thanks Andy. I've played around a bit mate with no luck but I do have to learn how to tune a saw better. Fact is most of my saws are running spot on and I never have to touch them hence my lack of practice. I was gonna pull the plug today after WOT but didn't get around to it. I'll just drop it into the Husky guy this week as I've been working 60+ hours with my normal job and it's just a lot easier at the moment to get someone else to tune it sadly, knowing that they'll get good results :(

Basically what it's doing is running fine one minute then burbling mid cut and losing power then off it goes again like a clock. Even with the muffler mod it sounds terrible and it doesn't seem to be doing it consistantly which is only adding to my confusion ;) I'll be honest in saying that my stocker is outcutting it at the moment which is saying something. It seems to be holding a lot higher revs in the cut, even with full chisel on the stocker vs. semi on the modded saw.
Don't run the saw anymore!! something's up. You may have an intermittent air leak, get it vacuum and pressure tested asap. It could also have a tank vent, or fuel supply issue. Also check the head and carb bolts. The head bolts should be very tight, the carb bolts should be snug.
Don't run the saw anymore!! something's up. You may have an intermittent air leak, get it vacuum and pressure tested asap. It could also have a tank vent, or fuel supply issue. Also check the head and carb bolts. The head bolts should be very tight, the carb bolts should be snug.

Yeah thanks mate - that was the plan. Have attached some photos of the plug. It was removed basically after WOT with very little idle time. Not sure if this helps but definately not rich...



Not sure whats up with the carbon flaking off the edge of the plug. It wasn't bumped on removal.
Is it whitish or more brownish? I can't really tell from the picture. You want it to be a brownish tint but not real dark brown. Most people have said the carhartt brown is about perfect. Have you got to use your 390 yet?
Any idle time makes it hard to tell Matt, and I don't trust the colour rendition of most digi cams either.
Plug cuts are psychologically hard IMO. WOT then kill it in the cut isn't an easy thing to do. ;)

Base carb settings for a stock PS64-73-7900 are LS=1 turn and HS = 1,1/8

Running fat/rich can be too low a pop off pressure in the carby or the valve not holding properly too. The tiniest bit of garbage can be stopping the valve seating, leading to running too rich.
Sorry you're having issues Matt. Please don't run it any more at all until you get it looked at. It sounds to me like you have either a carb or ignition problem. Have you looked at the exhaust side cylinder wall through the plug hole just to make sure it's good? That wouldn't be an intermitent problem though.
Is it whitish or more brownish? I can't really tell from the picture. You want it to be a brownish tint but not real dark brown. Most people have said the carhartt brown is about perfect. Have you got to use your 390 yet?

It is more of a brown colour mate. 390 not here yet but should arrive today or tomorrow. All fees have been paid to Customs. Looking forward to it :)

Sorry you're having issues Matt. Please don't run it any more at all until you get it looked at. It sounds to me like you have either a carb or ignition problem. Have you looked at the exhaust side cylinder wall through the plug hole just to make sure it's good? That wouldn't be an intermitent problem though.

Not your problem Brad. I mean lets be honest, she's seen a fair bit of what I'd class hard work since it arrived without being touched ;) It's already paid for itself many times over so I'm not going to crack the sads if it has any issues although I doubt this is anything serious. I just pulled the muffler mate and the piston looks like new. No marking at all.
It is more of a brown colour mate. 390 not here yet but should arrive today or tomorrow. All fees have been paid to Customs. Looking forward to it :)

Not your problem Brad. I mean lets be honest, she's seen a fair bit of what I'd class hard work since it arrived without being touched ;) It's already paid for itself many times over so I'm not going to crack the sads if it has any issues although I doubt this is anything serious. I just pulled the muffler mate and the piston looks like new. No marking at all.

Good to hear! That's always a modders nightmare, lol. But seriously, it'd be a big mistake to run it even one more time before inspection. I'm fishing for straws here, but could the carb have gotten dirty, and the needle be getting stuck?
I'm fishing for straws here, but could the carb have gotten dirty, and the needle be getting stuck?

I think you may be right Brad as changing the H didn't make any noticeable difference. I've got it on the back of the ute (pickup) to take to the Husky dealer along with 3120 for it's warranty service. I'll keep everyone informed on whats up.
Matt it's hard to tell but the plug looks a little lean, but not bad lean. Glad to hear the P&C is good, it's starting to sound like something simple.:clap:

Yeah Andy, the photos were actually pretty true to colour. I dropped the saws in today and the Husky dealer is absolutely flat out. They also sell Yamaha motorbikes, outboard motors, and boats which is why they are so busy coming up to Christmas and the associated holidays (and living in an area on a major waterway where a lot of people water ski and go fishing).
They won't be able to look at either of the saws for a month at this stage. I can't say I'm overly fussed as the 390XP should arrive any day so I'll have that to use with my stocker 7900 as a backup. All of the trees for the last month or so and from now on are too big for the 5100-S which is also starting to feel unloved. I don't think I've started it for about 6-8 weeks at least so better get it out again soon and warm it up.
The modded 390XPG arrived today from Brad (well yesterday but the guys at work forgot to tell me it had been dropped off by Austraia Post - they obviously had no idea at the scale of this momentous occasion).
Bolted the dogs back on, fitted the 32" Oregon Power Match Plus bar I have in .404", fitted a Windsor semi chisel chain, fueled/oiled it up but no go. Oh that's right, the on/off switch is the reverse to the 7900. Flooded :(
Pulled the plug and gave her a squirt of compressed air and voila, success.
Well, this thing has nuts which was instantly apparent when I buried it in that really hard Chinese Elm log I have out the back and leant on it a bit. No stalling! It sounds awesome too, even my other half commented on it and she was in the house. When a female says "that saw sounds grunty" you do tend to take notice.
My time on 90cc class saws is basically non existant bar a small amount of time on an 066 or 660 (can't remember). The balance is quite good and you can definately feel it's heavier than the 7900's (this is the 390XPG with heated handles so slightly heavier than a standard 390XP) but in the situation I'll be using it in I don't think the weight will be too much to use all day, unlike the 3120 which is just a lead anchor with a bar on it. I've mentioned it before but the bigger saws (ie 880/3120) are in a league of their own when it comes to dead weight. Not one person that has ever picked up my 3120 has said "that is just as heavy as I expected". They have all been shocked at just how heavy it really is.
Anyway, depending on weather I'll give the new saw (well Brad's 2nd hand saw that is in good condition) a run this weekend on the Casuarinas and get some piccys and maybe videos.

The modded 7900 P&C and muffler also arrived plus some spare base gaskets and tools but I won't tackle fitting that to my stock 7900 until I get my other modded 7900 back from the Husky dealer. Last thing I want to do is stuff it up and only have the 390 to use on this job. If something happens to that saw then I'm not gonna earn any money as I won't have a backup saw big enough for these trees.

I'd also like to thank Brad again for being a pleasure to deal with.
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Is there an application for heated handles and carb there in OZland?

Nah no application at all! It's just the saw Brad had for sale and he gave me a good deal on a nice saw. Heated handles apparently dry out sweaty gloves too though so maybe they do have an application ;) Didn't fuss me with the purchase though. I would have paid the same for a standard 390XP.
The modded 390XPG arrived today from Brad (well yesterday but the guys at work forgot to tell me it had been dropped off by Austraia Post - they obviously had no idea at the scale of this momentous occasion).
Bolted the dogs back on, fitted the 32" Oregon Power Match Plus bar I have in .404", fitted a Windsor semi chisel chain, fueled/oiled it up but no go. Oh that's right, the on/off switch is the reverse to the 7900. Flooded :(
Pulled the plug and gave her a squirt of compressed air and voila, success.
Well, this thing has nuts which was instantly apparent when I buried it in that really hard Chinese Elm log I have out the back and leant on it a bit. No stalling! It sounds awesome too, even my other half commented on it and she was in the house. When a female says "that saw sounds grunty" you do tend to take notice.
My time on 90cc class saws is basically non existant bar a small amount of time on an 066 or 660 (can't remember). The balance is quite good and you can definately feel it's heavier than the 7900's (this is the 390XPG with heated handles so slightly heavier than a standard 390XP) but in the situation I'll be using it in I don't think the weight will be too much to use all day, unlike the 3120 which is just a lead anchor with a bar on it. I've mentioned it before but the bigger saws (ie 880/3120) are in a league of their own when it comes to dead weight. Not one person that has ever picked up my 3120 has said "that is just as heavy as I expected". They have all been shocked at just how heavy it really is.
Anyway, depending on weather I'll give the new saw (well Brad's 2nd hand saw that is in good condition) a run this weekend on the Casuarinas and get some piccys and maybe videos.

The modded 7900 P&C and muffler also arrived plus some spare base gaskets and tools but I won't tackle fitting that to my stock 7900 until I get my other modded 7900 back from the Husky dealer. Last thing I want to do is stuff it up and only have the 390 to use on this job. If something happens to that saw then I'm not gonna earn any money as I won't have a backup saw big enough for these trees.

I'd also like to thank Brad again for being a pleasure to deal with.

Grats on the new saw, look forward to the pix and would love to see some vid:cheers: