Today's Job...

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Thanks for sharing Matt good stuff,when brad did the muffler mod i suppose he added and extra port on the left side and opened up the original one and took the baffles out ?.When you say the H screw is moving is there no caps anymore and what do you set the w/o rpm to, a bit of that thread lock loctite will fix that.It doesn't seem to cut very well i think you should get rid of it and go back to ya proven saws ha ha (jokin):msp_biggrin:.Looks like you need an apprentice with you for a week or so giving you a hand,that stuff any good for firewood.I think i like that hour meter tac idear,so how much cut time per tank of fuel ?.
I think you had better fix that fence before one of those endangered skippys herts them self getting through it.
Should of sprayed them when you cut them down,but then you wouldn't be getting paid the second time but.
So no more dragging out the V8 and giving it a run and I spose the Madmax machine has gone as well?

i will drop down the pub later and ask frase if he still got the hemi, theres now a madmax museum out there which is getting better by the day
just love the sky man. looks like painted.

Yeah today was sunny and sunburn weather - yesterday was nicer.

Nice trousers! I have to admit I sorta cringed when I saw you use that expensive bar to flip that stump top off. You want I should mail you some wedges then?

Unfortunately this job is all about speed and these Pro Tops like being used as a crowbar ;) Wedges too time consuming (I had about 20 in the back of the vehicle) in a situation like this and the bar wasn't that expensive :D
And yeah my legs do look a bit too long for my trousers...

I used a 660 a few weeks back with a 36" ES Bar and I thought it was a tad nose heavy, too. But, I sorta expected it to be. Those 390's balance nicely with a 32, uh?

Yeah the 390's are a FAR better balanced saw. The 660's are tough as nails, no doubt, and this thing has grunt, but I used the 390XP today with a 32" bar and hardly touched the 660. I can tell you now my forearms are thanking me for it. The 390's balance very nicely with a 32" bar.

Hmm, I should do a pH test of the water here sometime, we have a fair bit of dissolved limestone (CaCO3) in the river and we are only 15km from the head of it, so flows can vary from nothing (high calcium levels) to a torrent (somewhat less :D)

Calicum is a biggy for stuffing up the efficacy of Glypho Rick, just like pH and the two together means you may only be getting something like 30% of the chemical's efficacy, maybe less. Any positive cations bond with the Glyphosate molecule locking it up meaning it therefore can't do it's job (Calcium, Magnesium, Iron etc). That's why you need to add something like Ammonium Sulphate PRIOR to adding the Glypho to the tank/vat which locks up these cations meaning the Glypho is available to do it's job. Amm Sul at about 0.5-1.0kg/100L is about right for our River Murray water. Even more with a lot of dissolved Calcium like some bore water around our area.

Thanks for sharing Matt good stuff,when brad did the muffler mod i suppose he added and extra port on the left side and opened up the original one and took the baffles out ?.When you say the H screw is moving is there no caps anymore and what do you set the w/o rpm to, a bit of that thread lock loctite will fix that.It doesn't seem to cut very well i think you should get rid of it and go back to ya proven saws ha ha (jokin):msp_biggrin:.Looks like you need an apprentice with you for a week or so giving you a hand,that stuff any good for firewood.I think i like that hour meter tac idear,so how much cut time per tank of fuel ?.
I think you had better fix that fence before one of those endangered skippys herts them self getting through it.

I'm not telling you anything about this saw Andrew apart from the fact that if you email/PM me you're address I'll post it to you in a few weeks and you can have a crack on it yourself :) It seems to be happiest at about 13,900rpm which sounds high to me for a saw of this cc but under that it is running obviously rich and slower. I'll be keeping my two 390's as the XPG didn't sell on eBay which in hindsight was a good thing as using the 660 yesterday and the 390 today sealed the Stihl's fate unfortunately :(
I'm not sure of the cut times per tank mate but I know the modded 390 was probably knocking over maybe 25-30% more stumps per tank today at a guess. With less authority though. Put it his way, the 660 was spinning a 32" bar, buried, with an 8 pin rim easier than the 390 was spinning a 32" bar with a 7 pin rim. However, the 390's will be getting a compression increase courtesy of some machine work and that will bridge the gap significantly. I mean there is only a 5cc difference which isn't much in reality.
Oh yeah and this particular patch of wood is no good for firewood. It's grown too fast and by all accounts burns burns fast and a bit too hot as well. Another older stand of Casuarinas on a different property down the road (same company though) is quite hard seems to be good firewood.

Should of sprayed them when you cut them down,but then you wouldn't be getting paid the second time but.

Mate as far as I was aware they were MEANT to have all been sprayed. I think what happened was that they took that long to tow the felled trees out that they'd all reshot under the mess as they couldn't get to the trunks to spray them. Doing what I'm doing now is far more taxing than the felling part and may even take as long as the whole felling job!

Nice work Matt. Saw cuts good, too bad it sounds like a sewing machine.

Heh heh. It certainly cuts with authority no doubt about it.

He'll wise up soon and realize the 390 is a superior machine! :)

Put it this way Al (as you're well aware!) but I did a fair bit of wisening today after using the 390. I love these things :heart:

I know that an even comparison in weight and balance is probably a 660 vs. 395XP comparo but the 390 hands the 660 it's butt in the overall handling and feel stakes.
Oh 390XP...

How I do love thee...


I got this 660 to to try quite simply try it under a work type situation. I did not go into it with any brand favouritism at all. One thing you cannot argue against is the absolute nuts this saw has got. In spades. It oozes out of it.
But unfortunately if I want a saw with lots of grunt and is, in my opinion, poorly balanced (compared to the 390's) I'll use my 3120.

Not taking anything away from the Stihl of course as they have a fearsome reputation but how many guys here have actually run both the 660 and 390 side by side in a work type situation and gone with the Stihl on feel alone? I know feel and balance are highly subjective but for the life of me I can't understand why anybody would think the 660 feels better? I also know there are other reasons to choose a particular saw such as dealer support and backup etc so just asking an honest question. My "pappy and my pappy's pappy ran Stihl" type answers are not the replies I'm looking for :)

Anyway, a couple more happy snaps from today. I did 7 1/2 hours today and got more done than yesterday I think as I'm starting to work out a faster, more efficient routine - even though I'm being paid by the hour. Funnily enough I'm doing the East/West rows at the moment and I'd say 10% of stumps have had regrowth. For some reason nearly every single stump on the North/South rows have reshot.



Got a vid of the 390XP doing a stump so will upload that tonight. Certainly not as impressive to look at on video as the 660 but dare I say it more impressive in the flesh. The 660 is quite simply a woodchip producing whore when a video camera presents itself :D
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right im booked in to get this kidney out matt how much for the 660? cant handle you sewing machine lovers hanging it on such a beautiful stihl:hmm3grin2orange:
right im booked in to get this kidney out matt how much for the 660? cant handle you sewing machine lovers hanging it on such a beautiful stihl:hmm3grin2orange:

Hah hah. I think Andrew (Stihlman441) beat you to it, he's offering a liver as well :) Nah only kidding. I'm not putting another saw on eBay. Every bastard thinks you'll pay them to take it!
I'd love to sell it to another member here, particularly guys like Andrew and yourself who already use and love the 660's but rest assured I won't get anybody entering into a bidding war.
In my view this saw is in a world of it's own just dropping into logs as it simply rips the sh*t out of them. Unfortunately for me after a few hours yesterday and today on either the 660 or 390 I can tell you my arms certainly notice it, unlike firewood cutting.
I'm sure whoever buys Matt's 660 will be pleased, it has some serious power it nearly pulled me through the log :)

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thanks wayne! im half cut and toey as a roman sandal and you post that! ah time for a cold shower
I'm sure whoever buys Matt's 660 will be pleased, it has some serious power it nearly pulled me through the log :)

Yeah but you're only a little bloke Wayne :D I'm not taking anything away from this saw, it's built like a tank and has the torque of one to boot.
On the subject of Broken Hill, Aaron I was shown an article on Silverton today in the latest 4wd advertiser (can't remember what it was called) and showed the Madmax car still out the front. Unless this is false advertising of late!

Oh OK, so no drinking till Broken Hill you say Matt?

So if you come over this way does that mean I'm to stock up on the Lavazza?