Top 20 Excuses for coming in last at a GTG

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They said "tighten my transfers" so I did. They meant between cuts, not the bottom of the jug :msp_confused:. :hmm3grin2orange:
The Wendell used my saw last, and left bacon grease on the handles.

Then ol' Mastermoobs asked me if I wanted him to "meet" my saw, which I find to be disturbing. My saw is only 16 years old, and I don't give a crap what the laws are in TN about consentual meeting, 16 is to dern young.

To top it off everytime I started a cut ol' Brad would yell, "LOOKOUT!!! WIDOWMAKER!!!", and run screaming like an 8 year old girl..........................:confused:

Where in the hell is the "double like" button?????????? :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Okay so after all of that stuff happened with The Wendell, Mastermoob's, an ol' shriekin' Snelling I got moved into the consolation cut bracket.
Well just when I thought my luck couldn't get any worse, who am I next to, and downwind of..................yep, that's right our good ol' incontinent pal Stihl Sawing..........Sheesh!
So we start cutting, but every time ol' SS lifts up to start another cut he s###s hisself a little, well I'll tell you you ain't never smelled somethin' like that.........pretty soon my eyes set to waterin' and my cuts was all wonky........I just plumb gave up before I suffocated.
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I started this with all humor in mind, if anyone of you take this offensive,get a sense of humor.And to set the record straight it was my first gtg and I aint whining and MOST of all, it was nothing the builder done wrong because i used the saw twice before sending it to be ported and could have underlying problems that he is Not responsible for but was kind enough to check it out for any problems and that my friends is service that is top of the top shelf.Heck, when that saw sucked me into the cant i did nt know to push or pull , but i was having fun and that makes me the winner! ( Bobby Bare)So please accept my apology if anyone thought i was whining or being a pain in the arse and if theres a crosscut saw class i will send it to mastermind also. cheers everyone. time to light the smoker. God bless you all. jackie
I started this with all humor in mind, if anyone of you take this offensive,get a sense of humor.And to set the record straight it was my first gtg and I aint whining and MOST of all, it was nothing the builder done wrong because i used the saw twice before sending it to be ported and could have underlying problems that he is Not responsible for but was kind enough to check it out for any problems and that my friends is service that is top of the top shelf.Heck, when that saw sucked me into the cant i did nt know to push or pull , but i was having fun and that makes me the winner! ( Bobby Bare)So please accept my apology if anyone thought i was whining or being a pain in the arse and if theres a crosscut saw class i will send it to mastermind also. cheers everyone. time to light the smoker. God bless you all. jackie

It's all good Jackie. The first GTG I went to I came in last in every race, hell I didn't know how to file a chain or tune a carb. Be careful my friend, once you get hooked on these damn chainsaws bologna is about all you'll be eating........everything else goes in the saw fund. :laugh:

Is Brad pissed off yet??????

Not yet........we could poke him with a stick. :poke:
I have been racing saws for 40 years!
There are very few shows that go with
out some one #####ing about something!!
I think i have seen it all. When you have
multiple sawing blocks it's all about the
stand with the better wood. But the one
you hear the most is knots or the timer
got me!! ( I am as guilty as the next)
Jumping the gun is another good one.
But you can go back to the video and
play it for the judges at the bigger shows.
It's all good Jackie. The first GTG I went to I came in last in every race, hell I didn't know how to file a chain or tune a carb. Be careful my friend, once you get hooked on these damn chainsaws bologna is about all you'll be eating........everything else goes in the saw fund. :laugh: lol,, yea i know, somehow a 925 and a 340 homerlite ended up in the back of my truck today and randy i have s55 partner complete parts saw , possibly a runner .yall take care my eyes are all red again (hickory smoke] and 2 stroke smoke.
I just have my old stand-by line!

My saw skills ain't worth a damn!
I'm only here for the beer...............and the fellowship.

I do a few races that are stock saws only. The only way your not going to get acused of cheatin is to be faster than the first cry baby :cry:
I had poop cramps from eating to much Wisconsin cheese noodles and beer. :bang: