whadja do today?

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That stump didnt even take that long due to the fact I could only grind it flush to grade because of cable and telephone lines that rain under the stump.

Ground 10 stumps in under 2 hours. Two of them were pretty big.

I drank for 1.5 days had so much last nite that I stepped on a broken bottle bare foot , and kept on partying , got up played softball with a beat foot , drank again and I am hard at a healthy hangover for tomorrow ! Your doing it wrong bubbles ..... :hmm3grin2orange:
I slept in a bed last night!!!! Been a while since I have been able to do that. Got my trash out of storage. Don't have my clothes put away yet, but I do have the big TV and PS3 hooked up. Boys bought me Game of Thrones Season 1 for fathers day, started watching them last night. Crazy cool show, lots of nips. Nice to be in the house finally, almost can focus back on work.
This new phone is alright. The battery on the mini took a crap so im waiting for a new one. The guys are back at the job working and im sitting at the saw shop waiting for a battery.
Yeah, this heat is pretty ####in brutal. Almost as bad as my hangover after 2 days of camping. Think I'm gonna take it easy this week. Have enough 5 hour jobs on the books to just do one a day till the heat breaks. The rest of my client list can #### off for all I care.
Yep it was hotter then sheep s#$t out there ! Was 211 in June and now down to 190lbs! :msp_w00t:

The air was heavy today. That kinda weight loss sounds serious, but with some willpower you can hopefully reverse the wasting away trend.
I don't mind the heat. Just have to remind myself to keep hydrated. - not a problem at the end of the day. :beer:

Started the day with a two hour "prune for a lake side view". These kind of jobs are like moving furniture for the wife. It was only going to take an hour. - that's why I always bill them by the hour.
Regardless, customer is more than pleased.

Big job for today was removal of a large poplar and a large birch beside a cottage. Went well. GRCS came in handy. Tight LZ.

Finished the day with two small dead spruce removals and the removal of a couple of hazardous branches from a huge maple. Encountered a bees nest in the process. Luckily I was only stung once.

Renting a Biljax 4527a for tomorrow. Have a dead birch overhanging a feeder line to a cottage.
Too rotten to climb. Hope to use the lift on a few more jobs I have lined up.
We had a real challenge today. A previously hacked calif. Pepper. It was over grown in weird ways to say the least. I don't know what the last guys were thinking who butchered it. At lest it hadn't been topped. The boss takes us to the job. Says its a friend of his wifes, make it beautiful.
Some how we got it balanced and lacy, the people were happy, you could almost see a smile in the bosses eyes(he never says good job)as he said,"it'll do I guess".
We finished at two and were feeling pretty good about our selfs, it was about 98 degrees and I for one couldn't wait to get off early. That is when we heard the most feared words a trimmer can hear towards the end of a hard day, "I have one more small job''. Thats never good. Off we go to do 4 nasty palms. The winds blowing hot as hell. The guys thought they were funny when I got the palm with the bee hive. I climbed it with my bee hat on. Snuck up on the small hive and quickly dropped it down to them. They can't mess with me. lucky for them the wind blow most the bees to the next county.
I melted as well, pruned a maple over a deck and house. No wind what so eva. Just brutal humidity. Staying in today, not going to deal with it,will have the boys split wood under a canopy and help me around here. I hate working when its like this, everything takes twice as long, glasses fog over, sweat in the eyes, yuck.
Had 3 jobs planned for today; pruning hemlocks off a house, pruning branches off some maples and birch, and removing 1 small cedar.

Start the day off right, go to prune the hemlocks... knock on the neighbor's door to let them know I'm going up on the roof and not to freak out (spoke with the neighbor's wife last week when I looked at the job) Husband comes out, "I don't want anybody going up on my roof." Ok. Left that one. Head up to the second one, the lady was not home, and her neighbor (who can't be there while we are working) was up for the day... we agreed that he should not be there while we work due to a property line dispute. After that I said to heck with it, the cedar is so small it's not worth the effort of going down there for just the 1 tree. Dropped my man DF off with a friend who was doing a small planting job, and went home. At least DF can make some hours today.
Hot! :angry:

A few small jobs, today. By the end of the last one - taking down and bucking up a half-dozen medium poplars - I looked like a tomato under a bright orange helmet. Then went into a refrigerated grocery store on the way home and that made me feel.... very strange. Just sitting here quietly sipping tea, curtains closed, trying to regain "normal".

But the good news(!), just phoned the boss to find out where the equipment was and he says the chipper is in pieces on the shop floor. The guy who was coming to fix it never showed up. So our big job tomorrow - the hottest day this week - might be put off. Sweet!!!
A big rig rear ended the climber's crew truck on the 15 south in Escondido this morning. Probably the worst freeway in the morning. I was ahead of them and they were ahead of the ground crew. My foreman called me before I heard on the radio there were three crashes in that area. We were one of them. The truck they were in is a 2006 Chevy 3500 utility bed and beefed. After I hear they are all fine but the truck is damaged, I told them to exchange info and I would meet them at the job. I was thinking the damage might be worse.
It was a beautiful day.
JeffView attachment 304800
I got into it with Juan of Juan's First Choice Tree Care at lunch today over a rope one of his flunkies stole from a guy that contracts from me from time to time. Juan's argument was the rope didn't belong to me so why do I care and the mojado that took it had gone back to Mexico anyway and besides he felt it should have been between the contractor and his ex "employee" or at least between the contractor and him (Juan). I said I care because it was my job. I told him he should have offered to buy the guy a new rope. He says he is not offering anybody anything and I proceeded to tell him what I thought about him and his little crappy operation. Then the cat that owns the joint tells us both to get out if that is how we act. Good. I'm never eating there again anyway.