whadja do today?

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Attention dan!!!

What the heck is in your av pic? No offense, but best I can tell, Its a chick in a slutty top passing out with her hair in her eyes next to a bottle of Jim Beam. Seriously, WTF is that?
What the heck is in your av pic? No offense, but best I can tell, Its a chick in a slutty top passing out with her hair in her eyes next to a bottle of Jim Beam. Seriously, WTF is that?

My brother and I drank that bottle of Yukon one night years ago. I got pretty beat up,actually both of us did. He about broke my nose with his Kung Fu and I about ripped my finger off opening a beer bottle with a stilhletto knife. My brother was arrested for shooting the window of the deli across the street and spent the night in the Roundhouse in Philly. After making me bleed all over the place he opens the window and starts shootin. Go figure, impressed the hell out of me! They let him out in the morning so then he came back and woke me up and took that picture of me rolling one up. Then the girl from next door who liked to put my car keys in her rattlesnake cage came over and said her python got out and the neighbor came by looking for his cat. She was a red head and liked to sit on my face. She was the ####ed up one, they came and took her away but that was after she threw some guy out a window and splattered his brains out on Chestnut Street. The wifebeater I am wearing I got from my brother.
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My brother and I drank that bottle of Yukon one night years ago. I got pretty beat up,actually both of us did. He about broke my nose with his Kung Fu and I about ripped my finger off opening a beer bottle with a stilhletto knife. My brother was arrested for shooting the window of the deli across the street and spent the night in the Roundhouse in Philly. After making me bleed all over the place he opens the window and starts shootin. Go figure, impressed the hell out of me! They let him out in the morning so then he came back and woke me up and took that picture of me rolling one up. Then the girl from next door who liked to put my car keys in her rattlesnake cage came over and said her python got out and the neighbor came by looking for his cat. She was a red head and liked to sit on my face. She was the ####ed up one, they came and took her away but that was after she threw some guy out a window and splattered his brains out on Chestnut Street. The wifebeater I am wearing I got from my brother.

Best story ever! Yukon Jack is no joke!
man, if you were/are an alchy you got a thousands of stories like that. I could tell em all day. the unusual part is remembering that much detail lol.

one day at a time danno. you gonna be there someday...just a matter when. takes one to know one.:help:
man, if you were/are an alchy you got a thousands of stories like that. I could tell em all day. the unusual part is remembering that much detail lol.

one day at a time danno. you gonna be there someday...just a matter when. takes one to know one.:help:

Yes, ain't no need for any of that anymore. The stuff really don't make you feel that good for very long. That pic has got to be twenty years old.
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Pruned 2 pin oaks yesterday, snow was melting and we were in a raised back yard, slippin and a slidin, trees are really big and haven't been touched in a LONG time. Filled my dump trailer with deadwood, going to fill my truck with chips from it. Gotta go back today and finish cleanup. I gotta say, trying to cleanup when the snow is melting rapidly is a chore, I feel like I just got done doing a 25 mile hump!
Na, that would have been easier!
man, if you were/are an alchy you got a thousands of stories like that. I could tell em all day. the unusual part is remembering that much detail lol.

one day at a time danno. you gonna be there someday...just a matter when. takes one to know one.:help:

Yup. I'd be a much wealthier man in many different ways today if not for the booze.....
off to file taxes but little else to do today. I will be up at Pennhurst doing volunteer work this week. First they want to plant a million bulbs in the circle lot. That should be OK, I can clear the snow of the circle and plant everything with the Dingo.
Then I plan to de-vine them Sycamores.
Well it was a great day today... for somebody. This morning we took out a red oak, and pruned a beech tree for a buddy of mine. Luckily it was right next to the driveway. After that we sat down for a relaxed lunch, and then took off to deal with this one hemlock tree.

A good client asked me last week to get rid of a hemlock tree near her house. Went over and looked, no problem... throw a rope up there, and pull it over to the neighbor's property, wrap the winch cable around it and away we go. So last night I send the neighbor an e-mail saying I need to use the property. Now I'd worked for the neighbor for a few years, doing the lawn, leaves, stumps, trees, etc. etc. This past year I couldn't deal with her anymore, just her BS and inability to pay in a timely fashion, so I got rid of her ass in the spring. So I send her the e-mail, and I get a response last night saying no problem, go for it. This morning I wake up, and there's another e-mail asking for my insurance certificates and all that jazz. She doesn't want me walking through her property without it. My response.. F that. A number of years back the current client paid me to plant a nice japanese maple for this neighbor, the client has paid me countless times to go over to the neighbor's house and do the border hedges, cut the grass, leaves, etc. etc. Like I said... good client. So I get there today, and said F this, and while we didn't drop the tree whole, we did take the entire thing out through her property.

I parked my truck on the road, and blew the chips into the woods of another client who lives across the street. Called her later on, she says to me that as long as it's for the good client, she has no problem with it, but if it's for the former client / neighbor whacko she would not have been happy. So as we're dragging the brush across the street to chip, this LUNATIC comes barreling down the road... now the posted speed limit on these roads is 20... this guy was doing easily 40. Guy slams on his brakes in order to avoid hitting this abandoned van which was also parked on the road. Looks at me like I'm a jerk for parking where I did... slams his SUV into reverse and smokes the tires backing up. Pissed me off, and a few bystanders.
First job Ive been on since before thanksgiving. Decent sized Silver with a mean spread between 2 houses. Ol' Biel wouldnt let me go up. Rats! Got some ok pics, if I can figure out how to resize em' I'll post em'. Too tired to type. Goodnight.
Well it was a great day today... for somebody. This morning we took out a red oak, and pruned a beech tree for a buddy of mine. Luckily it was right next to the driveway. After that we sat down for a relaxed lunch, and then took off to deal with this one hemlock tree.

A good client asked me last week to get rid of a hemlock tree near her house. Went over and looked, no problem... throw a rope up there, and pull it over to the neighbor's property, wrap the winch cable around it and away we go. So last night I send the neighbor an e-mail saying I need to use the property. Now I'd worked for the neighbor for a few years, doing the lawn, leaves, stumps, trees, etc. etc. This past year I couldn't deal with her anymore, just her BS and inability to pay in a timely fashion, so I got rid of her ass in the spring. So I send her the e-mail, and I get a response last night saying no problem, go for it. This morning I wake up, and there's another e-mail asking for my insurance certificates and all that jazz. She doesn't want me walking through her property without it. My response.. F that. A number of years back the current client paid me to plant a nice japanese maple for this neighbor, the client has paid me countless times to go over to the neighbor's house and do the border hedges, cut the grass, leaves, etc. etc. Like I said... good client. So I get there today, and said F this, and while we didn't drop the tree whole, we did take the entire thing out through her property.

I parked my truck on the road, and blew the chips into the woods of another client who lives across the street. Called her later on, she says to me that as long as it's for the good client, she has no problem with it, but if it's for the former client / neighbor whacko she would not have been happy. So as we're dragging the brush across the street to chip, this LUNATIC comes barreling down the road... now the posted speed limit on these roads is 20... this guy was doing easily 40. Guy slams on his brakes in order to avoid hitting this abandoned van which was also parked on the road. Looks at me like I'm a jerk for parking where I did... slams his SUV into reverse and smokes the tires backing up. Pissed me off, and a few bystanders.

Hi guy's , Good day here. Maybe 1/2 inch of rain on Wednesday!!!! OMG! Pray for us!
Jeff :msp_flapper::msp_flapper::msp_flapper:

Depends on how fast it comes .. :)

1/2 inch in 10 minutes is a bit of a concern.. over a whole day may not be too awful bad.

Tell ya what.. I will trade your 1/2" of rain for our snow.. :hmm3grin2orange:
Well, I got my chipper and the small trailer moved over to the new space today. Tomorrow or Friday we'll start moving the inside stuff, and hopefully I can get the sprayer loaded on the big trailer, and out by the end of the month.
Well today, after stirring the pot around here really good I put a whole new set of lights on my little trailer . Also I went up to Pennhurst to go over the plans:

We are starting with 10k bulbs to be planted. I made a plow for the Dingo to make the furrows and I am headed up there tommorow to start.
First i want to de-vine a few big sycamores before I start digging so I will be awhile in there.
Its all volunteer work. I really can't wait til I am done, my goal is to make all the other treeguys jealous. I am gonna get my name in the paper and everything. I am also gonna put up a sign that says " how ya like this #### #####es" just to rub it in.
I don't know why it is that I feel so comfortable walking around and old insane asylum but I really like it. We moved a wood stove into one of the buildings so its becoming a home away from home.
I also caught up with one of my neighbors and told him I would chop them limbs off his roof if he would wrench on my piece of crap motorcycle. He's got all the stuff and knowhow for that. He even has lift tables.
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