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No "LXT" you don't understand anything about it. Do you think by putting your words in my mouth it makes them true?

I only admit that I have not personally tried it for any of the uses I intend to use it for. The video of the stump grinder attachment was pretty convincing that it was, as I said, adequate for my needs. It doesn't have to be the biggest, badist, or fastest. It just needs to get the job done.

It was your whining about turf damage that first reveled your ignorance about Steiner products. Essentially they are top of the line slope mowers, designed to go anywhere and do anything. Without damaging turf while they do it.

As it happens I have a very big job in one of those "ritzy" areas in a couple of weeks. Very big wood and all inaccessible without damaging expensive landscaping and lawns. That Steiner will pull it all out on the one ton wagon. What else would?

Since I'm still climbing I'll let my wife replace three men by driving that "mower", hauling logs and slash for the chipper, after that I'll use it to grind the stumps and remove all the debris from that process with the slip scoop. I might even pop for the FEL to put the tree in the truck.

LMFAO...........AA, turf damage is the least of your worries!! "very big wood" uhh?...............well, the steiner with a bucket capacity of under 300lbs should "GET R DONE" LMFAO!!!!!!

Yep.... a top of the line "slope" mower......uh um...key word..(MOWER). you gonna load that "big" wood into the family chevette or you gonna rent a pickup truck from lowes!???

I know one thing.......in tree work the last thing I would use to "get the job done" would be a beefed up lawn mower..........How un-professional.........heck you might as well have the wife mow a few yards while shes waiting for you to drop the big wood...could be days of grass cutting for er!!

let me guess??? you didnt get a skid steer cuz that would mean a real trailer & prolly push the license limit for ya......Hmmm a mini skid would be 10 x better but you need to sit down???? Now with your beefed up cub cadet you can haul a whopping 267lb payload...LOL, I guess the lawn mower trailer was a no brainer??

Look over there jim.......its a tree service....nope, a lawn care company? nope...............its a steiner lawn mower with a fisher price stump grinder & a fancy wheel barrow attachment on the back! LOL

Cmon AA.....................a slope mower??? really?, I work those areas that you do & feel bad having to bring in the big iron (international loader/backhoe & bobcat 763), cuz sometimes I need a crane...........!! Let alone a lawn mower, thats just laughable, embarrasing & borders on stupidity.......take that back, it is stupidity!!

when your steiner with a load poops itself.....let me know, i`ll pick it up with the international.....you, the lawn mower & load & gently put it in the back of my dump to take to the local land fill......! :laugh:

A mini skid steer is able to do so much more! I have done removals in back yards and when were done you cant tell we were there. That thing just seems silly and a waste of money.

LOL, did you see the lift height on that bucket??? whew....he`s gonna need ramps if he wants to load up even the chevette!!! :laugh:

what a useless tool for tree care.......unless he`s transitioning over to lawn care????LOL

View attachment 187119View attachment 187120I think it was a fair bid considering that the tree AND stump had to go.

I've got 6 of them down like that that I am putting a bid together on now. All pointed downhill on a really steep incline. Long reach for a crane. 5 root balls stood up. Crane guy is on his way out there to look at it today. Looking like it will be close to the bid you gave. I'll have a better idea when the crane op gets out there and lets me know what I'm looking at.
made a grand in the first hour of work today with one pick off a roof and no clean up. no guilt here. nothing else woulda reached over the house and grabbed it still attached to the tree and laying on 3 wires :alien2:.
Hey AA, aren't you the guy from Pitt. that used to be on TWorld that used to climb by spiking up trees with a huge ice climbing pick in each hand? Could be wrong but same location and age.
I'm looking down your blouse right now!

I just finished a call back from a phone message. The lady said she had a tree down from last Tuesday's storm and wanted some additional work down. We're buried so I did a Bing "birds eye view" of her house to see if I even wanted the job and called her back. I told her I was looking at a satellite view of her house and asked if it was the tree by the pond. She told me it was next door to that house. She said; "There's two cars in the drive and my son is playing in the front yard." I explained, without laughing, that I couldn't see her house in real time. It was just a photo. :msp_smile:
No secrets, just had a couple of questions pertaining to business. Dealing with a large crane removal and wanted to make sure I had all of my bases covered.
Ooh... secrets. I see.

That lawn tractor thing sure is any old ass homeowners dream though! lol.

$17500 for a tree already laying down?? you guys need some extra heavy duty testosterone injections or some ####... hahaha.

I got a spare man suit laying around for those situations. lol

Downed trees are a bit goofy for me to bid though, seeing that I'm geared much more towards technical removals than debris clearing. Any idiot with some manpower and equipment can do that ####, I really just don't want to bother with it to be honest. Now if I had a crane, a grapple chipper and a few skidsteers it might be a different story.
I got a spare man suit laying around for those situations. lol

Downed trees are a bit goofy for me to bid though, seeing that I'm geared much more towards technical removals than debris clearing. Any idiot with some manpower and equipment can do that ####, I really just don't want to bother with it to be honest. Now if I had a crane, a grapple chipper and a few skidsteers it might be a different story.

Imagine all them old timers floating giant redwoods down mountains on man made wooden troughs back in the day... $17,500 for an already downed yard tree.. lol. Figure it out!!
I got a spare man suit laying around for those situations. lol

Downed trees are a bit goofy for me to bid though, seeing that I'm geared much more towards technical removals than debris clearing. Any idiot with some manpower and equipment can do that ####, I really just don't want to bother with it to be honest. Now if I had a crane, a grapple chipper and a few skidsteers it might be a different story.

a technical removal to one man can be a routine td to another
I got a spare man suit laying around for those situations. lol

Downed trees are a bit goofy for me to bid though, seeing that I'm geared much more towards technical removals than debris clearing. Any idiot with some manpower and equipment can do that ####, I really just don't want to bother with it to be honest. Now if I had a crane, a grapple chipper and a few skidsteers it might be a different story.

Piss on that! You see me with a mini for 2 minutes and you will never even consider a grapple chipper again. I went to dump chips today, came back, loaded over a cord of limbwood onto the International inside of 3 minutes with the mini. I am so GOD DAM good with that machine, that if the controls were on the boom side, Id wipe my ass with it!