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ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to drink a 6 pack of yuengling to celebrate. Just a few things to paint with a black spray can tomorrow.

We pull up to a job today and the whole yard is full of cicada killers flying around. It was neat to see them stinging the crap out of the cicadas and taking them down their holes. I am glad I had other things to do so I told the guys see ya later. sacata killers - Bing Images
Sectioned down two large pines today. Second day in a row climbing white pines, and my lanyard and climbing line are some awful gummed up. Job today was where a fatal accident occurred last summer (fellow cut his climbing line and fell about 40'. He had been hired to deadwood the tree and remove several limbs overhanging the roof. The pitch that had oozed from his spur holes (right from the ground up) was none too pretty, and neither were a whole bunch of 3"-6" stubs he left behind. Odd that the guy who died was contract climbing for another local tree service.......the same tree service that had an older employee die felling a tree 6 or 7 years ago.

Yeah I remember that one to Dave, guy wasn't insured, no wsib or anything, tragic mistake he made! Glad to hear you got them down safely! I have been to jobs like that before as well where something bad has happened and we have finished off. Eery feeling isn't it? We are somehat caught up on storm work, had to reschedule numerous jobs, people were ok with it. I gave each $100 off their jobs for being patient. Not a whole lot in the scheme of things, but they all appreciated it, and so did I for their patience! Been a great week! Long almost 18 hr days but well worth it!
Wishing Full Return to Health Rope-n-Saddle

Glad you did no permanate damage Rope n Saddle, I had a heat stroke (self diagnosed)in aug 09, made it home with my fuso and parked it crooked on street after 3 pull overs to walk off cramps, did not pee, or hold down liquids for 4 days and would sleep for 15 -20 minutes then shock to wake from cramps, wouldn't let GF take me to the hospital, water pedialite, every thing threw me into convolsions, drink a few sips and hurl quarts, finally on morning of day 4 got half watered tomato soup to stick and drippled a little pee 5 minutes latter then wattered doen pedialite, and cranbeery juice, after some reading I had gone full renal and could have died and this is why I started working hourly for Aspen Tree Service Inc. in Colorado, in the summers, had to work half days for the rest of august, probably took 10 years of my life, if I had to choose ER would be the ticket, eyes srunk in, junk srank up, still cant handle even half of the heat or stamina as before, even here I eat lots of fruit, veggie juice, and lots of water, and pace my self, was all so I would not have to drive across town to finish the next day, ended up finishing 7 days later and taking 2 mornings to do it. just turned 45 and want to live,so slow and steady and steady is fast. may have to try alaska for a summer once too,
Had both guys with me today to take down 2 cottonweeds about 26" DBH? 1 of the guys (college kid) is doing really well, had him lowering some descent sized pieces with the PW and he did really well. DF on the other hand... he serves his purpose. I was lucky in that once I lowered the brush out I could just chunk the logs down into a bunch of pacysandra / rock. The guys then went and quartered them with the 2 mauls I brought just for that purpose so we could throw them through the chipper. Not even 2 loads of chips, but we did leave a 15' stick behind in the woods. The homeowner (a friend) let me dump out behind his place because I am running low on chip dumps... but to get there I had to drive up the road, up somebody else's driveway, go over their stone wall, and turn around in their yard to get back to the property again. We left there around 6:30, I got the guys dropped off around 7 and went down to a friend's place... we just went in halves on a used tow behind compressor that he picked up this morning. Went over to check it out, not bad... not great, but not bad. 165 CFM he's gonna use it for sandblasting and to power a jackhammer or whatever from time to time, and I will use it to power the AS once in a while. Left his place to dump the second load on the truck around 7:30, got to the chip dump I've been using for a while... could see that there were problems, so I turned around and went to another one that I haven't been to in a few months... wound up running into the lady right before I dumped, BS'ed with her until almost 9. Got home and ate dinner... now to get in the shower. Hopefully the warm water will help me get the crappy cottonweed taste out of my mouth... guys said it smelled like ass, I think it tastes like piss.
Two thing I have never done before.
Big triple leader 4' dbh with few cables and splits to the ground.
Made 3 notches and 3 backcuts. 2 x 2'' ratchet stra[s and 1/2" rope wrapped 1/2 dozen times.
Pull rope was set with a bowline tied to 3' log that was pulle high into the crown and finally jammed into a crotch. Kinda funny to tie it to a log like it was a grapple.
My Brain works fnny some times.

Anyways fall down go boom!
The lower strap snapped> Thank God for back ups.
Pretty intense cut!:dizzy:
Two thing I have never done before.
Big triple leader 4' dbh with few cables and splits to the ground.
Made 3 notches and 3 backcuts. 2 x 2'' ratchet stra[s and 1/2" rope wrapped 1/2 dozen times.
Pull rope was set with a bowline tied to 3' log that was pulle high into the crown and finally jammed into a crotch. Kinda funny to tie it to a log like it was a grapple.
My Brain works fnny some times.

Anyways fall down go boom!
The lower strap snapped> Thank God for back ups.
Pretty intense cut!:dizzy:

Jeff :msp_tongue:
Two thing I have never done before.
Big triple leader 4' dbh with few cables and splits to the ground.
Made 3 notches and 3 backcuts. 2 x 2'' ratchet stra[s and 1/2" rope wrapped 1/2 dozen times.
Pull rope was set with a bowline tied to 3' log that was pulle high into the crown and finally jammed into a crotch. Kinda funny to tie it to a log like it was a grapple.
My Brain works fnny some times.

Anyways fall down go boom!
The lower strap snapped> Thank God for back ups.
Pretty intense cut!:dizzy:

That sounds like High Pucker. I've never used a log to set a pull rope, I usually set the bo'lin to go around all the leads and then tie it static somewhere mid-line. E.g. I'm using a bo'lin vs a running bo'lin so that the knot does not compress the canopy. I've seen people wo will set multiple pull ropes, then attache them to a rigging plate and a single line to the pull device/vehicle...too much work for me tensioning the individual lines.
Guy from the USDA told me that there is a couple reasons. First, to mitigate any liability, second, they believe that the bug could switch/evolve and start eating other types of wood. Eliminating their food supply removes this possibility. That what I was told when I asked him the same question. Didn't think it could happen that fast, but apparently it can?

I've heard they have found outlier populations in lilac, that were insignificant....

No one has been able to tell me what makes it obligate to ash...
Just called all and held them all off, due to the heat.......again. They where all real cool and understood. Emergency job is being held off as well, no one is in danger so it can wait. Adjuster didn't want anybody to drop from heat exhaustion, so they asked if I would wait...NO PROBLEM. So now I am looking at a couple days off............what to do? We are going out early tomorrow, quick drop and flop into the woods.

That has been my pattern for the past while, start early and knock off around lunch time, when it is in the mid nineties. One day I was in a silver maple doing fine prune and there was no breeze to speack of in the canopy, started to get light headed and gray out a few times. Truck thermometer said 101*.

Past few days I've been going up 60-70 ft-ers to get out one ote two storm hangers. The Wraptor (my Toy) is a blessing with these jobs, I spend more time getting a line set in the best possible TIP then I do working in the tree. Had some fun with those in dense canopy, I climb down to set a tip-tie, go back up to make the cut, and there is enough room for the load to fall but heavy and pass through the understory w/o too much collateral damage. I amuse myself one the ascent/descent by making corrective cuts in the understory so that there are good replacement trees for when we have to remove the pecker-poles. Most of my clients have given up on telling me not to do the extra work, I just say i am resting :laugh: Actually most of them are happy that I care, and think to do it.

Scott, did you get my address from the FB MSG? it should be in my Sig below with REMOVE THIS in the middle...which you should remove...some people do not get that part.
Guy from the USDA told me that there is a couple reasons. First, to mitigate any liability, second, they believe that the bug could switch/evolve and start eating other types of wood. Eliminating their food supply removes this possibility. That what I was told when I asked him the same question. Didn't think it could happen that fast, but apparently it can?

There is also the thought that they can spread the cost over a longer period instead of having to scramble and do it all at once. Around here they are treating the specimen quality trees and scheduling the removal of the cripples.
Yep, I got it, stupid camera cord isn't working, or the USB jack is.........jacked! I will get it fixed and send that to you. When I seen the tree, I asked my custy (who I do alot of work for, this was one of his rental's) who it was. He told me to go to his hood and look at the trees next door..........OMG. Same guy. Not sure how to handle this, its really bad work, and I don't understand why. This guy knows better. I Know I have made u more curious, lol, so I will get them to you today, even if I have to break down and but a new cord at da Best Buy! Lion tailing at it best, trees look like tall skinny umbrellas.

So the bug is over to lilac? Crazy, that's what they where talkin bout, that it might not even go after another woody tree but maybe, corn or soy beans, something like that. Our city has yet to do anything, I like what u said about yours, that's what I think it should be. Focusing on the prime examples and toasting the bad kids. But they already are wiping them out in Cedar Rapids, so it will be interesting to see what happens here, I am ready for it, still have those extra trucks and crap, 3 sets of complete gear to support three crews. Hope fully I will be outa here by then tho. Flying to Cali on the 8th to meet and greet, get tested and do paper work.

I still want a Wraptor tho, even tho if I get out there, I wont be really climbing anymore, but still taking my gear......just in case. I have been working those Indian Clubs for almost a year now, shoulders and neck are getting stronger, so I haven't been hurting so bad on the up and down jobs.

BTW, The ol mercury temp gauge hit 112 yesterday, straight temp. Watered the crap outa the garden in the AM, still wilted a bit. Now its 73, hell of a drop!
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Yep, I got it, stupid camera cord isn't working, or the USB jack is.........jacked! I will get it fixed and send that to you. When I seen the tree, I asked my custy (who I do alot of work for, this was one of his rental's) who it was. He told me to go to his hood and look at the trees next door..........OMG. Same guy. Not sure how to handle this, its really bad work, and I don't understand why. This guy knows better. I Know I have made u more curious, lol, so I will get them to you today, even if I have to break down and but a new cord at da Best Buy! Lion tailing at it best, trees look like tall skinny umbrellas.

So the bug is over to lilac? Crazy, that's what they where talkin bout, that it might not even go after another woody tree but maybe, corn or soy beans, something like that. Our city has yet to do anything, I like what u said about yours, that's what I think it should be. Focusing on the prime examples and toasting the bad kids. But they already are wiping them out in Cedar Rapids, so it will be interesting to see what happens here, I am ready for it, still have those extra trucks and crap, 3 sets of complete gear to support three crews. Hope fully I will be outa here by then tho. Flying to Cali on the 8th to meet and greet, get tested and do paper work.

I still want a Wraptor tho, even tho if I get out there, I wont be really climbing anymore, but still taking my gear......just in case. I have been working those Indian Clubs for almost a year now, shoulders and neck are getting stronger, so I haven't been hurting so bad on the up and down jobs.

BTW, The ol mercury temp gauge hit 112 yesterday, straight temp. Watered the crap outa the garden in the AM, still wilted a bit. Now its 73, hell of a drop!

Been storming here for a few hours now. Nothing but a massive green blob on the radar. Gonna hang out and do some office stuff and brew some beer later.

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