whadja do today?

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Got the smoker going 4 racks of ribs and a right underneath a big thing of baked beans... some apple wood and oak going to work. It seems to make them taste even better knowing the wood for the smoker comes from tree work.


What kind of wood are you using? We are gonna smoke some fish with Alder.
I think i'm going to grill me some back strap need to eat last years up as in two weeks should have fresh venison:monkey:

Im just trying to figure out how you could still have back strap... the tenderloins come off first thing once gut and cleaned up. Then after skinning the back straps come right off and into a marinade for the grill. They never last more then a day or two.
Im just trying to figure out how you could still have back strap... the tenderloins come off first thing once gut and cleaned up. Then after skinning the back straps come right off and into a marinade for the grill. They never last more then a day or two.

Lol well one reason is I usually harvest 3 deer and I tell my wife make sure we save some strap for the before the hunt days. Its been the secret to my success through the years :cheers:
Today was a good one... just shy of 90. Took out a ~30" diameter white pine with 4 guys on the ground. They carried all the brush and wood up about 15 steps to where the chipper was parked. Almost 3 full loads in my Dodge of chips and rakings. One of my friends asked me to look at the tree about a week ago, went over took a look and called him with a price. He relayed that to whomever, and came back to me with an Ok. Told him I'd be going there today... show up, get to work... no problems. HO comes out at some point and confirmed the price... but not the price I had given, it was $300 more... I just nodded and that was it. Called my buddy up on my way home this evening and said there was a mistake, he puts me in touch with somebody else (his contact for the job) guy didn't want to be bothered at 8:00 on a Saturday night but was mad that I talked money with the client. It sure would have been nice to know in advance that this was going on... because normally in a situation like this I would have asked for payment at the end of the job.
Friday was deadwood digger pine day, the branches are huge with fat trunks, I think these tree's are only in nor cal, could be wrong though.

This branch im on was over 30ft. long...had to take part of it over service connect line......oh, the wind wasnt helping much..lol

Trunks average 3 to 4ft....... tops are 100+ ft.


Woodsy, now don't take this the wrong way, I am not knocking ya for this...........but you are the cleanest tree guy I have ever seen. All your stuff looks like its brand new, even tho I know its not and you must be one of those guys that wear a new plain white T everyday! What is your secret? My uncle, who is about 190 sumtin, has been a carpenter all his life, worked for my dad. I remember all the brothers (11 of them, I think) giving him hell, as he was the only one that always looked like he just changed into clean clothes all day, even tho he had been there with them, busting it out all day, everyday. Some guys just have that ability I guess, LOL. Good on ya!

Had a jet go down at the Air show here yesterday, you will see it on the news, we heard it at the house, didn't know what it was at first, but it was loud. Sad, pilot never had a chance to pull the ejection cord. The spectators are so lucky, as it had just flew over the stands minutes before. Talked to some people at the store (buying paint ball junk) who witnessed it first hand. They where visibly shaken, lady just couldn't keep from tearing. She said that the other two pilots from the team just circled the crash for a long time, kinda like they didn't know what to do, they just lost their buddy right in front of them. Lots of videos already on youtube. He was in a sharp banking maneuver and couldn't pull out.
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Today was a good one... just shy of 90. Took out a ~30" diameter white pine with 4 guys on the ground. They carried all the brush and wood up about 15 steps to where the chipper was parked. Almost 3 full loads in my Dodge of chips and rakings. One of my friends asked me to look at the tree about a week ago, went over took a look and called him with a price. He relayed that to whomever, and came back to me with an Ok. Told him I'd be going there today... show up, get to work... no problems. HO comes out at some point and confirmed the price... but not the price I had given, it was $300 more... I just nodded and that was it. Called my buddy up on my way home this evening and said there was a mistake, he puts me in touch with somebody else (his contact for the job) guy didn't want to be bothered at 8:00 on a Saturday night but was mad that I talked money with the client. It sure would have been nice to know in advance that this was going on... because normally in a situation like this I would have asked for payment at the end of the job.

Yeah, well, that's on that dude, not you. His fault for not making sure that was taken care of before u started. I do a lot of work for other contractors, sometimes I deal with the money,most of the time I don't, so they can get their piece, and that is fine, but they ALWAYS make sure everyone is one the same page before I start. If they don't, I will knock on the door with my hand out.
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Worked for my nuns again yesterday (they love me). I finally took a second to adjust the radio on my chip truck. Doesn't sound half bad for a work truck. Heard Zeppelin's "The Rover" on the way to dump chips and drop off the chipper. It occurred to me (for the first time in years) life is good. I always thought driving the trucks was one of the best parts of the job. Back at it today, then I got some estimates set up for Monday.
Worked for my nuns again yesterday (they love me). I finally took a second to adjust the radio on my chip truck. Doesn't sound half bad for a work truck. Heard Zeppelin's "The Rover" on the way to dump chips and drop off the chipper. It occurred to me (for the first time in years) life is good. I always thought driving the trucks was one of the best parts of the job. Back at it today, then I got some estimates set up for Monday.

Does driving that "big" truck make you feel like a real man? :hmm3grin2orange:
Today we are riding up to central jersey , about 70 miles from here gonna go to some BBQ shack that was on tv , taking both kids and the in laws , should be kick ass for .
I finally took a second to adjust the radio on my chip truck. Doesn't sound half bad for a work truck. Heard Zeppelin's "The Rover" on the way to dump chips and drop off the chipper. It occurred to me (for the first time in years) life is good. I always thought driving the trucks was one of the best parts of the job. Back at it today, then I got some estimates set up for Monday.

I love that part too. Between the Sat radio and the AC it's a nice way to ride.

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