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Over here I would call the We*Energies and have them send Aspludh to take the risk, then I would finish and clean up their leavings. No charge, they would prefer not to have to put it back up.

They did the same thing for us a few years ago with a similar tree over the primaries. They did however leave a cluster f@#k mess of a brush pile but oh well, and the guys that did the trimming tried to snake the bid from me.
Who pays Asplundh? If Energy company was worried about that over hang wouldn't they have already cut it? Just the part over there wires I would assume. Asplundh isn't gonna do it for free obv. I am just curious how that would work.

its part of the contract, make safes. The power company's do not want us doing it. So it is a mandatory service. May even be a legal requirement. Most ops have a contact crew, their whole purpose in life is make safes. When there isnt any, they just jump in with the line crews. When I have them come out. I always cook lunch for them on my little portable grill, when I do this, for some reason, they tend to stick around! Had them do a whole job for me once, my guys just cleaned up! They didn't want to go back to line work so they hung out with us all day!
Now, when it comes over the wire that they are going to do one for me. They race to get there!
Holy Bat ****, I did more work this weekend than most do all month! Doing a job for a Marine Sgt Maj (ret). Had a tall one, maybe 100ft maple, had to put on the gaffs:angry: I hate those things, my shin is killing me! Ground a MASSIVE elm stump, chips will fill my dump trailer. Ground another big maple for Sgt Maj in the front. Had to carry the whole tree thru a 2.5ft gate. Rip and qtr the trunk, all hand carry. 2100, not bad for a Sunday! I am paying for it today.
Just my 2cents....if u try pop em out an ONE of them peels......ur screwed. Any reason u cant block or part block street and use a crane??

Yeah, its going to have to be cut right. 5 to 6 K sounds about right... well, maybe on the low side. But once the wires are sheilded 10 feet past each side of the tree its not the bad.

Heres my fun one for the day. An oak uprooted into a gray birch, the birch's root plate was lifted up six inches from the weight of the oak. I had to anchor the birch but its still standing. The oak came down nicely though.
NC..........you should have Murphy come do that one! Id like to see how "tripping a widowmaker" works on that, check out the video section!

Took out an apple with a cherry today. Uprooted the apple but stayed off the 2nd story deck behind the house and away from a big white ash with some serious trunk issues. Didn't want to hit it at all!
Today was a fun one. Got all the boys together, and the 70 ton crane. Did a BS maple on a house while waiting for the crane first thing in the morning. 3 of us worked on that, while I got 2 others set up on the main job picking away at the stump. Everybody arrives, and we hit it. Good sized hickory fell into the lake, so I wound up "borrowing" a neighbor's paddle boat in order to cut the thing and set chokers. Fought my way through that one. Had a hell of a time getting the stump to come out, and in the process the crane caved in the road a bit.
NC..........you should have Murphy come do that one! Id like to see how "tripping a widowmaker" works on that, check out the video section!


I don't think murphy's trick would have worked on this one, she was lodged in that birch pretty good. After I cut the trunk free there was an 8 footer lodge in the crotch. I have to find some dynamic rope to guy that birch, its 80ft and 20 in at the base. The Ho is a little crazy about his woods trees. Has anyone guyed anything this big before?
They did the same thing for us a few years ago with a similar tree over the primaries. They did however leave a cluster f@#k mess of a brush pile but oh well, and the guys that did the trimming tried to snake the bid from me.

Yeah, they can leave a mess, then other crews will leave a nicely staced set of piles, as if they would have to chip them. Luck of the draw.

Monday i was up in a stonedead ash treee =that had bark falling off and cracks I could get my fingers in. A few parts of the basal area wer e punky so it was desided I would bomb everything. Some of the sections were skinny enough I couldnt get my gaffs in next to each other, so I'm wobbling around up in the tops, pushing 10-15 foot stems out into the canopy below (Thank God for the Wraptor, it would have been a PITA getting op that snakey rock hard pole (incert home-erotic joke here) if I had to climbe through and above all the adjacent canpoy). The whole time I was up there an Asplundh/WeEnergies crew was watching me, quietly commenting to each other as I progressed. I yell out a"have I passed the exam yet?" No reply...
Put the boys on an uprooted red oak this morning while I got the crane mobilized. Buddy came over with his dump truck, and we loaded yesterday's stump on the back. Got the crane fueled up and back on the road. Got the red oak off the people's roof and packed up to pluck a white oak off another roof for a friend.

My buddy who I team up with for things like this has a friend who was going all out for this storm.. buying saws, loaders, etc. etc. My friend put the word out that we had the crane, if you have work for it call, because otherwise we send him home. Guy calls first thing this morning... "can you send the crane down to me? I have my own climbers, but I need to pick a tree off a house with it." I told my buddy, either we go with the crane, or the crane goes home. So he relays the message... guy wasn't too thrilled I guess... but we explained that at the end of the day we need to know, or crane goes home. So 4:00 I'm sitting with the operator, he's about to roll out... still no word. 5:30 we get the go-ahead. I call the crane company to see about having them come back tomorrow... sorry can't. I told my friend to return the call saying "sorry, no can do... but if you want to wait the price is now double." Crane company said they can't get me anything until next week, at the earliest. That's completely fine by me though, because all of my clients are set for heavy lifting; the rest is grunt work, or requires a much smaller crane. Learned my lesson from last time, when it comes to the heavy iron.... you want the machine? call their office and get on the list... otherwise give me the work, unless you're paying me you're not getting my people.
Worked on storm damage all day. Our area wasn't hit too bad. Pulled up to a job this morning to chip a damaged bradford pear. The HO was kind enough to have cut it up with his circular saw and leave it in a pile for me to chip. The HO thought he was doing me a favor. Thousands of little itty bitty pieces.
Monday i was up in a stonedead ash treee =that had bark falling off and cracks I could get my fingers in. A few parts of the basal area wer e punky so it was desided I would bomb everything. Some of the sections were skinny enough I couldnt get my gaffs in next to each other, so I'm wobbling around up in the tops, pushing 10-15 foot stems out into the canopy below (Thank God for the Wraptor, it would have been a PITA getting op that snakey rock hard pole (incert home-erotic joke here) if I had to climbe through and above all the adjacent canpoy). The whole time I was up there an Asplundh/WeEnergies crew was watching me, quietly commenting to each other as I progressed. I yell out a"have I passed the exam yet?" No reply...

I was in a dead maple like that last week. It still had some green in the bottom so I figured it wasn't too bad. I had one leader that was grave yard dead that went up over the house. I had room to bomb it if I could have got high enough in it. It was around 60'. I tried to get up in there but found a crack about 15' below where I needed to make my cut. I looked it over for a few and told myself noway I was going above that crack. I came down, broke out the bigshot and got a line over one dead little stub that was high enough and got a tag line in it. Me and my groundy pulled it away from the house and sure enough, it broke off right at the crack I had examined on the way up. After we pulled the dead out of the top I was able to go back up and bomb chunks out of what was left of the leader.
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Monday i was up in a stonedead ash treee =that had bark falling off and cracks I could get my fingers in. A few parts of the basal area wer e punky so it was desided I would bomb everything. Some of the sections were skinny enough I couldnt get my gaffs in next to each other, so I'm wobbling around up in the tops, pushing 10-15 foot stems out into the canopy below (Thank God for the Wraptor, it would have been a PITA getting op that snakey rock hard pole

Are you talking about the same tree?
You make it sound like it was going to fall down on it's own yet you can support a wraptor with a punky basal and wobbling tops. No dis-repect intended!
Jeff :msp_smile:
Bee's in the Tree's !!!!

HO got beeman to take down hive so i can get the live oak branch from hanging over roof. Beeman didnt wear gloves, and was standing on roof while dismantling hive...glad he's up there and not me !!

I can reach some from standing on roof, then limb walk the rest....only ten feet or so has to go.



HO got beeman to take down hive so i can get the live oak branch from hanging over roof. Beeman didnt wear gloves, and was standing on roof while dismantling hive...glad he's up there and not me !!

I can reach some from standing on roof, then limb walk the rest....only ten feet or so has to go.




That guy has guts, but bet he knows his beezniss
Had a call for a removal, she called at 9 am, I called her an hour later. She rips me one for not answering the phone. Tells me she hire a pro that was avail right then. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Was out doing bids, so I had to do a drive by and see who this pro was, that was avail immediately. BaaaaaaaHaaaHaaaa. Biggest, most well known crack head in the biz is there. Has his old junky log truck in her yard, ruts had to be 2 ft deep, all up in her landscape and such. She is out there SCREAMING at him, his guys is in the truck, flinging mud at the house trying to get it out. FREAKIN CLASSIC.
Had a call for a removal, she called at 9 am, I called her an hour later. She rips me one for not answering the phone. Tells me she hire a pro that was avail right then. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Was out doing bids, so I had to do a drive by and see who this pro was, that was avail immediately. BaaaaaaaHaaaHaaaa. Biggest, most well known crack head in the biz is there. Has his old junky log truck in her yard, ruts had to be 2 ft deep, all up in her landscape and such. She is out there SCREAMING at him, his guys is in the truck, flinging mud at the house trying to get it out. FREAKIN CLASSIC.

Should have got some pics for us....:laugh: