whadja do today?

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Had a call for a removal, she called at 9 am, I called her an hour later. She rips me one for not answering the phone. Tells me she hire a pro that was avail right then. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Was out doing bids, so I had to do a drive by and see who this pro was, that was avail immediately. BaaaaaaaHaaaHaaaa. Biggest, most well known crack head in the biz is there. Has his old junky log truck in her yard, ruts had to be 2 ft deep, all up in her landscape and such. She is out there SCREAMING at him, his guys is in the truck, flinging mud at the house trying to get it out. FREAKIN CLASSIC.

You should call her back and say "that's karma for ya" I hate the impatient a%% holes the ones that think the world revolves around them. She got what she deserved.
just rescued a beehive last week...


went back later after dark to give bees a chance to come back to hive.
where ever the queen is ... rest will follow.


Had a call for a removal, she called at 9 am, I called her an hour later. She rips me one for not answering the phone. Tells me she hire a pro that was avail right then. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Was out doing bids, so I had to do a drive by and see who this pro was, that was avail immediately. BaaaaaaaHaaaHaaaa. Biggest, most well known crack head in the biz is there. Has his old junky log truck in her yard, ruts had to be 2 ft deep, all up in her landscape and such. She is out there SCREAMING at him, his guys is in the truck, flinging mud at the house trying to get it out. FREAKIN CLASSIC.

That's awesome.
This is the reason I don't do weekend estimates when people call and are all in a rush to get a price, it's because bubba is working next door and told them they're only there today. Never fails, I don't return the call until Monday and never hear from them again.
Day 18 at this temp job replacing someone ill.....it was supposed to end today but buddy is still on diability, so will stick it out for the duration. Had a phone call for a position at Kearl Lake as a Warehouse Manager or possibly Materials Manager, 14 days in the bush, 7 off. I would prefer the former. In the meantime, am shipper/receiver for a tire supplies wholesaler. People are OK which is half the battle with me.:msp_rolleyes:
Trim Job today ...

Pretty laid back job today, I had four Silver maples to trim @ $500 each. Did three and left one for tomorrow. Just me and a ground guy, the job is close so I called for an early quit and will wrap it up tomorrow in a couple of hours.
Pretty laid back job today, I had four Silver maples to trim @ $500 each. Did three and left one for tomorrow. Just me and a ground guy, the job is close so I called for an early quit and will wrap it up tomorrow in a couple of hours.

Doug, could you do me favor and not post your daily income! Really, you can keep this to your self. Really! Kinda weird.
BTW, We made $5,000,000 000.00 today!!!!!
Jeff :msp_w00t:
Doug, could you do me favor and not post your daily income! Really, you can keep this to your self. Really! Kinda weird.
BTW, We made $5,000,000 000.00 today!!!!!
Jeff :msp_w00t:
Good work Jeff! But I like to reminisce of the old days so let him go.:laugh:
HO got beeman to take down hive so i can get the live oak branch from hanging over roof. Beeman didnt wear gloves, and was standing on roof while dismantling hive...glad he's up there and not me !!

I can reach some from standing on roof, then limb walk the rest....only ten feet or so has to go.




Holy crappers......
Doug, could you do me favor and not post your daily income! Really, you can keep this to your self. Really! Kinda weird.
BTW, We made $5,000,000 000.00 today!!!!!
Jeff :msp_w00t:

I bid 3 jobs at $8250 altogether today... They'll either pay me or they won't. Missed three bids over the weekend but it doesn't matter... Money cometh...
Both of those bee pics are crazy. I've never seen a hive hanging out in the open like that?
Get my truck back in a couple hours. Its weird, I feel like I am getting a new truck or something, but I miss ma baby! Total bill for new engine, $6675.00, OUCH! 3yr 100,000 mile warranty.
OK Jeff, I guess I do it to show I'm not a lowball hack, I'm a high class hack! :laugh:

At $500 a tree you call yourself a high class hack? So, how much was that mortar job on that hollow? post that number & we`ll tell you your "hack classification"

OK Jeff, I guess I do it to show I'm not a lowball hack, I'm a high class hack! :laugh:

AA Doug, I agree with Jeff, it's kind of cheeezzzy to post what you bid a job for and post it all the time....it makes you sound like a box store saw bubba with a van...just saying, you dont have to prove yourself, just take it easy and chill brotha....lots of good info, kick back and learn, you dont need to act big, your still the small dog on the porch...;)